Chapter 2. Neonatal Survey

Table 2.21. Percent of mothers giving each rating of importance to each reason for not breastfeeding1, among mothers who never breastfed their babies

Infant Feeding Practices Study II

  N Not at all
Not very
Total (%)
Baby was sick 411 81.0 4.6 5.4 9.0 100
Not enough milk 412 67.5 8.5 13.1 10.9 100
Medical reasons 414 77.3 4.8 4.8 13.0 100
Mom was sick or on medication 409 65.5 5.4 10.5 18.6 100
Formula is same as or better 413 24.5 10.7 32.4 32.4 100
Inconvenience 411 37.7 9.2 29.2 23.8 100
Breastfeeding didn't work before 413 61.7 4.6 11.1 22.5 100
Wanted to leave baby hours at a time 413 52.3 8.2 23.7 15.7 100
Wanted to go on a weight loss diet 414 68.4 9.9 11.4 10.4 100
Wanted to go back to my usual diet 410 68.0 9.5 12.4 10.0 100
Wanted to smoke 414 79.7 5.6 8.0 6.8 100
Too many household duties 414 68.6 9.4 14.0 8.0 100
Work or school 418 51.2 5.3 19.6 23.9 100
Wanted someone else to feed baby 416 44.5 9.6 25.0 20.9 100
Someone else wanted to feed baby 410 51.0 9.5 23.9 15.6 100
Wanted body back to herself 417 66.9 9.6 12.0 11.5 100
Baby's father didn't want her to 416 83.7 4.6 6.5 5.3 100
Baby's grandma didn't want her to 413 92.5 2.4 3.1 1.9 100
Wanted to use incompatible contraception 415 79.5 3.9 8.4 8.2 100

1Table is based on variables: N19A-S