Selected weekly by a senior CDC scientist from the standard sections listed below. -
- Encephalitis caused by pathogens transmitted through organ transplants, United States, 2002-2013
Basavaraju SV, Kuehnert MJ, Zaki SR, Sejvar JJ. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1443-51. - Severe respiratory illness associated with enterovirus D68 - Missouri and Illinois, 2014
Midgley CM, Jackson MA, Selvarangan R, Turabelidze G, Obringer E, Johnson D, Giles BL, Patel A, Echols F, Oberste MS, Nix WA, Watson JT, Gerber SI. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014 Sep 12;63(36):798-9. - What obstetrician-gynecologists should know about Ebola: a perspective from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
 Jamieson DJ, Uyeki TM, Callaghan WM, Meaney-Delman D, Rasmussen SA. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Sep 8.
- Preparing for human papillomavirus vaccine introduction in Kenya: implications from focus-group and interview discussions with caregivers and opinion leaders in western Kenya
 Friedman AL, Oruko KO, Habel MA, Ford J, Kinsey J, Odhiambo F, Phillips-Howard PA, Wang SA, Collins T, Laserson KF, Dunne EF. BMC Public Health. 2014 ;14:855.
- Nutritional status of refugee children entering DeKalb County, Georgia
Shah AY, Suchdev PS, Mitchell T, Shetty S, Warner C, Oladele A, Reines S. J Immigr Minor Health. 2014 Oct;16(5):959-67. - Use of clinical preventive services in infants, children, and adolescents
Boyle CA, Perrin JM, Moyer VA. JAMA. 2014 Sep 10. - Early hearing detection and intervention among infants - Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey, United States, 2005-2006 and 2009-2010
Gaffney M, Eichwald J, Gaffney C, Alam S. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:20-6.
- Creating student sleuths: how a team of graduate students helped solve an outbreak of Salmonella Heidelberg infections associated with kosher broiled chicken livers
Hanson H, Hancock WT, Harrison C, Kornstein L, Waechter H, Reddy V, Luker J, Malavet M, Huth P, Gieraltowski L, Balter S. J Food Prot. 2014 Aug;77(8):1390-3.
The names of CDC authors are indicated in bold text. Articles published in the past 6-8 weeks authored by CDC or ATSDR staff. -
- Prevalence and incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus in a population-based registry of American Indian and Alaska Native people, 2007-2009
 Ferucci ED, Johnston JM, Gaddy JR, Sumner L, Posever JO, Choromanski TL, Gordon C, Lim SS, Helmick CG. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2014 Sep;66(9):2494-502. - Pulmonary function, chronic respiratory symptoms, and health-related quality of life among adults in the United States-National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2010
Wheaton AG, Ford ES, Thompson WW, Greenlund KJ, Presley-Cantrell LR, Croft JB. BMC Public Health. 2013 ;13:854. - Does knowing one's elevated glycemic status make a difference in macronutrient intake?
Bardenheier BH, Cogswell ME, Gregg EW, Williams DE, Zhang Z, Geiss LS. Diabetes Care. 2014 Sep 9. - Age adjustment of diabetes prevalence: use of 2010 US Census data 2010
Li C, Ford ES, Zhao G, Wen XJ, Gotway CA. J Diabetes. 2014 Sep;6(5):451-61. - Noninfectious disease among the Bhutanese refugee population at a United States urban clinic
 Kumar GS, Varma S, Saenger MS, Burleson M, Kohrt BA, Cantey P. J Immigr Minor Health. 2014 Oct;16(5):922-5. - Screen time, cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity among school-age children from Monteria, Colombia
 Arango CM, Parra DC, Gomez LF, Lema L, Lobelo F, Ekelund U. J Sci Med Sport. 2014 Sep;17(5):491-5.
- Positive Transitions (POST): evaluation of an HIV prevention intervention for HIV-positive persons releasing from correctional facilities
MacGowan RJ, Lifshay J, Mizuno Y, Johnson WD, McCormick L, Zack B. AIDS Behav. 2014 Sep 5. - The influence of race and comorbidity on the timely initiation of antiretroviral therapy among older persons living with HIV/AIDS
Abara WE, Smith L, Zhang S, Fairchild AJ, Heiman HJ, Rust G. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep 11:e1-e7. - Efficacy of an adapted HIV and sexually transmitted infection prevention intervention for incarcerated women: a randomized controlled trial
Fogel CI, Crandell JL, Neevel AM, Parker SD, Carry M, White BL, Fasula AM, Herbst JH, Gelaude DJ. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep 11:e1-e8. - Risk factors for HCV infection among young adults in rural New York who inject prescription opioid analgesics
Zibbell JE, Hart-Malloy R, Barry J, Fan L, Flanigan C. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep 11:e1-e7. - Cholera at the crossroads: the association between endemic cholera and national access to improved water sources and sanitation
 Nygren BL, Blackstock AJ, Mintz ED. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Sep 8. - Viability of Leptospira isolates from a human outbreak in Thailand in various water types, pH, and temperature conditions
 Stoddard RA, Bui D, Haberling DL, Wuthiekanun V, Thaipadungpanit J, Hoffmaster AR. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Sep 8. - In vitro selection of mutants of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with elevated MIC values and increased resistance to cephalosporins
Johnson SR, Grad Y, Ganakammal SR, Burroughs M, Frace M, Lipsitch M, Weil R, Trees D. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Sep 8. - Current epidemiology of Candida infection
Lockhart SR. Clin Microbiol News. 2014 01 Sep;36(17):131-136. - Family cluster of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections, Tunisia, 2013
 Abroug F, Slim A, Ouanes-Besbes L, Kacem MA, Dachraoui F, Ouanes I, Lu X, Tao Y, Paden C, Caidi H, Miao C, Al-Hajri MM, Zorraga M, Ghaouar W, BenSalah A, Gerber SI. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1527-30. - Genomic epidemiology of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis based on population structure of prevalent lineages
Deng X, Desai PT, den Bakker HC, Mikoleit M, Tolar B, Trees E, Hendriksen RS, Frye JG, Porwollik S, Weimer BC, Wiedmann M, Weinstock GM, Fields PI, McClelland M. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1481-9. - Etymologia: Bacillus anthracis
Henry R. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 September;20(9):1463. - Incidence of Cronobacter spp. infections, United States, 2003-2009
Patrick ME, Mahon BE, Greene SA, Rounds J, Cronquist A, Wymore K, Boothe E, Lathrop S, Palmer A, Bowen A. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1536-9. - Passive surveillance for azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus, United States, 2011-2013
Pham CD, Reiss E, Hagen F, Meis JF, Lockhart SR. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1498-503. - Molecular surveillance of rotavirus infection in Bangui, Central African Republic, October 2011-September 2013
 Banga-Mingo V, Waku-Kouomou D, Gody JC, Esona MD, Yetimbi JF, Mbary-Daba R, Dahl BA, Dimanche L, Koyazegbe TD, Tricou V, Cavallaro KF, Guifara G, Bowen MD, Gouandjika-Vasilache I. Infect Genet Evol. 2014 Sep 2. - Rapid impact of effective treatment on transmission of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Dharmadhikari AS, Mphahlele M, Venter K, Stoltz A, Mathebula R, Masotla T, van der Walt M, Pagano M, Jensen P, Nardell E. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014 Sep;18(9):1019-25. - Increase in anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in Botswana: results from the fourth National Drug Resistance Survey
 Menzies HJ, Moalosi G, Anisimova V, Gammino V, Sentle C, Bachhuber MA, Bile E, Radisowa K, Kachuwaire O, Basotli J, Maribe T, Makombe R, Shepherd J, Kim B, Samandari T, El-Halabi S, Chirenda J, Cain KP. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014 Sep;18(9):1026-33. - Impact of awareness drives and community-based active tuberculosis case finding in Odisha, India
 Parija D, Patra TK, Kumar AM, Swain BK, Satyanarayana S, Sreenivas A, Chadha VK, Moonan PK, Oeltmann JE. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014 Sep;18(9):1105-7. - Challenges with controlling varicella in prison settings: experience of California, 2010 to 2011
Leung J, Lopez AS, Tootell E, Baumrind N, Mohle-Boetani J, Leistikow B, Harriman KH, Preas CP, Cosentino G, Bialek SR, Marin M. J Correct Health Care. 2014 Sep 7. - Identification of molecular markers associated with alteration of receptor-binding specificity in a novel genotype of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses detected in Cambodia in 2013
 Rith S, Davis CT, Duong V, Sar B, Horm SV, Chin S, Ly S, Laurent D, Richner B, Oboho I, Jang Y, Davis W, Thor S, Balish A, Iuliano AD, Sorn S, Holl D, Sok T, Seng H, Tarantola A, Tsuyuoka R, Parry A, Chea N, Allal L, Kitsutani P, Warren D, Prouty M, Horwood P, Widdowson MA, Lindstrom S, Villanueva J, Donis R, Cox N, Buchy P. J Virol. 2014 Sep 10. - Assessment of varicella surveillance and outbreak control practices - United States, 2012
Lopez AS, Lichtenstein M, Schmid SD, Bialek S. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014 Sep 12;63(36):785-8. - Chlamydia screening among females aged 15-21 years - multiple data sources, United States, 1999-2010
Hoover KW, Leichliter JS, Torrone EA, Loosier PS, Gift TL, Tao G. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:80-8. - Evaluation of gonorrhea test of cure at 1 week in a Los Angeles community-based clinic serving men who have sex with men
Beymer MR, Llata E, Stirland AM, Weinstock HS, Wigen CL, Guerry SL, Mejia E, Bolan RK. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Oct;41(10):595-600. - Partner meeting place is significantly associated with gonorrhea and chlamydia in adolescents participating in a large high school sexually transmitted disease screening program
Lewis FM, Newman DR, Anschuetz GL, Mettey A, Asbel L, Salmon ME. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Oct;41(10):605-10. - Monitoring knowledge among family, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual partnership characteristics of African American adolescent females
Steiner RJ, Swartzendruber AL, Rose E, DiClemente RJ. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Oct;41(10):601-4. - Chlamydia screening and positivity in juvenile detention centers, United States, 2009-2011
Satterwhite CL, Newman D, Collins D, Torrone E. Women Health. 2014 Sep 4.
- Are safety net sexually transmitted disease clinical and preventive services still needed in a changing health care system?
Cramer R, Leichliter JS, Gift TL. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Oct;41(10):628-30.
- The role of applied epidemiology methods in the disaster management cycle
Malilay J, Heumann M, Perrotta D, Wolkin AF, Schnall AH, Podgornik MN, Cruz MA, et al . Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep 11:e1-e11. - Using poison center data for postdisaster surveillance
Wolkin A, Schnall AH, Law R, Schier J. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2014 Sep 10:1-4.
- Behavioural responses of females of two anopheline mosquito species to human-occupied, insecticide-treated and untreated bed nets
 Sutcliffe JF, Yin S. Malar J. 2014 ;13:294. - Predicting the mosquito species and vertebrate species involved in the theoretical transmission of Rift Valley fever virus in the United States
Golnar AJ, Turell MJ, LaBeaud AD, Kading RC, Hamer GL. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Sep;8(9):e3163. - Serological evidence of Batai virus infections, bovines, Northern Italy, 2011
 Lambert AJ, Huhtamo E, Di Fatta T, De Andrea M, Borella A, Vapalahti O, Kosoy O, Ravanini P. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2014 Sep 8.
- Mortality study of civilian employees exposed to contaminated drinking water at USMC Base Camp Lejeune: a retrospective cohort study
Bove FJ, Ruckart PZ, Maslia M, Larson TC. Environ Health. 2014 ;13:68.
- Factors contributing to decline in foodborne disease outbreak reports, United States
Imanishi M, Manikonda K, Murthy BP, Gould LH. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1551-3. - Gaps in food safety professionals' knowledge about noroviruses
Kosa KM, Cates SC, Hall AJ, Brophy JE, Fraser A. J Food Prot. 2014 Aug;77(8):1336-41. - Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among border crossers during temporary enforcement of a formal entry requirement for Mexican-style soft cheeses, 2009
 Nguyen AV, Cohen NJ, Gao H, Fishbein DB, Keir J, Ocana JM, Senini L, Flores A, Waterman SH. J Food Prot. 2014 Sep;77(9):1571-8. - Outbreak of hepatitis A in the USA associated with frozen pomegranate arils imported from Turkey: an epidemiological case study
 Collier MG, Khudyakov YE, Selvage D, Adams-Cameron M, Epson E, Cronquist A, Jervis RH, Lamba K, Kimura AC, Sowadsky R, Hassan R, Park SY, Garza E, Elliott AJ, Rotstein DS, Beal J, Kuntz T, Lance SE, Dreisch R, Wise ME, Nelson NP, Suryaprasad A, Drobeniuc J, Holmberg SD, Xu F. Lancet Infect Dis. 2014 Sep 3.
- Novel method to characterize CYP21A2 in Florida patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and commercially available cell lines
Greene CN, Cordovado SK, Turner DP, Keong LM, Shulman D, Mueller PW. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2014 ;1(1):312-323.
- Antigenic analyses of highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses
Donis RO. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2014 Sep 5. - Norovirus vaccine against experimental human GII.4 virus illness: a challenge study in healthy adults
Bernstein DI, Atmar RL, Lyon GM, Treanor JJ, Chen WH, Jiang X, Vinje J, Gregoricus N, Frenck RW, Moe CL, Al-Ibrahim MS, Barrett J, Ferreira J, Estes MK, Graham DY, Goodwin R, Borkowski A, Clemens R, Mendelman PM. J Infect Dis. 2014 Sep 9. - National human papillomavirus vaccination coverage among adolescents aged 13-17 years - National Immunization Survey - Teen, United States, 2011
Curtis CR, Dorell C, Yankey D, Jeyarajah J, Chesson H, Saraiya M, Gold R, Dunne EF, Stokley S. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:61-70. - Qualitative evaluation of Rhode Island's healthcare worker influenza vaccination regulations
Lindley MC, Dube D, Kalayil EJ, Kim H, Paiva K, Raymond P. Vaccine. 2014 Sep 1.
- Pediatricians' self-reported knowledge, attitudes, and practices about child passenger safety
Zonfrillo MR, Sauber-Schatz EK, Hoffman BD, Durbin DR. J Pediatr. 2014 Sep 1.
- In vivo processing of ceria nanoparticles inside liver: impact on free-radical scavenging activity and oxidative stress
Graham UM, Tseng MT, Jasinski JB, Yokel RA, Unrine JM, Davis BH, Dozier AK, Hardas SS, Sultana R, Grulke EA, Butterfield DA. Chempluschem. 2014 Aug;79(8):1083-1088. - Worker health and safety practices in research facilities using nonhuman primates, North America
Lankau EW, Turner PV, Mullan RJ, Galland GG. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1589-90. - Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate does not reduce the prophylactic efficacy of emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in macaques
Radzio J, Hanley K, Mitchell J, Ellis S, Deyounks F, Jenkins L, Heneine W, Garcia-Lerma JG. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Sep 8. - Tissue tropism, pathology and pathogenesis of enterovirus infection
Muehlenbachs A, Bhatnagar J, Zaki SR. J Pathol. 2014 Sep 11. - Genetic correlational analysis reveals no association between MPP and the severity of striatal dopaminergic damage following MPTP treatment in BXD mouse strains
Jones BC, O'Callaghan JP, Lu L, Williams RW, Alam G, Miller DB. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2014 Sep 2. - Lung epithelial cells resist influenza A infection by inducing the expression of cytochrome c oxidase VIC which is modulated by miRNA 4276
Othumpangat S, Noti JD, Beezhold DH. Virology. 2014 Sep 6;468-470c:256-264.
- Community socioeconomic disadvantage and the survival of infants with congenital heart defects
Kucik JE, Nembhard WN, Donohue P, Devine O, Wang Y, Minkovitz CS, Burke T. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep 11:e1-e8. - Survey of obstetrician-gynecologists in the United States about toxoplasmosis: 2012 update
Davis SM, Anderson BL, Schulkin J, Jones K, Eng JV, Jones JL. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014 Sep 10. - Barriers to care for children with orofacial clefts in North Carolina
Cassell CH, Strassle P, Mendez DD, Lee KA, Krohmer A, Meyer RE, Strauss RP. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2014 Sep 8. - An evidence review of gender-integrated interventions in reproductive and maternal-child health
Kraft JM, Wilkins KG, Morales GJ, Widyono M, Middlestadt SE. J Health Commun. 2014 ;19 Suppl 1:122-41. - Hospitalization cost per case of neonatal herpes simplex virus infection from claims data
Owusu-Edusei K, Flagg EW, Gift TL. J Pediatr Nurs. 2014 Aug 19. - CDC Pregnancy Flu Line: monitoring severe illness among pregnant women with influenza
Ailes EC, Newsome K, Williams JL, McIntyre AF, Jamieson DJ, Finelli L, Honein MA. Matern Child Health J. 2014 Sep;18(7):1578-82. - Vital Signs: sodium intake among U.S. school-aged children - 2009-2010
Cogswell ME, Yuan K, Gunn JP, Gillespie C, Sliwa S, Galuska DA, Barrett J, Hirschman J, Moshfegh AJ, Rhodes D, Ahuja J, Pehrsson P, Merritt R, Bowman BA. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014 Sep 12;63(36):789-97. - Use of selected clinical preventive services to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents - United States, 1999-2011. Foreword.
Frieden TR. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:1-2. - Hypertension screening in children and adolescents - National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, United States, 2007-2010
George MG, Tong X, Wigington C, Gillespie C, Hong Y. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:47-53. - Use of dental care and effective preventive services in preventing tooth decay among U.S. children and adolescents - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, United States, 2003-2009 and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 2005-2010
Griffin SO, Barker LK, Wei L, Li CH, Albuquerque MS, Gooch BF. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:54-60. - Vision screening among children aged 6 years - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, United States, 2009-2010
Kemper AR, Crews JE, Strickland B, Saaddine JB. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:43-6. - Prenatal breastfeeding counseling - Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, United States, 2010
Lind JN, Ahluwalia IB, Perrine CG, Li R, Harrison L, Grummer-Strawn LM. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:14-9. - Lead screening and prevalence of blood lead levels in children aged 1-2 years - Child Blood Lead Surveillance System, United States, 2002-2010 and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1999-2010
Raymond J, Wheeler W, Brown MJ. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:36-42. - Screening for developmental delays among young children - National Survey of Children's Health, United States, 2007
Rice CE, Naarden Braun KV, Kogan MD, Smith C, Kavanagh L, Strickland B, Blumberg SJ. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:27-35. - Conclusions and future directions for periodic reporting on the use of selected clinical preventive services to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents - United States
Yeung LF, Coates RJ, Seeff L, Monroe JA, Lu MC, Boyle CA. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:99-107. - Rationale for periodic reporting on the use of selected clinical preventive services to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents - United States
Yeung LF, Shapira SK, Coates RJ, Shaw FE, Moore CA, Boyle CA, Thacker SB. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:3-13. - Associations among emergency room visits, parenting styles, and psychopathology among pediatric patients with sickle cell
Latzman RD, Shishido Y, Latzman NE, Elkin TD, Majumdar S. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Oct;61(10):1822-7. - Cancer incidence rates and trends among children and adolescents in the United States, 2001-2009
Siegel DA, King J, Tai E, Buchanan N, Ajani UA, Li J. Pediatrics. 2014 Sep 8.
- Outstanding student research: Li et al on investigating the placement of green carts to improve access to healthful foods in food deserts
Posner SF. Prev Chronic Dis. 2014 ;11:E157.
- Study methodology prevents interpretation of findings in workers involved in Gulf oil spill cleanup activities
Piacentino J, Silver S, Bernard B, DeBord DG, Funk R, Decker J. Am J Med. 2014 Sep;127(9):e25-6. - Occupational radon exposure and lung cancer mortality: estimating intervention effects using the parametric g-formula
Edwards JK, McGrath LJ, Buckley JP, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Cole SR, Richardson DB. Epidemiology. 2014 Sep 4. - Comparison of measured and self-reported anthropometric information among firefighters: implications and applications
Hsiao H, Weaver D, Hsiao J, Whitestone J, Kau TY, Whisler R, Ferri R. Ergonomics. 2014 Sep 8:1-12. - Fall prevention research and practice: a total worker safety approach
Hsiao H. Ind Health. 2014 Aug 23. - A biomechanical assessment of hand/arm force with pneumatic nail gun actuation systems
Lowe B, Albers J, Hudock S. Int J Ind Ergon. 2014 ;44(5):715-722. - Cytotoxicity and characterization of particles collected from an indium-tin oxide production facility
Badding MA, Stefaniak AB, Fix NR, Cummings KJ, Leonard SS. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2014 ;77(20):1193-209. - The effect of tungstate nanoparticles on reactive oxygen species and cytotoxicity in raw 264.7 mouse monocyte macrophage cells
Dunnick KM, Badding MA, Schwegler-Berry D, Patete JM, Koenigsmann C, Wong SS, Leonard SS. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2014 ;77(20):1251-68. - Occupational characteristics and the progression of carotid artery intima-media thickness and plaque over 9 years: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Fujishiro K, Diez Roux AV, Landsbergis P, Kaufman JD, Korcarz CE, Stein JH. Occup Environ Med. 2014 Sep 12. - Application of a model for delivering occupational safety and health to smaller businesses: case studies from the US
Cunningham T, Sinclair R. Safety Science. 2014 Jun.
- Impact of a community-based lymphedema management program on episodes of adenolymphangitis (ADLA) and lymphedema progression - Odisha State, India
 Mues KE, Deming M, Kleinbaum DG, Budge PJ, Klein M, Leon JS, Prakash A, Rout J, Fox LM. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Sep;8(9):e3140. - Ring-screening to control endemic transmission of Taenia solium
 O'Neal SE, Moyano LM, Ayvar V, Rodriguez S, Gavidia C, Wilkins PP, Gilman RH, Garcia HH, Gonzalez AE. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Sep;8(9):e3125.
- Sexual health interventions: a meta-analysis
Becasen JS, Ford J, Hogben M. J Sex Res. 2014 Sep 11:1-11.
- Legal mechanisms supporting accountable care principles
Ramanathan T. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep 11:e1-e4.
- A ride in the time machine: information management capabilities health departments will need
Foldy S, Grannis S, Ross D, Smith T. Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep;104(9):1592-600.
- Receipt of reproductive health services among sexually experienced persons aged 15-19 years - National Survey of Family Growth, United States, 2006-2010
Tyler CP, Warner L, Gavin L, Barfield W. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:89-98.
- Associations of self-reported cigarette smoking with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and co-morbid chronic conditions in the United States
Cunningham TJ, Ford ES, Rolle IV, Wheaton AG, Croft JB. COPD. 2014 Sep 10. - Bias in calculation of attributable fractions using relative risks from nonsmokers only
Flegal KM. Epidemiology. 2014 Sep 10. - Tobacco use screening and cessation assistance during physician office visits among persons aged 11-21 years - National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, United States, 2004-2010
Jamal A, Dube SR, Babb SD, Malarcher AM. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2014 Sep 12;63:71-9.
- Ball python nidovirus: a candidate etiologic agent for severe respiratory disease in Python regius
Stenglein MD, Jacobson ER, Wozniak EJ, Wellehan JF, Kincaid A, Gordon M, Porter BF, Baumgartner W, Stahl S, Kelley K, Towner JS, DeRisi JL. MBio. 2014 ;5(5).
- Investigation and control of anthrax outbreak at the human-animal interface, Bhutan, 2010
 Thapa NK, Wangdi K, Dorji T, Dorjee J, Marston CK, Hoffmaster AR. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Sep;20(9):1524-6.