Issue 13, March 31, 2015

CDC Science Clips: Volume 7, Issue 13, March 31, 2015
Each Tuesday, to enhance awareness of emerging scientific knowledge, selected science clips will be posted here for the public health community. The focus is applied public health research and prevention science that has the capacity to improve health now.
The report consists of these components:
Top Ten Articles of the Week
Selected weekly by a senior CDC scientist from the standard sections listed below.-
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Assessment of training and technical assistance needs of Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees in the U.S
Escoffery C, Hannon P, Maxwell AE, Vu T, Leeman J, Dwyer A, Mason C, Sowles S, Rice K, Gressard L.
BMC Public Health. 2015 Jan 31;15(1):49.
- Assessment of training and technical assistance needs of Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees in the U.S
Communicable Diseases
- Pregnancy and severe influenza infection in the 2013-2014 influenza season
Louie JK, Salibay CJ, Kang M, Glenn-Finer RE, Murray EL, Jamieson DJ.
Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jan;125(1):184-92.
- Pregnancy and severe influenza infection in the 2013-2014 influenza season
Immunity and Immunization
- Impact of 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal meningitis in children up to two years of age in Brazil
Grando IM, Moraes C, Flannery B, Ramalho WM, Horta MA, Pinho DL, Nascimento GL.
Cad Saude Publica. 2015 Feb;31(2):276-84.
- Impact of 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal meningitis in children up to two years of age in Brazil
Laboratory Sciences
- Nucleic acid testing by public health referral laboratories for public health laboratories using the U.S. HIV diagnostic testing algorithm
Wesolowski LG, Wroblewski K, Bennett SB, Parker MM, Hagan C, Ethridge SF, Rhodes J, Sullivan TJ, Ignacio-Hernando I, Werner BG, Owen SM.
J Clin Virol. 2015 Apr;65:6-10.
- Spot the difference - development of a syndrome based protein microarray for specific serological detection of multiple flavivirus infections in travelers
Cleton NB, Godeke GJ, Reimerink J, Beersma MF, Doorn HR, Franco L, Goeijenbier M, Jimenez-Clavero MA, Johnson BW, Niedrig M, Papa A, Sambri V, Tami A, Velasco-Salas ZI, Koopmans MP, Reusken CB.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar;9(3):e0003580.
- Nucleic acid testing by public health referral laboratories for public health laboratories using the U.S. HIV diagnostic testing algorithm
Maternal and Child Health
- Sociodemographic attributes and spina bifida outcomes
Schechter MS, Liu T, Soe M, Swanson M, Ward E, Thibadeau J.
Pediatrics. 2015 Mar 16.
- Sociodemographic attributes and spina bifida outcomes
Occupational Safety and Health
- Cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces in health care: toward an integrated framework for infection and occupational illness prevention
Quinn MM, Henneberger PK, Braun B, Delclos GL, Fagan K, Huang V, Knaack JL, Kusek L, Lee SJ, Le Moual N, Maher KA, McCrone SH, Mitchell AH, Pechter E, Rosenman K, Sehulster L, Stephens AC, Wilburn S, Zock JP.
Am J Infect Control. 2015 Mar 16.
- Cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces in health care: toward an integrated framework for infection and occupational illness prevention
Parasitic Diseases
- Evaluation of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: a retrospective birth outcomes study in Mansa, Zambia
Mace KE, Chalwe V, Katalenich BL, Nambozi M, Mubikayi L, Mulele CK, Wiegand RE, Filler SJ, Kamuliwo M, Craig AS, Tan KR.
Malar J. 2015 ;14(69).
- Evaluation of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: a retrospective birth outcomes study in Mansa, Zambia
Statistics as Topic
- Comparing methods of measuring geographic patterns in temporal trends: an application to county-level heart disease mortality in the United States, 1973 to 2010
Vaughan AS, Kramer MR, Waller LA, Schieb LJ, Greer S, Casper M.
