Resources for Hepatitis Awareness Month and Hepatitis Testing Day

The month of May is designated as Hepatitis Awareness Month in the United States, and May 19th is Hepatitis Testing Day. During May, CDC and its public health partners work to shed light on this hidden epidemic by raising awareness of viral hepatitis and encouraging priority populations to get tested.
What can you do for May?
Promote the Hepatitis Risk Assessment
Share this 5 minute online assessment developed by the CDC which provides a personalized report on hepatitis testing and vaccination recommendations. Supporting Buttons/Badges
Publicize Your Ongoing Services
If your organization provides ongoing hepatitis testing and vaccination services, please visit and fill out an online form to make sure your services are registered within their database. This site is a tool for people to enter their zip code and find ongoing services in their area.
Utilize Free Resources
Digital Tools – Buttons, Banners
Visit this page to find an array of digital tools including buttons, badges, and banners in different shapes and sizes that are ready for use on websites and in emails.
Live-read Radio PSA Scripts
Pitch these Live-read Radio PSA Scripts to local radio stations are provided in support of Hepatitis Awareness Month and Hepatitis Testing Day.
CDC has multiple viral hepatitis posters available for ordering at no cost. Some posters are available in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Request a Proclamation
A proclamation is an official designation of a day or event that can be used as a tool for gaining public recognition. Proclamations can come from any level of government and carry the full endorsement and support of the government entity that issues the proclamation. You can request a Hepatitis Awareness Month and/or national Hepatitis Testing Day (May 19) proclamation to be issued in your community. Check out some background information to help get May designated as Hepatitis Awareness Month and/or May 19th as Hepatitis Testing Day.
Share the ABCs of Viral Hepatitis
Share our feature on the ABCs of Viral Hepatitis and help others learn facts about each type of hepatitis and promotes the Hepatitis Risk Assessment. Also, download this one page factsheet [PDF – 1 page] on hepatitis A, B, and C which was developed for the media and provides hepatitis basics and public health strategies.
Share Campaign Resources
Know More Hepatitis is an educational campaign aiming to increase testing for Hepatitis C among people born during 1945-1965. Supporting fact sheets, posters, infographic, buttons & badges, live-read radio scripts, templates, and other resources can all be found under campaign materials.
Know Hepatitis B is an educational campaign aiming to increase testing for Hepatitis B among Asian Americans. This multilingual campaign has materials in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese with select fact sheets also available in Burmese, Hmong, Khmer, and Lao. Supporting videos, fact sheets, posters, infographics, customizable flyers, and other materials can all be found under campaign materials. Hepatitis B is common in many other parts of the world as well, so fact sheets in additional languages, including Arabic, Amharic, French, Somali and Swahili are also available.
Stay Connected with Twitter
Follow @cdchep on Twitter to receive information from CDC about hepatitis resources, tools, publications, campaign updates, and events. Use the hashtags #HepAware, #HepTestingDay, and #hepatitis to join the conversation and help us share information on viral hepatitis.
Sign-up for Email Updates
Get CDC Viral Hepatitis email updates and stay informed about new publications, recommendations, new materials or significant events.
More Information
• CDC Viral Hepatitis Homepage
• Hepatitis Risk Assessment
• Know More Hepatitis
• Know Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis Testing Day
- Page last reviewed: May 17, 2017
- Page last updated: September 12, 2017
- Content source: