Nine line CASEVAC

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  • A method to provide clear and concise instructions for a CASEVAC
  • Standard format used in the US military


Line 1

  • Landing zone (LZ) coordinates using 8 digit grid system

Line 2

  • Call sign and frequency used by the unit at the LZ

Line 3

  • Patient priority status and patient count
  • Priority status includes:
    • Alpha - Urgent
    • Bravo - Urgent Surgical
    • Charlie - Priority
    • Delta - Routine
    • Echo - Convenience

Line 4

  • Special equipement
  • Examples include:
    • Alpha – none
    • Bravo – hoist
    • Charlie – extraction equipment
    • Delta - ventilator

Line 5

  • Number of patients by type for aircraft configuration
  • Types:
    • Lima – Litter patients
    • Alpha – Ambulatory patients

Line 6

  • Security at the landing zone
  • Codes:
    • November - no enemy troops
    • Papa - possible enemy troops (approach with caution)
    • Echo - enemy troops in area (approach with caution)
    • X-Ray - enemy troops in area (armed escort required)

Line 7

  • Methods used to mark landing zone
  • Methods:
    • Alpha - panels
    • Bravo - pyrotechnic signal
    • Charlie - smoke signal
    • Delta - none
    • Echo - other

Line 8

  • Patient’s nationality
  • Codes:
    • Alpha - US military
    • Bravo - US civilian
    • Charlie - non US military
    • Delta - non US civilian
    • Echo - enemy prisoner of war

Line 9

  • Contamination with nuclear, biologic, or chemical weapons
  • Types of contamination:
    • November - nuclear
    • Bravo - biological
    • Charlie - chemical


During a recon mission you are within 1 km of an insurgent strong hold. Your team has been discovered and has taken on fire. A marine and non-US assess are critically wounded. You grid location location for the most optimal LZ is GT01299938. Your call sign is Obs Alpha, and you are operating on frequency 99.25.

  • Line 1: GT01299938
  • Line 2: Obs Alpha on 99.25
  • Line 3: 2 Bravos
  • Line 4: Alpha
  • Line 5: 2 Lima
  • Line 6: X-ray
  • Line 7: Delta
  • Line 8: 1 Alpha, 1 Charlie
  • Line 9: None

See Also


Neil Young