Ann Epidemiol. 2015 Feb 19.
- Comparing methods of measuring geographic patterns in temporal trends: an application to county-level heart disease mortality in the United States, 1973 to 2010
- Recombinant virus-like particles elicit protective immunity against avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection in ferrets
Liu YV, Massare MJ, Pearce MB, Sun X, Belser JA, Maines TR, Creager HM, Glenn GM, Pushko P, Smith GE, Tumpey TM.
Vaccine. 2015 Mar 12.
- Recombinant virus-like particles elicit protective immunity against avian influenza A(H7N9) virus infection in ferrets
CDC Authored Publications
The names of CDC authors are indicated in bold text.
Articles published in the past 6-8 weeks authored by CDC or ATSDR staff.-
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Filtration markers as predictors of ESRD and mortality in southwestern American Indians with type 2 diabetes
Foster MC, Inker LA, Hsu CY, Eckfeldt JH, Levey AS, Pavkov ME, Myers BD, Bennett PH, Kimmel PL, Vasan RS, Coresh J, Nelson RG.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Mar 12.
- Incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus among Arab and Chaldean Americans in southeastern Michigan: the Michigan Lupus Epidemiology and Surveillance Program
Housey M, DeGuire P, Lyon-Callo S, Wang L, Marder W, McCune WJ, Helmick CG, Gordon C, Dhar JP, Leisen J, Somers EC.
Am J Public Health. 2015 Mar 19:e1-e6.
- Attitudes toward management of sickle cell disease and its complications: a national survey of Academic Family Physicians
Mainous AG, Tanner RJ, Harle CA, Baker R, Shokar NK, Hulihan MM.
Anemia. 2015 ;2015:853835.
- Hip osteoarthritis and the risk of all-cause and disease-specific mortality in older women: population-based cohort study
Barbour KE, Lui LY, Nevitt MC, Murphy LB, Helmick CG, Theis KA, Hochberg MC, Lane NE, Hootman JM, Cauley JA.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015 Mar 16.
- Cervical cancer screening of underserved women in the United States: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 1997-2012
Tangka FK, Howard DH, Royalty J, Dalzell LP, Miller J, O'Hara BJ, Sabatino SA, Joseph K, Kenney K, Guy GP, Hall IJ.
Cancer Causes Control. 2015 Mar 18.
- Preventing premature deaths from breast and cervical cancer among underserved women in the United States: insights gained from a national cancer screening program
White MC, Wong FL.
Cancer Causes Control. 2015 Mar 18.
- Predictors of poor mental and physical health status among patients with chronic hepatitis C infection: the Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study (CHeCS)
Boscarino JA, Lu M, Moorman AC, Gordon SC, Rupp LB, Spradling PR, Teshale EH, Schmidt MA, Vijayadeva V, Holmberg SD.
Hepatology. 2015 Mar;61(3):802-11.
- Factors associated with overall survival prostate cancer in Florida: a multilevel analysis
Xiao H, Tan F, Adunlin G, Ali AA, Goovaerts P, Gwede CK, Huang Y.
J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2015 ;26(1):266-77.
- Celebrity appeal: reaching women to promote colorectal cancer screening
Cooper CP, Gelb CA, Lobb K.
J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2015 Mar;24(3):169-73.
- Beta-diversity metrics of the upper digestive tract microbiome are associated with body mass index
Lin SW, Freedman ND, Shi J, Gail MH, Vogtmann E, Yu G, Klepac-Ceraj V, Paster BJ, Dye BA, Wang GQ, Wei WQ, Fan JH, Qiao YL, Dawsey SM, Abnet CC.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Mar 9.
- Filtration markers as predictors of ESRD and mortality in southwestern American Indians with type 2 diabetes
Communicable Diseases
- Time above 1500 copies: a viral load measure for assessing transmission risk of HIV-positive patients in care
Marks G, Gardner LI, Rose CE, Zinski A, Moore RD, Holman S, Rodriguez AE, Sullivan M, Giordano TP.
Aids. 2015 Mar 12.
- HIV stigma experienced by young men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV infection
Jeffries WL, Townsend ES, Gelaude DJ, Torrone EA, Gasiorowicz M, Bertolli J.
AIDS Educ Prev. 2015 Feb;27(1):58-71.
- Short communication: the Veterans Aging Cohort Study Index is an effective tool to assess baseline frailty status in a contemporary cohort of HIV-infected persons
Escota GV, Patel P, Brooks JT, Bush T, Conley L, Baker J, Kojic EM, Hammer J, Onen NF.
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2015 Mar;31(3):313-7.
- Mortality hazard and survival after tuberculosis treatment
Miller TL, Wilson FA, Pang JW, Beavers S, Hoger S, Sharnprapai S, Pagaoa M, Katz DJ, Weis SE.
Am J Public Health. 2015 Mar 19:e1-e8.
- Hospitalizations associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus among patients attending a network of private hospitals in South Africa, 2007-2012
Kyeyagalire R, Tempia S, Cohen AL, Smith AD, McAnerney JM, Dermaux-Msimang V, Cohen C.
BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Dec 16;14(1):694.
- Correlates of HIV infection among female sex workers in Vietnam: injection drug use remains a key risk factor
Le LV, Nguyen TA, Tran HV, Gupta N, Duong TC, Tran HT, Nadol P, Sabin K, Maher L, Kaldor JM.
Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Feb 14.
- Prevalence of tuberculosis in adolescents, western Kenya; implications for control programs
Nduba V, Hoog AH, Mitchell E, Onyango P, Laserson K, Borgdorff M.
Int J Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 11.
- The impact of social services interventions in developing countries: a review of the evidence of impact on clinical outcomes in people living with HIV
Bateganya MH, Dong M, Oguntomilade J, Suraratdecha C.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S357-67.
- Impact of support groups for people living with HIV on clinical outcomes: a systematic review of the literature
Bateganya MH, Amanyeiwe U, Roxo U, Dong M.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S368-74.
- Use of isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis prophylaxis among people living with HIV/AIDS: a review of the literature
Briggs MA, Emerson C, Modi S, Taylor NK, Date A.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S297-305.
- TB screening among people living with HIV/AIDS in resource-limited settings
Date A, Modi S.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S270-3.
- A systematic review of the effects of visual inspection with acetic acid, cryotherapy, and loop electrosurgical excision procedures for cervical dysplasia in HIV-infected women in low- and middle-income countries
Forhan SE, Godfrey CC, Watts DH, Langley CL.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S350-6.
- Cryptococcal antigen screening and early antifungal treatment to prevent cryptococcal meningitis: a review of the literature
Kaplan JE, Vallabhaneni S, Smith RM, Chideya-Chihota S, Chehab J, Park B.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S331-9.
- The impact of HIV care and support interventions on key outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a literature review - introduction
Kaplan JE, Hamm TE, Forhan S, Saadani Hassani A, Bang G, Weyant E, Tchuenche M, Langley C, Lapidos-Salaiz I, Bateganya MH.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S253-6.
- Prioritizing HIV care and support interventions - moving from evidence to policy
Langley CL, Lapidos-Salaiz I, Hamm TE, Bateganya MH, Firth J, Wilson M, Martin J, Dierberg K.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S375-8.
- Integrating prevention interventions for people living with HIV into care and treatment programs: a systematic review of the evidence
Medley A, Bachanas P, Grillo M, Hasen N, Amanyeiwe U.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S286-96.
- Assessment of the impact of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis on key outcomes among HIV-infected adults in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Saadani Hassani A, Marston BJ, Kaplan JE.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S257-69.
- Impact of cotrimoxazole and insecticide-treated nets for malaria prevention on key outcomes among HIV-infected adults in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Saadani Hassani A, Marston BJ.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S306-17.
- Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B virus co-infection in sub-Saharan Africa and the potential impact and program feasibility of hepatitis B surface antigen screening in resource-limited settings
Stabinski L, O'Connor S, Barnhart M, Kahn RJ, Hamm TE.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S274-85.
- Retention and risk factors for loss to follow-up of female and male sex workers on antiretroviral treatment in Ivory Coast: a retrospective cohort analysis
Vuylsteke B, Semde G, Auld AF, Sabatier J, Kouakou J, Ettiegne-Traore V, Buve A, Laga M.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Mar 1;68 Suppl 2:S99-s106.
- The impact of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions on the health and well-being of people living with HIV: a systematic review
Yates T, Lantagne D, Mintz E, Quick R.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68 Suppl 3:S318-30.
- Molecular characterization of respiratory syncytial viruses infecting children reported to have received palivizumab immunoprophylaxis
Oliveira DB, Iwane MK, Prill MM, Weinberg GA, Williams JV, Griffin MR, Szilagyi PG, Edwards KM, Staat MA, Hall CB, Durigon EL, Erdman DD.
J Clin Virol. 2015 Apr;65:26-31.
- HIV knowledge among a longitudinal cohort of juvenile detainees in an urban setting
Bcheraoui CE, Zhang X, Welty LJ, Abram KM, Teplin LA, Sutton MY.
J Correct Health Care. 2015 Apr;21(2):112-24.
- Effects of oseltamivir treatment of index patients with influenza on secondary household illness in an urban setting in Bangladesh: secondary analysis of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Fry AM, Goswami D, Nahar K, Sharmin AT, Rahman M, Gubareva L, Trujillo A, Barnes J, Azim T, Bresee J, Luby SP, Brooks WA.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 13.
- Tuberculosis trends - United States, 2014
Scott C, Kirking HL, Jeffries C, Price SF, Pratt R.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Mar 20;64(10):265-9.
- HIV infection and HIV-associated behaviors among persons who inject drugs - 20 cities, United States, 2012
Spiller MW, Broz D, Wejnert C, Nerlander L, Paz-Bailey G.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Mar 20;64(10):270-5.
- Comparison of rates of death having any death-certificate mention of heart, kidney, or liver disease among persons diagnosed with HIV infection with those in the general US population, 2009-2011
Whiteside YO, Selik R, An Q, Huang T, Karch D, Hernandez AL, Hall HI.
Open AIDS J. 2015 ;9:14-22.
- Mortality amongst patients with influenza-associated severe acute respiratory illness, South Africa, 2009-2013
Cohen C, Moyes J, Tempia S, Groome M, Walaza S, Pretorius M, Dawood H, Chhagan M, Haffejee S, Variava E, Kahn K, von Gottberg A, Wolter N, Cohen AL, Malope-Kgokong B, Venter M, Madhi SA.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(3):e0118884.
- Human Ebola virus infection results in substantial immune activation
McElroy AK, Akondy RS, Davis CW, Ellebedy AH, Mehta AK, Kraft CS, Lyon GM, Ribner BS, Varkey J, Sidney J, Sette A, Campbell S, Stroher U, Damon I, Nichol ST, Spiropoulou CF, Ahmed R.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Mar 9.
- Acceptability, feasibility and challenges of implementing an HIV prevention intervention for people living with HIV/AIDS among healthcare providers in Mozambique: results of a qualitative study
Jaiantilal P, Gutin SA, Cummings B, Mbofana F, Rose CD.
Sahara j. 2015 Dec;12(1):2-9.
- Time above 1500 copies: a viral load measure for assessing transmission risk of HIV-positive patients in care
Community Health Services
- Neglected tropical disease control and elimination: is human displacement an achilles heel?
Errecaborde KM, Stauffer W, Cetron M.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar;9(3):e0003535.
- Neglected tropical disease control and elimination: is human displacement an achilles heel?
