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Fact Sheet
June 14, 2005 |
Contact: CDC/NCHS Press Office
301-458-4800 |
More Boys Born Than Girls
New Report Documents Total Sex Ratios at Birth From 1940
to 2002
For the 63rd year in a row, the number of boys born in the United States
outnumbers births of girls in 2002 94,232 more boys than girls were born.
This is the central finding of a new Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) report that examines total sex ratios at birth for over six
decades. The total sex ratio is the number of male births divided by female
births times 1,000. Other findings of the report are:
- Since 1940, an average of 91,685 more male babies have been born each
year than females, a total of 5,776,130 over that 63-year period.
- The highest sex birth ratio occurred in 1946 (1,059 male births per
1,000 females) while the lowest occurred in 1991 and again in 2001 (1,046
male births per 1,000 females).
- There were three major trends in sex birth ratios over this period: a
significant decline between 1942 and 1959, a significant increase between
1959 and 1971 and another significant decline between 1971 and 2002.
- Combining all the years studied, older mothers (40 to 44 years of age
and 45 years and up) have the lowest total sex birth ratios (1,038 and
1,039 respectively) and mothers 15 to 19 years of age had the highest sex
birth ratio (1,054).
- The more children a woman has the more likely she is going to give
birth to an equal number of boys and girls.
- For all available years combined, Chinese (1,074) and Filipino mothers
(1,072) had the highest differences between the number of boys born versus
girls, while non-Hispanic black (1,031) and American Indian mothers (1,031)
had the lowest.
The report, "Trend Analysis of the Sex Ratio at Birth in the United
States," was prepared by CDCs National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
and is available at the CDC/NCHS website (www.cdc.gov/nchs).