Posterior ankle splint

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  • Also know as "Short-Leg Posterior Splint"
  • Adding a coaptation splint (stirrup) to the posterior splint eliminates inversion / eversion - especially useful for unstable fracture and sprains.


  • Distal tibia/fibula fracture
  • Tarsal/metatarsal fracture
  • Reduced dislocations
  • Severe sprains
  • Achilles tendon rupture (equinus position)


Posterior Ankle Splint.gif
  • Assess distal pulse, motor, and sensation
  • Apply padding and splint material (e.g. Ortho-glass) as shown
    • If patient can tolerate prone position and flexing knee to 90 degrees, will help with placement
    • Flex ankle to 90 degrees unless Achilles tendon rupture
    • Splint should run from plantar surface of the great toe or metatarsal heads along the posterior lower leg and ends 2 inches distal to the fibular head to avoid compression of the common peroneal nerve [1]
  • Maintain position until splint material hardens and secure to leg (e.g. ace wraps)
  • Reassess distal pulse, motor, and sensation

See Also


  1. Splints and Casts: Indications and Methods Accessed April 5, 2017