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Embargoed until 4 p.m. ET January 10, 2002
Contact: Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)
National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control
Fact Sheet
Rapid assessment of physical injuries related to the attack on
the World Trade Center New York City, September 11, 2001
The September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center
(WTC) killed and injured more people than any previous attack on a
civilian target in United States history. This study reveals the type and
severity of injuries among a sample of WTC survivors who received
emergency care at five New York City hospitals during the first 48 hours
after the attack.
- Among 790 injured survivors, emergency departments treated and
released 606 (77%) survivors; 139 (18%) were hospitalized for further
- Inhalation injuries were the most common injuries in this group
(49%) followed by eye injuries (26%), lacerations (14%), and sprains
and strains (14%).
- More than half of survivors (56%) were treated for inhalation
injuries, eye injuries, or both without other injuries. Most of these
injuries were caused by smoke, dust, debris or fumes.
- Fractures (6%), burns (5%), and closed head injuries (2%) were less
common, but most survivors with these injuries required further
hospitalization for treatment.
- The arrival of survivors at nearby hospitals peaked 2 to 3 hours
after the first plane hit the WTC. Half of survivors received medical
care within 7 hours of the attack. Approximately one-quarter (282) of
survivors arrived at hospitals by emergency medical transport.
- Twenty-nine percent (320) of survivors treated were rescue
workersfirefighters, police officers, emergency medical services
personnel, and other disaster-related personnel.
- Rescue workers sustained more significantly more eye injuries than
other survivors (39% vs. 19%) but fewer burns (2% vs. 6%).
- The average age of WTC survivors in this study was 39 years and 66%
were male.
For more information about injuries, visit the CDC's website at www.cdc.gov/ncipc/.