Pediatric vital signs

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See critical care quick reference for vital signs by age group.


Age Pulse Respiratory Rate Systolic BP
Preterm < 1 kg 120-160 30-60 36-58
Preterm 1 kg 120-160 30-60 42-66
Preterm 2 kg 120-160 30-60 50-72
Newborn 126-160 30-60 60-70
Up to 1 year 100-140 30-60 70-80
1-3 years 100-140 20-40 76-90
4-6 years 80-120 20-30 80-100
7-9 years 80-120 16-24 84-110
10-12 years 60-100 16-20 90-120
13-14 years 60-90 16-20 90-120
15 years and older 60-90 14-20 90-130



  • 0-28dy >60
  • 1-12mo >70
  • 1-10yrs = 70 + (Age x 2)
  • >10yrs = >90

Note: Lower limit of DBP = 2/3 SBP

See Also

See Also


  • National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines. 2015. 12. Full text