Issue 31, August 4, 2015

CDC Science Clips: Volume 7, Issue 31, August 4, 2015
Each Tuesday, to enhance awareness of emerging scientific knowledge, selected science clips will be posted here for the public health community. The focus is applied public health research and prevention science that has the capacity to improve health now.
The report consists of these components:
- Key scientific articles in featured topic areas (this week featuring Healthcare Associated Infections in conjunction with the August CDC Vital Signs)
- CDC-authored publications
CDC Vital Signs
Healthcare Associated Infections
- Antibiotic resistance threats in the United States, 2013.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .
Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC. 2013 ; Available at
- Epidemiology and pathogenesis of C. difficile and MRSA in the light of current NHS control policies: a policy review
Agha M.
Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2012 ;1:39-43.
- The importance of long-term acute care hospitals in the regional epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
Lin MY, Lyles-Banks RD, Lolans K, Hines DW, Spear JB, Petrak R, Trick WE, Weinstein RA, Hayden MK.
Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Nov;57(9):1246-52.
- Hospital and societal costs of antimicrobial-resistant infections in a Chicago teaching hospital: implications for antibiotic stewardship
Roberts RR, Hota B, Ahmad I, Scott RD, Foster SD, Abbasi F, Schabowski S, et al .
Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Oct 15;49(8):1175-84.
- Containment of a country-wide outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Israeli hospitals via a nationally implemented intervention
Schwaber MJ, Lev B, Israeli A, Solter E, Smollan G, Rubinovitch B, Shalit I, Carmeli Y.
Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Apr 1;52(7):848-55.
- The Regional Healthcare Ecosystem Analyst (RHEA): a simulation modeling tool to assist infectious disease control in a health system
Lee BY, Wong KF, Bartsch SM, Yilmaz SL, Avery TR, Brown ST, Song Y, et al .
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jun;20(e1):e139-46.
- National burden of invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, United States, 2011
Dantes R, Mu Y, Belflower R, Aragon D, Dumyati G, Harrison LH, Lessa FC, et al .
JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Nov 25;173(21):1970-8.
- Burden of Clostridium difficile infection in the United States
Lessa FC, Mu Y, Bamberg WM, Beldavs ZG, Dumyati GK, Dunn JR, Farley MM, et al .
N Engl J Med. 2015 Feb 26;372(9):825-34.
- Multistate point-prevalence survey of health care-associated infections
Magill SS, Edwards JR, Bamberg W, Beldavs ZG, Dumyati G, Kainer MA, Lynfield R, et al .
N Engl J Med. 2014 Mar 27;370(13):1198-208.
- Persistent colonization and the spread of antibiotic resistance in nosocomial pathogens: resistance is a regional problem
Smith DL, Dushoff J, Perencevich EN, Harris AD, Levin SA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Mar 9;101(10):3709-14.
- Antibiotic resistance threats in the United States, 2013.
CDC Authored Publications
The names of CDC authors are indicated in bold text.
Articles published in the past 6-8 weeks authored by CDC or ATSDR staff.-
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- The design and implementation of a new surveillance system for venous thromboembolism using combined active and passive methods
Wendelboe AM, Campbell J, McCumber M, Bratzler D, Ding K, Beckman M, Reyes N, Raskob G.
American Heart Journal. 2015 .
- Total, free, and complexed prostate-specific antigen levels among US men, 2007-2010
Lacher DA, Hughes JP.
Clin Chim Acta. 2015 Jun 18;448:220-227.
- The design and implementation of a new surveillance system for venous thromboembolism using combined active and passive methods
Communicable Diseases
- Frequent nevirapine resistance in infants infected by HIV-1 via breastfeeding while on nevirapine prophylaxis: results of the Breastfeeding, Antiretrovirals and Nutrition study
Nelson JA, Fokar A, Hudgens MG, Compliment KJ, Hawkins JT, Tegha G, Kamwendo DD, Kayira D, Mofolo IA, Kourtis AP, Jamieson DJ, Van Der Horst CM, Fiscus SA.
AIDS. 2015 Jul 17.
- Factors associated with time since last HIV test among persons at high risk for HIV infection, National Survey of Family Growth, 2006-2010
Van Handel M, Lyons B, Oraka E, Nasrullah M, DiNenno E, Dietz P.
AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2015 Jul 21.
- Examining fluoroquinolone claims among gonorrhea-associated prescription drug claims, 2000-2010
Owusu-Edusei K, Carroll DS, Gift TL.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Jul 16.
- Nosocomial cholera outbreak in a mental hospital; challenges and lessons learnt from Butabika National Referral Mental Hospital, Uganda
Bwire G, Malimbo M, Kagirita A, Makumbi I, Mintz E, Mengel MA, Orach CG.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Jul 20.
- Associations of hormonal contraceptive use with measures of HIV disease progression and antiretroviral therapy effectiveness
Whiteman MK, Jeng G, Samarina A, Akatova N, Martirosyan M, Kissin DM, Curtis KM, Marchbanks PA, Hillis SD, Mandel MG, Jamieson DJ.
Contraception. 2015 Jul 18.
- The Link4Health study to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination intervention strategy for linkage to and retention in HIV care in Swaziland: protocol for a cluster randomized trial
McNairy ML, Gachuhi AB, Lamb MR, Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H, Burke S, Ehrenkranz P, Mazibuko S, Sahabo R, Philip NM, Okello V, El-Sadr WM.
Implement Sci. 2015 ;10(1):101.
- Obesity not associated with severity among hospitalized adults with seasonal influenza virus infection
Braun ES, Crawford FW, Desai MM, Meek J, Kirley PD, Miller L, Anderson EJ, Oni O, Ryan P, Lynfield R, Bargsten M, Bennett NM, Lung KL, Thomas A, Mermel E, Lindegren ML, Schaffner W, Price A, Chaves SS.
Infection. 2015 Jul 7.
- HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and health and community systems in the global south: Thailand case study
Colby D, Srithanaviboonchai K, Vanichseni S, Ongwandee S, Phanuphak N, Martin M, Choopanya K, Chariyalertsak S, van Griensven F.
J Int AIDS Soc. 2015 ;18(4(Suppl 3)):19953.
- Epidemiology and molecular characteristics of norovirus GII.4 Sydney outbreaks in Taiwan, January 2012-December 2013
Wu FT, Chen HC, Yen C, Wu CY, Katayama K, Park Y, Hall AJ, Vinje J, Huang JC, Wu HS.
J Med Virol. 2015 Sep;87(9):1462-70.
- Association of HIV-1 envelope-specific breast milk IgA responses with reduced risk of postnatal mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1
Pollara J, McGuire E, Fouda GG, Rountree W, Eudailey J, Overman RG, Seaton KE, Deal A, Edwards RW, Tegha G, Kamwendo D, Kumwenda J, Nelson JA, Liao HX, Brinkley C, Denny TN, Ochsenbauer C, Ellington S, King CC, Jamieson DJ, van der Horst C, Kourtis AP, Tomaras GD, Ferrari G, Permar SR.
J Virol. 2015 Jul 22.
- Knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotic use among adult consumers, adult Hispanic consumers, and health care providers - United States, 2012-2013
Francois Watkins LK, Sanchez GV, Albert AP, Roberts RM, Hicks LA.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Jul 24;64(28):767-70.
- Viral hepatitis surveillance - India, 2011-2013
Kumar T, Shrivastava A, Kumar A, Laserson KF, Narain JP, Venkatesh S, Chauhan LS, Averhoff F.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Jul 24;64(28):758-62.
- Launch of a nationwide hepatitis C elimination program - Georgia, April 2015
Mitruka K, Tsertsvadze T, Butsashvili M, Gamkrelidze A, Sabelashvili P, Adamia E, Chokheli M, Drobeniuc J, Hagan L, Harris AM, Jiqia T, Kasradze A, Ko S, Qerashvili V, Sharvadze L, Tskhomelidze I, Kvaratskhelia V, Morgan J, Ward JW, Averhoff F.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Jul 24;64(28):753-7.
- Global circulation patterns of seasonal influenza viruses vary with antigenic drift
Bedford T, Riley S, Barr IG, Broor S, Chadha M, Cox NJ, Daniels RS, Gunasekaran CP, Hurt AC, Kelso A, Klimov A, et al .
Nature. 2015 Jul 9;523(7559):217-20.
