Task 1b: How to Estimate Prevalence of Supplement Use Using Proportions Using SAS Survey Procedures

In this example, to determine the prevalence rate of calcium supplement use among older adults in the U.S., you will identify women and men age 50 years and older who report calcium supplement use on the household interview.


Step 1: Determine variables of interest

This example uses the demoadv dataset (download at Sample Code and Datasets).  This dataset contains a created variable called anycalsup that has a value of 1 for those who report calcium supplement use, and a value of 2 for those who do not. A participant was considered not to have any calcium supplement use if the daily average amount of calcium supplement use was zero; otherwise, a participant was considered a supplement user (see Supplement Code under Sample Code and Module 9, Task 4 for more information). You will need to define and create a categorical variable calcium indicating whether persons report supplement use (100 = calcium supplement use; 0 = no calcium supplement use).