


Div. of Media Relations
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October 23, 2001/3:00 PM, ET
Contact: CDC Media Relations
(404) 639-3286
Press Release
CDC Update: CDC summary of confirmed cases of anthrax and background information
CDC-confirmed cases of anthrax
Based on a rigorous case definition, CDC is reporting 11 confirmed cases of anthrax: 2 in
Florida, 3 in New York, 2 in New Jersey, and 4 in Washington, D.C. (in collaboration with MD
and VA). These cases include the two deaths recently reported in Washington, D.C. Both cases
were proven, through laboratory testing, to be cases of inhalation anthrax. One additional
case has been reported by the New York City Department of Health. CDC is conducting additional
tests to fully confirm this 12th case.
CDC defines a confirmed case of anthrax as 1) a clinically compatible case of cutaneous,
inhalational, or gastrointestinal illness that is laboratory confirmed by isolation of B.
anthracis from an affected tissue or site or 2) other laboratory evidence of B.
anthracis infection based on at least two supportive laboratory tests.
- Anthrax is NOT contagious from one person to another. Family members and contacts of
persons who work in or visited sites where exposure occurred are not at risk and
antibiotic therapy is not recommended for them. Other members of the community are not at
risk. Public health officials, together with the FBI, are continuing the investigation.
- Cutaneous (skin) anthrax is different from inhalation anthrax. A cutaneous infection due
to anthrax can occur if the spores are in contact with an area of skin that is not intact,
such as a cut or sore. Cutaneous anthrax is marked by a boil-like lesion that eventually
forms an ulcer with a black center. The cutaneous forms respond well to antibiotics if
treatment is started soon after symptoms appear.
- For people with suspected anthrax disease, laboratory testing is essential to diagnosis.
Tests may include:
- Cultures of blood and spinal fluid (should be done before antibiotic treatment has
been initiated)
- Cultures of tissue of fluids from affected areas.
- Microscopic examination of tissue.
- PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test that amplifies trace amounts of DNA to document
that the anthrax bacteria is present.
- Antibiotics are an effective treatment if the disease is diagnosed early on; but anthrax
can be fatal if left untreated.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to work with state and local
health departments, law enforcement officials, and other federal agencies to investigate
incidents of possible anthrax exposures around the United States. In Atlanta, CDC
officials continue to work out of a 24-hour Operations Center. The Operations Center staff
is also responding to hundreds of calls each day from the public. CDC has dispatched more
than three dozen employees to Florida, New York City, or Washington, D.C. More than 50 CDC
laboratories have processed hundreds of specimens.
For the latest update on CDC activities and on-going anthrax investigations visit www.bt.cdc.gov/ or www.cdc.gov/media/.