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Oak Ridge Reservation: Compendium of Public Health Activities at the US Department of Energy

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EPA Facility ID# TN1890090003 Exit ATSDR

November 2000

Prepared by:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
National Center for Environmental Health
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Tennessee Department of Health
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
US Department of Energy

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Purpose

1.3 Agencies Involved

1.4 Public Health Issues


1.4.1 Issue 1: Worker Exposure


1.4.2 Issue 2: Off-Site Exposure


1.4.3 Issue 3: Reported Illnesses


1.4.4 Issue 4: Community Involvement


2.0 Ongoing Public Health Activities

2.1 Issue 1: Worker Exposure


2.1.1 Leukemia Case-Control Study


2.1.2 Cohort Mortality Study of DOE Chemical Laboratory Workers


2.1.3 Multiple Myeloma Case-Control Study at K-25 Plant


2.1.4 Construction Workers Mortality Study


2.1.5 Beryllium Worker Medical Surveillance Program


2.1.6 Former Oak Ridge Construction Worker


2.1.7 Former Production Workers from Oak Ridge K-25, Paducah, and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants


2.1.8 Case-Control Study of Lung Cancer and External Ionizing Radiation


2.1.9 Work Histories Evaluating New Participatory Methods

2.2 Issue 2: Off-Site Exposure


2.2.1 Public Health Assessment of the DOE Oak Ridge Reservation


2.2.2 Aerial Radiological Surveys of the Oak Ridge Reservation


2.2.3 Annual Environmental Monitoring Program


2.2.4 Off-Site Residential Well Sampling Program

2.3 Issue 3: Reported Illnesses

2.4 Issue 4: Community Involvement


3.0 Completed Public Health Activities

3.1 Issue 1: Worker Exposure


Executive Summary of Completed Worker Studies 3.1.1-3.1.11


3.1.1 Mortality Among Workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory


3.1.2 Mortality of Workers at a Nuclear Materials Production Plant at Oak Ridge (Y-12)


3.1.3 Morbidity and Mortality Among Workers at a Uranium Gaseous Diffusion Facility at Oak Ridge (K-25)


3.1.4 Mercury Workers Health Studies


3.1.5 Study of Combined Oak Ridge Facilities (Tennessee Eastman Corporation, Y-12, X-10, K-25)


3.1.6 Welders at Oak Ridge Facilities


3.1.7 Uranium Case-Control Study (TEC, Y-12, Fernald, Mallinckrodt)


3.1.8 Multi-Site Multiple Myeloma Case-Control Study


3.1.9 Childhood Leukemia Case-Control Study


3.1.10 Cyanide Health Hazard Evaluation at K-25


3.1.11 Improved Systems for Worker Exposure Surveillance


3.1.12 Exposure Assessment of Hazardous Waste, Decontamination and Decommissioning, and Clean-Up Workers—Phase I Feasibility Study


3.1.13 Prevention of Stress and Health Consequences of Downsizing and Reorganization


3.1.14 Follow-Up of Morbidity Study of Bladder Cancer and Chemical Exposures at K-25, Oak Ridge, Tennessee


3.1.15 Mortality Among Female Nuclear Weapons Workers


3.1.16 Study of Heat Stress and Performance in Carpenters at DOE Sites

3.2 Issue 2: Off-Site Exposure


3.2.1 Phase I Oak Ridge Health Study


3.2.2 Pilot Survey of Mercury Levels in Oak Ridge


3.2.3 Health Consultation on Y-12 Weapons Plant Chemical Releases intoEast Fork Poplar Creek


3.2.4 Lower East Fork Poplar Creek Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study


3.2.5 ATSDR Science Panel Meeting on the Bioavailability of Mercury in Soil


3.2.6 Health Consultation on Proposed Mercury Clean-up Level


3.2.7 Lower Watts Bar Reservoir Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study


3.2.8 Health Consultation on Lower Watts Bar Reservoir


3.2.9 Clinch River/Poplar Creek Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study


3.2.10 Community and Physician Education on PCBs in Fish


3.2.11 Watts Bar Reservoir and Clinch River Turtle Sampling Survey


3.2.12 Watts Bar Reservoir Exposure Investigation


3.2.13 Chestnut Ridge East Borrow Area Study


3.2.14 Scarboro Community Environmental Study


3.2.15 K1070A-Dye Trace Sampling Project


3.2.16 Oak Ridge Environmental Information System (OREIS)


3.2.17 Phase II of Oak Ridge Health Studies

3.3 Issue 3: Reported Illnesses


3.3.1 Health Statistics Review to Address Oak Ridge Physician's Concerns


3.3.2 Review of Clinical Information on Persons Living in or near Oak Ridge, Tennessee


3.3.3 Clinical Laboratory Analysis


3.3.4 Health Statistics Review of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis Mortality Rates


3.3.5 Public Presentation on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis


3.3.6 Oak Ridge Health Agreement Steering Panel: Feasibility of Epidemiologic Studies


3.3.7 Physician Health Education Program on Cyanide


3.3.8 Governor of Tennessee's Independent Panel on the DOE Toxic Substances Control Act Incinerator (TSCA) at the East Tennessee Technology Park


3.3.9 Presentation of the Utah Leukemia and Thyroid Disease Studies Related to Fallout From the Nevada Test Site


3.3.10 Health Assessment of the East Tennessee Region, Second Edition


3.3.11 Medical Evaluation of K-25 Workers


3.3.12 Scarboro Community Health Investigation

3.4 Issue 4: Community Involvement


3.4.1 Oak Ridge Health Studies Bulletin


3.4.2 Technical Workshop for Phase I of Oak Ridge Health Studies

3.4.3 Community Feedback Sessions for Phase I of Oak Ridge Health Studies


3.4.4 Public Meetings in Scarboro

3.4.5 Knowledge, Attitude, and Beliefs Study

3.4.6 Community Diagnosis Status Report--Anderson County and Roane County

3.4.7 Oak Ridge Health Agreement Steering Panel


4.0 Points of Contacts for the Agencies

4.1 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

4.2 Health Resources and Services Administration

4.3 National Center for Environmental Health

4.4 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

4.5 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

4.6 Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, DOE Oversight Division

4.7 Tennessee Department of Health

4.8 US Environmental Protection Agency

4.9 US Department of Energy, Health and Epidemiologic Studies

4.10 US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations

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This page last updated on February 16, 2005
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