Over 2000 public
health professionals in many areas of specialty met in July 2000 for the
International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases. The program
included plenary sessions and symposia with invited speakers, presentations
on emerging infections, and oral poster presentations. Major topics included
current work on surveillance, epidemiology, research, communication and
training, bioterrorism, and prevention and control of emerging infectious
diseases, both in the United States and abroad.
mark your calendars for ICEID 2002, to be held March 24-27, 2002, in Atlanta,
Georgia. For more information on ICEID 2002, please see the ICEID
2002 Home Page.
ICEID 2000 Program
For an overview of
sessions and presenters from the 2000 conference, see the ICEID
2000 Program page.
ICEID 2000 Proceedings
The proceedings of
ICEID 2000 were published (electronically and in print) in a special issue
of the Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal:
Emerging Infectious Diseases June 2001;Vol 7, No 3 Supplement.