Course Details

Course Title: Public Health Assessment Overview 2 - Exposure Pathways and Toxicologic Evaluation
Presented by: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Course Description:

This Course will provide participants with basic information on analyzing exposure pathways and about procedures for evaluating the public health implications of the chemicals in completed exposure pathways.

Learning objectives for this course:

After completing this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Define the five elements of an exposure pathway.
  • Use comparison values to help select chemicals for further evaluation.
  • List the three key steps in conducting a toxicologic evaluation.

Target Audience:

This web-based module has been designed for public and environmental health professionals who participate in the environmental health assessment process at the local and state level. The audience includes health assessors, environmental health specialists, epidemiologists, toxicologists, public health advisors, health educators/communicators, community involvement specialists, physicians, nurses, program managers, and administrators.


Public Health Assessment Overview 2: Exposure Pathways and Toxicologic Evaluation is a basic, introductory course intended for public health professionals. No additional knowledge or skills are required beyond those required for professional credentialing.

Faculty and Credentials:

Kris Larson, MHEd, Lead Health Education Specialist,
DHAC/ATSDR– Subject Matter Expert and CHES Advisor
Wilma López, BS, MS, Health Communication Specialist, NCEH/ATSDR– Web Coordinator
Sandra M. López-Carreras, BS, MS, Health Scientist,
DHAC/ATSDR– Project Manager and Subject Matter Expert
Lourdes Rosales-Guevara, MD, Medical Officer, DHAC/ATSDR–
Subject Matter Expert and CME Advisor
Hilda Shepeard, MBA, PhD, Branch Chief, HPCIB/DHAC/ATSDR–
Subject Matter Expert
Matthew Sones, MS, MPH, Deputy Branch Chief, HPCIB/DHAC/
ATSDR– Subject Matter Expert
María Terán-McIver, BS, MSN, Senior Program Management
Officer, DHAC/ATSDR– Subject Matter Expert and CNE Advisor
Eastern Research Group and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory/CyberScience Design
: Web-Site Development
Contact Information:
Sandra M. López-Carreras, BS, MS