Cancer Causes and Control Journal Supplement

CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control sponsored a special issue in Cancer Causes & Control, “The Reach and Health Impacts of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.” In 2015, the NBCCEDP celebrated its 25th anniversary. Since 1990, the program has provided breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to more than 4.8 million low-income, underinsured, and uninsured women across the United States. It is the largest organized cancer screening program in the country, and is designed to reach women who may not have access to these services otherwise.
Together, the articles in this special issue report on the reach and health impact of the NBCCEDP, and help us understand the challenges and opportunities in improving access to cancer screening for all women. The findings indicate that the NBCCEDP continues to reach women who are medically underserved.
Key Findings
- About one-third of women who are eligible for the NBCCEDP were not screened for cervical cancer, either within or outside the program.
- About 60% of all women who are eligible for the NBCCEDP were not screened for breast cancer.
- Compared to other women with breast cancer, women diagnosed with breast cancer through the NBCCEDP were diagnosed at a later stage.
- Among women diagnosed through the NBCCCEDP—
- Distant-stage breast cancer was more common among older women, black women, and those whose mammograms were diagnostic.
- Distant-stage cervical cancer was more common among older women and those who had not been screened within the last 5 years.
Articles in Supplement
Guy GP Jr, Tangka FK, Hall IJ, Miller JW, Royalty J. The reach and health impacts of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):649–650.
Program-Wide Articles
Adams EK, Bayakly AR, Berzen AK, Blake S, Joski P, Li C, Hall IJ, Sabatino SA. Enhancing screening and early detection among women transitioning to Medicare from the NBCCEDP in Georgia. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):795–803.
Dalzell LP, Tangka FK, Powers DS, O’Hara BJ, Holmes W, Joseph K, Royalty J. Data sources for identifying low-income, uninsured populations: application to public health—National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):699–709.
DeGroff A, Cheung K, Dawkins-Lyn N, Hall MA, Melillo S, Glover-Kudon R. Identifying promising practices for evaluation: the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):767–774.
Lantz PM, Mullen J. The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: 25 years of public health service to low-income women. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):653–656.
Miller JW, Royalty J, Henley J, White A, Richardson LC. Breast and cervical cancers diagnosed and stage at diagnosis among women served through the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):741–747.
Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Ekwueme DU, Trogdon J, Crouse W, Royalty J. Explaining variation across grantees in breast and cervical cancer screening proportions in the NBCCEDP. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):689–695.
Articles About Breast Cancer Screening
Hall IJ, Johnson-Turbes A. Use of the Persuasive Health Message framework in the development of a community-based mammography promotion campaign. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):775–784.
Hall IJ, Johnson-Turbes A, Berkowitz Z, Zavahir Y. The African American Women and Mass Media (AAMM) campaign in Georgia: quantifying community response to a CDC pilot campaign. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):787–794.
Howard DH, Tangka FK, Royalty J, Dalzell LP, Miller J, O’Hara B, Joseph K, Kenney K, Guy G, Hall IJ. Breast cancer screening of underserved women in the USA: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 1998-2012. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):657–658.
Ryerson AB, Miller J, Eheman CR. Reported breast symptoms in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):733–740.
White A, Miller J, Royalty J, Ryerson AB, Benard V, Helsel W, Kammerer W. Clinical outcomes of mammography in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 2009–2012. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):723–732.
Wu M, Austin H, Eheman CR, Myles Z, Miller J, Royalty J, Ryerson AB. A comparative analysis of breast cancer stage between women enrolled in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program and women not participating in the program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):751–758.
Articles About Cervical Cancer Screening
Benard VB, Royalty J, Saraiya M, Rockwell T, Helsel W. The effectiveness of targeting never- or rarely screened women in a national cervical cancer screening program for underserved women. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):713–719.
Tangka FK, Howard DH, Royalty J, Dalzell LP, Miller J, O'Hara BJ, Sabatino SA, Joseph K, Kenney K, Guy GP Jr, Hall IJ. Cervical cancer screening of underserved women in the United States: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 1997–2012. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):671–686.
Watson M, Benard V, Lin L, Rockwell T, Royalty J. Provider management of equivocal cervical cancer screening results among underserved women, 2009–2011: follow-up of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):759–764.
Concluding Commentary
White MC, Wong FL. Preventing premature deaths from breast and cervical cancer among underserved women in the United States: insights gained from a national cancer screening program. Cancer Causes & Control 2015;26(5):805–809.
- Page last reviewed: August 31, 2015
- Page last updated: August 31, 2015
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