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Smallpox Home

Fact Sheet

Smallpox Vaccination Clinic Guide

The Smallpox Vaccination Clinic Guide is designed to facilitate and strengthen the ability of state and local officials to quickly and effectively implement voluntary, large-scale vaccination clinics in response to a smallpox outbreak. The manual was developed in consultation with state and other healthcare partners.

Following a confirmed smallpox outbreak in the United States, rapid voluntary vaccination of a large population may be required to: 1) supplement priority surveillance and containment control strategies in areas with smallpox cases, 2) reduce the "at-risk" population for additional intentional releases of smallpox virus if the probability of such occurrences is considered significant, or 3) address heightened public or political concerns regarding access to voluntary vaccination.

The guide includes the following information:

  • Vaccine delivery and packaging logistics

    The plan provides for distribution of 280 million doses of smallpox vaccine from the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile storage sites to states' field sites within 5-7 days.

  • Logistical considerations for large-scale, post-event smallpox vaccination clinics

    A schemata of a model vaccination clinic is included in the guide, and a list of equipment and supplies is provided.

  • Example of a large-scale vaccination clinic with personnel estimates

    The output goal of the example clinic model would be the administration of vaccine to 1 million persons over 10 days. The model could be expanded or contracted as needed to address changes in vaccination administration goals for different population areas.

  • Logistics for administration of the smallpox vaccine

    The Smallpox Vaccination Clinic Guide is part of the CDC Smallpox Response Plan and Guidelines, a working document that will continue to be update over the next few months.

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This page last updated September 23, 2002

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