Disaster Control and Emergency Services
- Evaluation of an unplanned school closure in a Colorado school district: implications for pandemic influenza preparedness
Epson EE, Zheteyeva YA, Rainey JJ, Gao H, Shi J, Uzicanin A, Miller L.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2015 Feb;9(1):4-8.
- Public health incident management: logistical and operational aspects of the 2009 initial outbreak of H1N1 influenza in Mexico
Cruz MA, Hawk NM, Poulet C, Rovira J, Rouse EN.
J Emerg Manag. 2015 Jan-Feb;13(1):71-7.
- Evaluation of emergency drug releases from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Quarantine Stations
Roohi S, Grinnell M, Sandoval M, Cohen NJ, Crocker K, Allen C, Dougherty C, Jolly J, Pesik N.
J Emerg Manag. 2015 Jan-Feb;13(1):19-23.
- Evaluation of an unplanned school closure in a Colorado school district: implications for pandemic influenza preparedness
Drug Safety
- Prescription pactices involving oioid aalgesics among Americans with Medicaid, 2010
Mack KA, Zhang K, Paulozzi L, Jones C.
J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2015 ;26(1):182-98.
- Prescription pactices involving oioid aalgesics among Americans with Medicaid, 2010
Food Safety
- Estimating the attack rate of pregnancy-associated listeriosis during a large outbreak
Imanishi M, Routh JA, Klaber M, Gu W, Vanselow MS, Jackson KA, Sullivan-Chang L, Heinrichs G, Jain N, Albanese B, Callaghan WM, Mahon BE, Silk BJ.
Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2015 ;2015:201479.
- Notes from the field: listeriosis associated with stone fruit - United States, 2014
Jackson BR, Salter M, Tarr C, Conrad A, Harvey E, Steinbock L, Saupe A, Sorenson A, Katz L, Stroika S, Jackson KA, Carleton H, Kucerova Z, Melka D, Strain E, Parish M, Mody RK.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Mar 20;64(10):282-3.
- Estimating the attack rate of pregnancy-associated listeriosis during a large outbreak
Genetics and Genomics
- Complete genomic sequence for an avian group G rotavirus from South Africa
Stucker KM, Stockwell TB, Nyaga MM, Halpin RA, Fedorova N, Akopov A, Ngoveni H, Peenze I, Seheri ML, Mphahlele MJ, Wentworth DE.
Genome Announc. 2015 ;3(2).
- Evaluation of VWF phenotypes and genotypes in hemophilia A patients with and without identified F8 mutations
Boylan B, Rice AS, De Staercke C, Eyster ME, Yaish HM, Knoll CM, Bean CJ, Miller CH.
J Thromb Haemost. 2015 Mar 17.
- Emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus PB1-F2 variants and their virulence in BALB/c mice
Kamal RP, Kumar A, Davis CT, Tzeng WP, Nguyen T, Donis RO, Katz JM, York IA.
J Virol. 2015 Mar 18.
- LPS modification promotes maintenance of Yersinia pestis in fleas
Aoyagi KL, Brooks BD, Bearden SW, Montenieri JA, Gage KL, Fisher MA.
Microbiology. 2015 Mar;161(Pt 3):628-38.
- Comparative analysis of field-isolate and monkey-adapted Plasmodium vivax genomes
Chan ER, Barnwell JW, Zimmerman PA, Serre D.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar;9(3):e0003566.
- Complete genomic sequence for an avian group G rotavirus from South Africa
Health Behavior and Risk
- Religiosity, spirituality, and HIV risk behaviors among African American women from four rural counties in the southeastern U.S
Ludema C, Doherty IA, White BL, Simpson CA, Villar-Loubet O, McLellan-Lemal E, O'Daniels CM, Adimora AA.
J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2015 ;26(1):168-81.
- Religiosity, spirituality, and HIV risk behaviors among African American women from four rural counties in the southeastern U.S
Healthcare Associated Infections
- Regional infection control assessment of antibiotic resistance knowledge and practice
Black SR, Weaver KN, Weinstein RA, Hayden MK, Lin MY, Lavin MA, Gerber SI.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Apr;36(4):381-6.
- Overtreatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria: identifying targets for improvement
Hartley S, Valley S, Kuhn L, Washer LL, Gandhi T, Meddings J, Chenoweth C, Malani AN, Saint S, Srinivasan A, Flanders SA.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Apr;36(4):470-3.
- Revisiting standard precautions to reduce antimicrobial resistance in nursing homes
Stone ND.
JAMA Intern Med. 2015 Mar 16.
- Regional infection control assessment of antibiotic resistance knowledge and practice
Healthcare Economics
- The cost-effectiveness, health benefits, and financial costs of new antiviral treatments for hepatitis C virus
Rein DB, Wittenborn JS, Smith BD, Liffmann DK, Ward JW.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 16.
- The cost-benefit of federal investment in preventing Clostridium difficile infections through the use of a multifaceted infection control and antimicrobial stewardship program
Slayton RB, Scott RD, Baggs J, Lessa FC, McDonald LC, Jernigan JA.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Mar 18:1-7.
- Estimating the costs of diabetes by episodes of care: promises and challenges
Zhang P, Shrestha S.
J Diabetes Complications. 2015 Mar 6.
- The cost-effectiveness, health benefits, and financial costs of new antiviral treatments for hepatitis C virus
Immunity and Immunization
- Risk factors associated with children missing the fourth dose of DTaP vaccination
Zhao Z.
Br J Med Med Res. 2015 ;7(3):169-179.
- Zoster vaccination increases the breadth of CD4+ T cells responsive to varicella zoster virus
Laing KJ, Russell RM, Dong L, Schmid DS, Stern M, Magaret A, Haas JG, Johnston C, Wald A, Koelle DM.
J Infect Dis. 2015 Mar 17.
- Notes from the field: fatal yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease - Oregon, September 2014
DeSilva M, Sharma A, Staples E, Arndt B, Shieh WJ, Shames J, Cieslak P.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Mar 20;64(10):279-81.
- Making hepatitis E a vaccine-preventable disease
Teshale E, Ward JW.
N Engl J Med. 2015 Mar 5;372(10):899-901.
- The novel adjuvant dmLT promotes dose sparing, mucosal immunity and longevity of antibody responses to the inactivated polio vaccine in a murine model
Norton EB, Bauer DL, Weldon WC, Oberste MS, Lawson LB, Clements JD.
Vaccine. 2015 Mar 9.
- Accelerating measles elimination and strengthening routine immunization services in Guizhou Province, China, 2003-2009
Zuo S, Cairns L, Hutin Y, Liang X, Tong Y, Zhu Q, Zhang D, Lee LA, Strebel P, Quick L.
Vaccine. 2015 Mar 11.
- Risk factors associated with children missing the fourth dose of DTaP vaccination
Laboratory Sciences
- Evaluation of treponemal serum tests performed on cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of neurosyphilis
Guarner J, Jost H, Pillay A, Sun Y, Cox D, Notenboom R, Workowski K.
Am J Clin Pathol. 2015 Apr;143(4):479-84.
- Hatchery spray cabinet administration does not damage avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus vaccine based on analysis by electron microscopy and virus titration
Roh HJ, Jordan BJ, Hilt DA, Ard MB, Jackwood MW.
Avian Dis. 2015 ;59(1):149-152.
- The effect of cerium oxide nanoparticle valence state on reactive oxygen species and toxicity
Dunnick KM, Pillai R, Pisane KL, Stefaniak AB, Sabolsky EM, Leonard SS.
Biol Trace Elem Res. 2015 Mar 17.
- Effect of external airflow resistive load on postural and exercise-associated cardiovascular and pulmonary responses in pregnancy: a case control study
Kim JH, Roberge RJ, Powell JB.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2015 Dec;15(1):474.
- Defining the needs for next generation assays for tuberculosis
Denkinger CM, Kik SV, Cirillo DM, Casenghi M, Shinnick T, Weyer K, Gilpin C, Boehme CC, Schito M, Kimerling M, Pai M.
J Infect Dis. 2015 Apr 1;211(suppl 2):S29-s38.
- Clinical laboratory analytics: challenges and promise for an emerging discipline
Shirts BH, Jackson BR, Baird GS, Baron JM, Clements B, Grisson R, Hauser RG, Taylor JR, Terrazas E, Brimhall B.
J Pathol Inform. 2015 ;6:9.
- An ex vivo avian leukocyte culture model for West Nile virus infection
Dietrich EA, Bowen RA, Brault AC.
J Virol Methods. 2015 Mar 14.
- Differences in type I interferon signaling antagonism by dengue viruses in human and non-human primate cell lines
Medina FA, Torres-Malave G, Chase AJ, Santiago GA, Medina JF, Santiago LM, Munoz-Jordan JL.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar;9(3):e0003468.
- CD4 enumeration technologies: a systematic review of test performance for determining eligibility for antiretroviral therapy
Peeling RW, Sollis KA, Glover S, Crowe SM, Landay AL, Cheng B, Barnett D, Denny TN, Spira TJ, Stevens WS, Crowley S, Essajee S, Vitoria M, Ford N.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(3):e0115019.
- A microneedle patch containing measles vaccine is immunogenic in non-human primates
Edens C, Collins ML, Goodson JL, Rota PA, Prausnitz MR.
Vaccine. 2015 Mar 11.
- Comparison of traditional intranasal and aerosol inhalation inoculation of mice with influenza A viruses
Belser JA, Gustin KM, Katz JM, Maines TR, Tumpey TM.
Virology. 2015 Mar 12;481:107-112.
- Evaluation of treponemal serum tests performed on cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of neurosyphilis
Maternal and Child Health
- Assessing the association between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677C>T polymorphism and blood folate concentrations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials and observational studies
Tsang BL, Devine OJ, Cordero AM, Marchetta CM, Mulinare J, Mersereau P, Guo J, Qi YP, Berry RJ, Rosenthal J, Crider KS, Hamner HC.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Mar 18.
- Brief report: independent validation of autism spectrum disorder case status in the Utah Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network site
Bakian AV, Bilder DA, Carbone PS, Hunt TD, Petersen B, Rice CE.
J Autism Dev Disord. 2015 Mar;45(3):873-80.
- Hypertensive disorders and pregnancy-related stroke: frequency, trends, risk factors, and outcomes
Leffert LR, Clancy CR, Bateman BT, Bryant AS, Kuklina EV.
Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jan;125(1):124-31.
- Assessing the association between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677C>T polymorphism and blood folate concentrations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials and observational studies
Nutritional Sciences
- A church-based pilot study designed to improve dietary quality for rural, lower Mississippi Delta, African American adults
Tussing-Humphreys LM, Thomson JL, Onufrak SJ.
J Relig Health. 2015 Apr;54(2):455-69.
- Healthful food availability in stores and restaurants - American Samoa, 2014
Lee-Kwan SH, Kumar G, Ayscue P, Santos M, McGuire LC, Blanck HM, Nua MT.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Mar 20;64(10):276-8.
- A church-based pilot study designed to improve dietary quality for rural, lower Mississippi Delta, African American adults
Occupational Safety and Health
- General population job exposure matrix applied to a pooled study of prevalent carpal tunnel syndrome
Dale AM, Zeringue A, Harris-Adamson C, Rempel D, Bao S, Thiese MS, Merlino L, Burt S, Kapellusch J, Garg A, Gerr F, Hegmann KT, Eisen EA, Evanoff B.
Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Mar 15;181(6):431-9.
- Suicide in U.S workplaces, 2003-2010: a comparison with non-workplace suicides
Tiesman HM, Konda S, Hartley D, Menendez CC, Ridenour M, Hendricks S.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Mar 7.
- White glove test for safety
Connor TH, Power LA, Massoomi F, Polovich M.
Environ Care News. 2015 Mar 2015 2015-03-03;18(3):6.
- Assessing occupational exposure to sea lamprey pesticides
Ceballos DM, Beaucham CC, Kurtz K, Musolin K.
Int J Occup Environ Health. 2015 Mar 2.
- General population job exposure matrix applied to a pooled study of prevalent carpal tunnel syndrome
Parasitic Diseases
- Assessment of molecular markers for anti-malarial drug resistance after the introduction and scale-up of malaria control interventions in western Kenya
Shah M, Omosun Y, Lal A, Odero C, Gatei W, Otieno K, Gimnig JE, Kuile Ft, Hawley WA, Nahlen B, Kariuki S, Walker E, Slutsker L, Hamel M, Shi YP.
Malar Jl. 2015 ;14(75).
- Assessment of molecular markers for anti-malarial drug resistance after the introduction and scale-up of malaria control interventions in western Kenya
Reproductive Health
- Association between assisted reproductive technology conception and autism in California, 1997-2007
Fountain C, Zhang Y, Kissin DM, Schieve LA, Jamieson DJ, Rice C, Bearman P.
Am J Public Health. 2015 Mar 19:e1-e9.
- Repeat abortions in New York City, 2010
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J Urban Health. 2015 Mar 17.
- Trends and correlates of monozygotic twinning after single embryo transfer
Kanter JR, Boulet SL, Kawwass JF, Jamieson DJ, Kissin DM.
Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jan;125(1):111-7.
- Risk of ectopic pregnancy associated with assisted reproductive technology in the United States, 2001-2011
Perkins KM, Boulet SL, Kissin DM, Jamieson DJ.
Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jan;125(1):70-8.
- Association between assisted reproductive technology conception and autism in California, 1997-2007
Statistics as Topic
- Regression analysis for differentially misclassified correlated binary outcomes
Tang L, Lyles RH, King CC, Hogan JW, Lo Y.
J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat. 2015 ;64(3):433-449.
- Approximate model spaces for model-robust experiment design
Smucker BJ, Drew NM.
Technometrics. 2015 ;57(1):54-63.
- Regression analysis for differentially misclassified correlated binary outcomes
Substance Use and Abuse
- Prevalence and patterns of marijuana use among pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age
Ko JY, Farr SL, Tong VT, Creanga AA, Callaghan WM.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Mar 12.
- Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and interventions among pregnant women in China: a systematic review
Zhang L, Hsia J, Tu X, Xia Y, Zhang L, Bi Z, Liu H, Li X, Stanton B.
Prev Chronic Dis. 2015 ;12:E35.
- Prevalence and patterns of marijuana use among pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age
- Borrelia burgdorferi not confirmed in human-biting Amblyomma americanum ticks from the southeastern United States
Stromdahl EY, Nadolny RM, Gibbons JA, Auckland LD, Vince MA, Elkins CE, Murphy MP, Hickling GJ, Eshoo MW, Carolan HE, Crowder CD, Pilgard MA, Hamer SA.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Mar 18.
- Prevalence and diversity of small mammal-associated Bartonella species in rural and urban Kenya
Halliday JE, Knobel DL, Agwanda B, Bai Y, Breiman RF, Cleaveland S, Njenga MK, Kosoy M.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Mar;9(3):e0003608.
- High prevalence of "Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae" and apparent exclusion of Rickettsia parkeri in adult Amblyomma maculatum (Acari: Ixodidae) from Kansas and Oklahoma
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Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2015 Mar 12.
- Dengue on islands: a Bayesian approach to understanding the global ecology of dengue viruses
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Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Mar 13.
- Borrelia burgdorferi not confirmed in human-biting Amblyomma americanum ticks from the southeastern United States
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- Page last reviewed: April 1, 2015
- Page last updated: April 1, 2015
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