After a Storm

	Curbside Mailbox with Melting Snow on Its Top

Winter storms can bring a number of potential hazards. If you had to leave your home during a storm, stay safe during your return and post-storm cleanup by following the tips and information provided here.

Returning Home After a Winter Storm

When returning home after a winter storm, you can take steps to stay safe from any hazards you might face, like carbon monoxide, electrical hazards, and food and water issues. To learn more, see Returning Home After a Disaster, which provides tips relevant to all types of disasters.

Clean Up After a Winter Storm

Winter storms can create a bit of a mess. While you might be eager to clean up after a storm, it’s important to be aware of any safety issues that might come up during your post-storm cleanup. For more information, see Clean Up Safely After a Disaster, which provides cleaning tips relevant to all types of disasters.
