Once partners are interested, determining the purpose and priorities for the group helps to start moving things in the right direction. Launching a successful coalition means establishing structure and engaging willing leadership to step up. As the group works to develop common goals and a shared vision, the various partners can learn about each other's work and the different ways in which they talk (and think) about HPV vaccination. This is also a first step in developing relationships and committing to making progress as a team. Here are some tips for navigating each of these foundational steps:
- Establish a Vision
- Draft a mission statement with two or three measurable goals.
- Create boundaries about what the group will or won’t do.
- Establish Structure
- Discuss structure that may work best considering the number of participants and decision makers.
- Establish convener/backbone organization(s) to ensure work progresses
- Recruit Leadership
- Having a well-known clinician champion or thought leader can make the coalition’s effort and activities especially relevant.
- Support staff can help manage projects so that the champion can focus their time where needed.
- Convene a Network
- Focus on bringing key partners together—clinician groups (AAP and AAFP chapters), state cancer and immunization programs, cancer centers, ACS local chapters, and immunization and cancer partners.
- Prepare a presentation or information about why participation is important and highlight strategic opportunities for success. Share clearly defined expectations.
- Plan a kick-off meeting—a full day or half day meeting in person. Assigning pre-meeting work and reading can set the stage for a productive time—ask each organization to answer a few questions about their needs and what resources they have.
- Page last reviewed: November 15, 2016
- Page last updated: November 15, 2016
- Content source: