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Press Release
For Immediate Release
March 21, 2005 |
Contact: CDC Media Relations
Washington, DC Contact
(404)-353-6558 |
Rubella No Longer Major Public Health Threat
in the United States
A major public health milestone has been achieved in the United States -
the rubella virus, a major cause of serious birth defects such as deafness
and blindness, also known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), is no longer
considered to be a major public health threat in the United States, Dr. Julie
Gerberding, director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced at
the National Immunization Conference today in Washington, DC.
The elimination of rubella in the United States is a tremendous step in
protecting the health and well being of pregnant women and infants, said Dr.
Gerberding. A disease that once seriously harmed tens of thousands of
infants is no longer a major health threat, thanks to a safe and effective
vaccine and successful immunization programs across the country. We should
take pride in this accomplishment, and also recognize that we must maintain
our vigilance or we can see a resurgence of disease.
Currently about 93 percent of the nations children under age two are
vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella, according to the CDCs
National Immunization Survey. More than 95 percent of the nations children
are vaccinated against rubella by the time they enter school. The importance
of continuing vaccination cannot be emphasized enough, said Dr. Steve Cochi,
Acting Director, CDCs National Immunization Program. Cases of rubella
continue to be brought into the country by worldwide travelers and because of
bordering countries where the disease is active.
During 1964 and 1965 a rubella epidemic in the United States caused an
estimated 12.5 million cases of rubella and 20,000 cases of congenital
rubella syndrome (CRS) which led to more than 11,600 babies born deaf, 11,250
fetal deaths, 2,100 neonatal deaths, 3,580 babies born blind and 1,800 babies
born mentally retarded.
Since reporting of rubella began in 1966, the largest number of rubella
cases reported was in 1969 with 57,686 cases. Following vaccine licensure in
1969 and development of a rubella vaccination program to prevent rubella
infection during pregnancy, rubella incidence fell rapidly. By 1983, fewer
than 1,000 cases were reported per year.
In 1989, CDC established a rubella elimination goal despite a resurgence
in rubella and measles cases during the measles epidemic from 1989-1991,
reported rubella cases in the 1990s declined to all-time low numbers. From
1990 through 1999, only 117 cases of CRS were reported, 66 of these babies
were born in 1990 and 1991. In 2001, for the first time in history, less than
100 cases were reported in the United States. In 2003, there were only eight
rubella cases and one CRS case reported in the United States. In 2004, there
were only nine rubella cases reported in the United States.
Since the mid-1990s, the United States has worked closely with the Pan
American Health Organization (PAHO) and Mexico to improve rubella control in
the Americas. Those efforts have resulted in dramatic reductions of rubella
in many nations of the Americas. In September 2003, ministers of health of
all countries in the Americas resolved to eliminate rubella and CRS by 2010.
Last fall, an independent panel including internationally recognized
immunization experts from academia, the Council for State and Territorial
Epidemiologists (CSTE), the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP),
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family
Physicians (AAFP), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Mexico and
the CDC concluded that rubella virus in no longer endemic in the United
Rubella is prevented through vaccination. Rubella vaccine is recommended
for all children and for adolescents and adults without documented evidence
of immunity. It is especially important to verify that all women of
child-bearing age are immune to rubella before they get pregnant.
Although it is available as a single preparation, it is recommended that
rubella vaccine be given as MMR vaccine (protecting against measles, mumps
and rubella). The first dose of MMR should be given on or after the first
birthday; the recommended range is from 12-15 months. The second dose is
usually given when the child is 4-6 years old, or before he or she enters
kindergarten or first grade. Maintaining high coverage and rubella population
immunity in the United States among children and adults will be important to
maintain the benefits of achieving rubella elimination.