Contracting Opportunities
Visit FedBizOpps to find current business opportunities throughout the Federal Government. FedBizOpps allows you to search thousands of active federal opportunities and register to be notified of newly posted opportunities in your industry. This website lists business opportunities at CDC and other Federal Agencies.
This web site is the one-stop gateway to all open market federal business opportunities over $25,000. Actions being competed under GSA Schedule, under an Agency blanket purchase agreement (BPA), or under an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract will not be found at FedBizOpps because those competitions are only available to existing contract or blanket purchase agreement (BPA) holders.
Click here for more information on contract types and vehicles.
To access CDC’s latest contract opportunities over $25k:
- Visit FedBizOpps page
- In the Agency field, begin typing and select “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Enter other preferred search parameters, if applicable
- Review results and select the solicitation name for more information
Reverse Auction Sites

Reverse auctions are one tool used by CDC to increase competition and reduce the cost of certain items. Reverse auctions differ from traditional auctions in that sellers compete against one another to provide the lowest price or highest-value offer to a buyer. The objective in using a reverse auction is to leverage competition, enabling agencies to obtain lower prices and reduce acquisition costs. This acquisition technique is typically used to purchase non-complex commodities and simple services and is designed to drive down the total cost of acquisitions and increase savings to customers and taxpayers.
GSA has an established web portal and software tool that CDC could use to conduct reverse auctions. Additional information about the tool and the reverse auction process can be found on the GSA website.
There are also commercial reverse auction sites that CDC may utilize when deemed suitable.
Small Businesses
Visit the Small Business page, How do I Find Small Business Opportunities at CDC? for more information.
- Page last reviewed: May 5, 2017
- Page last updated: May 5, 2017
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