
Web Feature

Father with baby.

Is Your Child Protected against Hib Disease?
Hib bacteria can cause severe diseases like meningitis, but Hib disease is vaccine-preventable. Your child should get the full series of Hib shots as a baby and one booster shot when they are 12 through 15 months old.

English | Spanish


Emerging Infectious Diseases cover of Invasive Disease Caused by Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae

Invasive Disease Caused by Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae
Listen To This Podcast (6:18 minutes)

Dr. Elizabeth Briere discusses nontypeable H. influenzae, which causes a variety of infections in children and adults.
Date Released: 11/17/2015


Listen To This Podcast (1:56 minutes)

This podcast gives a general overview of meningitis, including what it is, the five types, and the causes.
Date Released: 10/24/2012

Prevent Pneumonia

Prevent Pneumonia
Listen To This Podcast (4:50 minutes)

This podcast explains what pneumonia is, its symptoms, and how to prevent it.
Date Released: 5/23/2012

Invasive Meningococcal Men Y Disease.

Invasive Haemophilus influenzae Disease, Europe, 1996–2006
Listen To This Podcast (5:16 minutes)

This podcast discusses H. influenzae disease in Europe from 1996 through 2006, and the effect of vaccination on disease prevalence.
Date Released: 4/5/2010

Print Materials

Hib Fact Sheet for Parents: The Basics.

Hib Fact Sheet for Parents: The Basics
This fact sheet describe symptoms of infection as well as benefits and risks of vaccination.

English[2 pages] | Spanish[2 pages]

Hib Fact Sheet for Parents: In Depth.

Hib Fact Sheet for Parents: In Depth[2 pages]
This fact sheet describe symptoms of infection as well as benefits and risks of vaccination. It also includes a story from a family affected by Hib disease and additional details about the vaccine and history of the disease.

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