Curriculum - Biological Terrorism Training for Sentinel Laboratories

Curriculum Description
Curriculum Title: Curriculum – Biological Terrorism Training for Sentinel Laboratories
Curriculum Duration: 5 courses at 60-90 minutes each
Curriculum Description: Each of these intermediate-level, interactive online course modules reviews a component of the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) protocols for bioterrorism agent identification. The modules include case studies, real-life laboratory scenarios and links to resource information. Course materials may be used as part of a laboratory’s competency assessment program for terrorism preparedness. Updated for 2014, the six course modules are listed below.
Curriculum Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- List potential bioterrorism agents that must be reported to public health authorities, and explain the role of the clinical laboratory in detecting these organisms in clinical specimens.
- Discuss standardized laboratory tests used to isolate and identify Bacillus anthracis, Brucella spp,Burkholderia spp, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis, and explain how to use these tests to rule out or refer isolates.
- Define biosecurity, including threats, vulnerabilities and relationship to biosafety.
- Explain how to conduct a laboratory biosecurity risk assessment and use the results to formulate a complete biosecurity plan.
- Identify appropriate reference resources.
For more information on Continuing Education (CE) credit types and details, please visit the CDC Laboratory Training Continuing Education page.
- Page last reviewed: April 12, 2016
- Page last updated: April 12, 2016
- Content source: