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Guideline Resources: CDC Opioid Guideline Mobile App


CDC Opioid Guideline App:
Prescribe with Confidence

Photo of the app with the MME calculator screen

CDC’s new Opioid Guideline App is designed to help providers apply the recommendations of CDC’s Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain into clinical practice by putting the entire guideline, tools, and resources in the palm of their hand. Managing chronic pain is complex, but accessing prescribing guidance has never been easier.

The application includes a Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) calculator*, summaries of key recommendations and a link to the full Guideline, and an interactive motivational interviewing feature to help providers practice effective communications skills and prescribe with confidence.

Free Download

The new CDC Opioid Guideline App is now available for free download on Google Play (Android devices) and in the Apple Store (iOS devices).

iTunes App Store
Google Play


*MME Calculator Disclaimer: This calculator is not intended to replace clinical judgement or to guide opioid dosing for patients receiving active cancer treatment, palliative care, end-of-life care, or for patients younger than 18. The application is not intended to provide guidance on dosing of opioids as part of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. The calculator does not account for incomplete cross-tolerance between opioids and should not be used to guide opioid rotation or conversion between different opioids. This is especially important for fentanyl and methadone conversions. Equianalgesic dose ratios are approximations and do not account for interactions between opioids and other drugs, patient weight, hepatic or renal insufficiency, genetic factors, and other factors affecting pharmacokinetics.