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Topic 2.2 Developing Ways to Communicate with Community Members


Communication methods should be developed with two-way interactions in mind. To do this, the public health assessment team should ask community members how they prefer to provide and receive information. The team members should be sure that the methods used to communicate are available to everyone who wants to participate. For instance, Web sites should only be used if everyone in the community who is interested in the site has access to a computer and to the Web site.

Information might be presented using written materials, audio and video presentations, and personal interactions. Click on the following terms  below to view information about these methods.

Written materials

Written materials might include fliers, fact sheets, newsletters, and reports such as health consultations and public health assessment documents. These materials can be produced any time during the health assessment process.

Audio and visual

Audio and visual aids useful in communicating ideas and messages might include radio and television announcements, poster displays, videos about the site, and photographs of areas of concern.

Personal interaction

Personal interaction activities include telephone calls (with individuals or groups), work group interactions, one-on-one meetings, and public meetings.

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