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Press Release
July 2, 2003 |
Contact: CDC Injury Media
770-488-4902 |
CDC Estimates Seven Million Americans
Receive Medical Attention For
Sports and Recreation-Related Injuries Each Year
An estimated seven million Americans receive medical attention for sports
and recreation-related injuries each year, revealed a new study by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Examining information from
1997 through 1999, researchers found almost one-third of these injuries
occur at sports facilities. Basketball ranked as the lead sport for injuries
among organized and backyard or pickup games. The study report, published in
the June issue of Injury Prevention, is among the first to examine all
medically attended injuries from sports and recreation-related injuries for
all ages.
Researchers found that the greatest number of people (64.4 percent)
treated for sports and recreational-related injuries range from age 5 to
24-years old. Twenty percent of those students injured missed one or more
days of school; and more than 25 percent of working Americans injured lost
one or more workdays due to their sports or recreational -related injuries.
Physical activity is a cornerstone for good health, said Sue Binder,
M.D., director of CDCs National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
"Appropriate physical conditioning, the use of safety gear, and community
involvement to provide opportunities for safe recreation is important for
children and adults.
The study provides estimates on sports and recreation-related injuries in
the United States. Additional findings are:
- For children ages five through 14-years old who received medical
attention for a sports and recreation-related injury, pedal cycling was
the most common activity. Basketball ranked as the top sport for those
15-24 that were injured, while those 25 years or older were frequently
injured in recreational sports such as racket sports, biking, golfing,
bowling, jogging or exercising.
- Males reported a sports and recreation-related injury rate more than
twice that of females.
- Males were commonly injured during basketball, football or pedal
cycling, while females were injured during exercising, gymnastics/
cheerleading or basketball.
- Almost one third (30.7 percent) of sports and recreation-related
injuries happened at a sports facility. Schools ranked second with 19.7
percent, followed by home at 16.5 percent.
- Hospitalization was required for 3 percent of the people in this
This report entitled, Sports and recreation related injury episodes in
the U.S. population, 1997-99 is based on an annual face-to-face survey
conducted by CDCs National Center for Health Statistics.
The study can be found on the web at
For more information about injury prevention, visit CDC Injurys website
at: www.cdc.gov/injury.
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