BLS (Main)

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  • Compressions
    • Push hard, deep (at least 2 inches, or 5 cm) and fast (100-120 compressions per minute)
    • Do everything possible to minimize compression interruption
  • Ventilation
    • 30:2 ratio when do not have advanced airway (1 and 2 rescuer)
      • Do not overventilate! (leads to decreased venous return)
    • 8-10 breaths per min when intubated


  • Compressions
    • Push hard (≥ 1/3 chest diameter) and fast (100-120/min), but no more than 6 cm in adolescents
  • Ventilation
    • NO perfusing rhythm
      • 15:2 ratio when do not have advanced airway (30:2 for 1-rescuer)
        • Do not overventilate! (leads to decreased venous return)
        • Deliver breath with inspiratory time of 1s
      • 8-10 breaths per min when intubated
    • YES perfusing rhythm
      • Give rescue breaths 12-20 per min (“squeeze-release-release”)

See Also

External Links


2015 AHA Guidelines