Stay Current on Health Alerts & Emergencies
State, tribal, local, and territorial health departments can use and share these CDC resources to stay informed about current and emerging public health issues.
Subscribe to Alerts

- Health Alert Network (HAN)—CDC’s primary method of sharing information about urgent public health incidents
- Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA)—Timely information for clinicians and healthcare providers related to emergency preparedness and response and emerging public health threats
- Epi-X: The Epidemic Information Exchange—CDC’s secure network for public health officials that provides up-to-the-minute alerts, reports, and discussions
- GovDelivery Bulletins—Sign up to get emails or texts about the topics you choose, such as emergency preparedness and response, diseases and conditions, training, publications and campaigns, and information from specific CDC programs
- CDC Emergency Partners Newsletter—Information for organizations that work with communities when an emergency happens. View the archives.
- Follow @CDCemergency on Twitter
Emergency Preparedness & Response Resources

- Emergency Preparedness and Response—Information for public and emergency responders on how to stay safe during public health emergencies.
- Emergency-related Training and Education
- CDC Support to Senior Health Officials [PDF – 155KB]—Guidance for senior health officials about how CDC can help respond to emerging local health concerns, and how they can communicate, consult, and partner with CDC leaders and staff
- Requesting an Epi-Aid [PDF – 131KB]—How to request epidemiologic assistance from the Epidemic Intelligence Service
- Travel Health Notices—Searchable site with information about country-specific disease outbreaks and other conditions that affect travelers’ health
- CDC Online Newsroom—Public health news, press releases, government public health news, medical and disease news, story ideas, and photos
- Page last reviewed: February 15, 2017
- Page last updated: April 17, 2017
- Content source: