Thailand Asia Regional Office
Assets and Strategic Focus

Strategic focus
In 2003, CDC began providing technical assistance (TA) to nearby countries by working with host country staff to successfully adapt Thai program models to other country national HIV programs. Through TA and cooperative agreements with the World Health Organization (WHO), ARO helps to build host-country capacity for sustainable, country-owned programs with targeted assistance in surveillance, laboratory capacity, HIV counseling and testing, adult and pediatric HIV care and treatment quality improvement, and monitoring and evaluation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission programs.
Providing TA Globally
ARO provides consultation and interactive trainings on site, at regional meetings, and through site visits. Current support focuses on the development and scale-up of country-led models in high-priority areas such as prevention among most-at-risk populations, health systems strengthening, and workforce capacity development.
Strengthening Surveillance and Health Information Systems
CDC builds in-country capacity to design, implement, and evaluate HIV/AIDS-related surveillance systems and improves broader national health information systems to collect, store, analyze, and use high-quality data essential to HIV prevention and care and treatment programs.
Success Stories
Notable Accomplishments
Working with the Thailand Ministry of Public Health, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, and related organizations throughout the region, CDC has helped to strengthen health systems and build host country capacity. Identification of priority issues, development and evaluation of model programs, and incorporation of programs into routine government systems have led to improved sustainability and host country ownership.
Since mid-2009, ARO has provided TA to lab experts in Africa and Asia. As a result, local medical technologists and laboratory managers are drawing up work plans that will move country accreditation programs forward. In Papa New Guinea, ARO provides TA on laboratory safety and an external quality assessment program, working side by side with the Clinton Foundation and WHO.
ARO adapted a systems-strengthening initiative known as HIVQUAL to fit the needs of resource-limited countries. It has become accepted as the standard for measuring and raising the quality of HIV patient care and treatment. With CDC-provided model development and financial support, HIVQUAL has grown from a 12-hospital pilot into adoption into the Thai national system of nearly 1,000 public hospitals. ARO is helping other countries integrate HIVQUAL into their national systems.
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