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Adam E, Decker DG, Herbst AL, Noller KL, Tilley BC, Townsend DE. Vaginal and cervical cancers and other abnormalities associated with exposure in utero to diethylstilbestrol and related synthetic hormones. Cancer Res 1977 April;37(4):1249-51. Antonioli DA, Burke L, Friedman EA. Natural history of diethylstilbestrol-associated genital tract lesions: cervical extopy and cervicovaginal hood. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980;137(7):847-53. Assies J. Hyperprolactinaemia in diethylstilbestrol-exposed women [letter]. Lancet 1991;337:983. Barnes AB. Menstrual history and fecundity of women exposed and unexposed in utero to diethylstilbestrol. J Reprod Med 1984;29:651-5. Barnes AB, Fish C, Gundersen JH, et al. Vaginal and cervical changes in DES-exposed women. Resident Staff Phys 1981;12:112-3. Ben-Baruch G, Menczer J, Mashiach S, Serr DM. Uterine anomalies in diethylstilbestrol-exposed women with fertility disorders. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1981;60(4):395-7. Bibbo M, Gill WB, Azizi F, Blough R, Fang VS, Rosenfield RL, et al. Follow-up study of male and female offspring of DES-exposed mothers. Obstet Gynecol 1977;49(1):1-7. Burke L, Antonioli D, Friedman EA. Evolution of diethylstilbestrol-associated genital tract lesions. Obstet Gynecol 1981;57(1):79-84. DeCherney AH, Cholst I, Naftolin F. Structure and function of the fallopian tubes following exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) during gestation. Fertil Steril 1981;36(6):741-5. Haney AF, Hammond CB, Soules MR, Creasman WT. Diethylstilbestrol-induced upper genital tract abnormalities. Fertil Steril 1979;31:142-6. Herbst AL, Hubby MM, Anderson D. Neoplastic changes in the human female genital tract following intrauterine exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Progr Cancer Res Therapy 1984;31:389-99. Herbst AL, Poskanzer DC, Robboy SJ, Friedlander L, Scully RE. Prenatal exposure to stilbestrol: a prospective comparison of exposed female offspring with unexposed controls. 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