This document is provided by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ONLY as an historical reference for the public health community. It is no longer being maintained and the data it contains may no longer be current and/or accurate.
The purpose is to provide assistance to the states who are working with the HSEES Prevention Outreach Plan. A model intervention format was created to assist the states in sharing knowledge and resources, assessing the effectiveness of various approaches, setting priorities for allocating resources, and addressing problems that were identified.
The Logic Model is a new method that is currently being utilized by CDC/ATSDR to aid in evaluation, program planning, and processes. Its role as an aid to program planning is most helpful to a prevention outreach plan. In program planning, the Logic Model will be helpful in elaborating on the relationship between activities, targets, and effects. The Logic Model is a tool that helps to describe the program, which is a necessary part of both planning and evaluation, by laying out a map of goals and a chain of events. The Logic Model also relates program activities to their effects, which help to keep stakeholders focused on achieving outcomes, while remaining flexible and open to finding the best means for accomplishing the work.
What we might learn from Logic Models:
Program Plan Steps: (from Logic Model) | Evaluation Framework Steps: |
Three questions that should be asked when preparing intervention proposals:
*Note-It may be helpful to refer to the listings of Activities and Stakeholders that were compiled from past HSEES states' prevention outreach proposals.
To develop effective activities for:
States' Interventions/Activities: (As identified by HSEES states)
Target Groups/Stakeholders: (As identified by HSEES states)
Logic Model
Purpose: To illustrate the relationships between activities, targets, and effects.
I. Introductory Paragraph
II. Terminology:
III. Illustration of the Logic Model
Example Logic Model Illustration of Intervention Activities