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Fact Sheet
February 20, 2003
Contact: Laura Leathers
(770) 4885131
Pregnancy-Related Mortality
Surveillance -- United States, 1991-1999
A pregnancy-related death is one that occurs during
pregnancy or within a year after the end of pregnancy and is caused by
pregnancy complications. Most (60 percent) of pregnancy-related deaths
occurred after a live birth.
A total of 525 pregnancy-related deaths occurred in 1999
(the latest year for which data were available).
During 1991 to 1999, 4,200 deaths were found to be
During the study period, about 12 pregnancy-related deaths
occurred for every 100,000 live births.
The Healthy People 2010 Objectives for the United States
proposed reduction in maternal mortality as a priority area, urging a rate
of no more than 3.3 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Racial Disparity
A major racial disparity has persisted for more than 60
years, with black women having three to four times the risk of
pregnancy-related death that white women do. This striking difference in
the pregnancy-related mortality ratio is the largest disparity in the area
of maternal and child health.
During 1991 to 1999, black women had a pregnancy-related
mortality ratio of 30.0 per 100,000 live births, compared with 8.1 for
white women.
Maternal Age
The risk of pregnancy-related mortality increased
substantially among women aged 35 and older.
Women aged 40 and older had nearly four times the risk of
dying from a pregnancy-related cause as women aged 30-34 years and had
twice the risk for women aged 35-39 years.
Prenatal Care
Sixty percent of all pregnancy-related deaths occurred
after a live birth. Of the women who died after a live birth, those who
received no prenatal care were three to four times more likely to die of
pregnancy-related causes than women who received any prenatal care.
Regardless of when women started prenatal care, black
women still had a three to four times greater risk of pregnancy-related
deaths than white women.
The relationship between prenatal care indicators (i.e.,
components of prenatal care and number of visits) and pregnancy-related
mortality is not clear.
Leading Causes of Death
The leading causes of pregnancy-related death were
embolism (20 percent), hemorrhage (17 percent), and pregnancy-related
hypertension (16 percent).
Although the proportion of deaths to these causes has
declined in recent years, the proportion of deaths due to cardiomyopathy
(disease of the heart muscle) and other medical conditions has increased.
The percentage of deaths due to cardiomyopathy increased from 6 percent in
1991 to 9 percent in 1999; the percentage of deaths due to other medical
conditions increased from 14 percent to 20 percent during this same time
The leading cause of death varied by pregnancy outcome.
Embolism remained the leading cause of death after a live birth, while
hemorrhage was the main cause of death after a stillbirth.
Study Background
"Pregnancy-Related Mortality SurveillanceUnited States,
1991-1999 appears in the February 21, 2003, issue of the Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report, which is published CDC. The report is based on
CDC's Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System, which collects information on
pregnancy-related deaths from state health departments, maternal mortality
review committees, media reports, and individual health providers. CDCs
surveillance of pregnancy mortality began in 1987. The United States ranks
20th in maternal mortality among all nations, according to the most recent
World Health Organization estimates. Maternal mortality in the United States
declined dramatically throughout most of the 20th century, from about 850
maternal deaths for every 100,000 births in 1900 to 7.5 in 1982. Since then,
no further decrease in maternal mortality has occurred.
For a full copy of this report, see
For more information about maternal and child health
research and programs, see CDCs reproductive health website at
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