- The Global Trachoma Mapping Project: methodology of a 34-country population-based study
Solomon AW, Pavluck AL, Courtright P, Aboe A, Adamu L, Alemayehu W, Alemu M, Alexander ND, Kello AB, Bero B, Brooker SJ, Chu BK, Dejene M, Emerson PM, Flueckiger RM, Gadisa S, Gass K, Gebre T, Habtamu Z, Harvey E, Haslam D, King JD, Mesurier RL, Lewallen S, Lietman TM, MacArthur C, Mariotti SP, Massey A, Mathieu E, et al .
Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2015 Jun;22(3):214-25.
- Frequent nevirapine resistance in infants infected by HIV-1 via breastfeeding while on nevirapine prophylaxis: results of the Breastfeeding, Antiretrovirals and Nutrition study
Disaster Control and Emergency Services
- Integrating staff well-being into the primary health care system: a case study in post-conflict Kosovo
van der Veen A, van Pietersom T, Lopes Cardozo B, Rushiti F, Ymerhalili G, Agani F.
Confl Health. 2015 ;9:21.
- Use of Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPERs) to rapidly assess public health issues - United States, 2003-2012
Bayleyegn TM, Schnall AH, Ballou SG, Zane DF, Burrer SL, Noe RS, Wolkin AF.
Prehosp Disaster Med. 2015 Jul 21:1-8.
- Integrating staff well-being into the primary health care system: a case study in post-conflict Kosovo
Disease Reservoirs and Vectors
- On palms, bugs, and Chagas disease in the Americas
Abad-Franch F, Lima MM, Sarquis O, Gurgel-Goncalves R, Sanchez-Martin M, Calzada J, Saldana A, Monteiro FA, Palomeque FS, Santos WS, Angulo VM, Esteban L, Dias FB, Diotaiuti L, Bar ME, Gottdenker NL.
Acta Trop. 2015 Jul 18.
- Toward a mechanistic understanding of environmentally forced zoonotic disease emergence: Sin Nombre hantavirus
Carver S, Mills JN, Parmenter CA, Parmenter RR, Richardson KS, Harris RL, Douglass RJ, Kuenzi AJ, Luis AD.
BioScience. 2015 ;65(7):651-666.
- Transgene expression in tick cells using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Machado-Ferreira E, Balsemao-Pires E, Dietrich G, Hojgaard A, Vizzoni VF, Scoles G, Bell-Sakyi L, Piesman J, Zeidner NS, Soares CA.
Exp Appl Acarol. 2015 Jul 19.
- Transmission of H7N9 influenza viruses with polymorphism at PB2 residue 627 in chickens and ferrets
Luk GS, Leung CY, Sia SF, Choy KT, Zhou J, Ho CC, Cheung PP, Lee EF, Wai CK, Li PC, Ip SM, Poon LL, Lindsley WG, Peiris M, Yen HL.
J Virol. 2015 Jul 22.
- On palms, bugs, and Chagas disease in the Americas
Environmental Health
- "Improved" but not necessarily safe: an assessment of fecal contamination of household drinking water in rural Peru
Heitzinger K, Rocha CA, Quick RE, Montano SM, Tilley DH, Mock CN, Carrasco AJ, Cabrera RM, Hawes SE.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Jul 20.
- Severe illness from methyl bromide exposure at a condominium resort - U.S. Virgin Islands, March 2015
Kulkarni PA, Duncan MA, Watters MT, Graziano LT, Vaouli E, Cseh LF, Risher JF, Orr MF, Hunte-Ceasar TC, Ellis EM.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Jul 24;64(28):763-6.
- "Improved" but not necessarily safe: an assessment of fecal contamination of household drinking water in rural Peru
Epidemiology and Surveillance
- U.S. population muscular grip-strength estimates from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2012
Perna FM, Coa K, Troiano RP, Lawman HG, Wang CY, Li Y, Moser RP, Ciccolo JT, Comstock BA, Kraemer WJ.
J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Jul 15.
- U.S. population muscular grip-strength estimates from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2012
Food Safety
- Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak associated with restaurant beef grinding
Torso LM, Voorhees RE, Forest SA, Gordon AZ, Silvestri SA, Kissler B, Schlackman J, Sandt CH, Toma P, Bachert J, Mertz KJ, Harrison LH.
J Food Prot. 2015 Jul;78(7):1272-9.
- Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak associated with restaurant beef grinding
Genetics and Genomics
- Complete genome sequence of chikungunya virus isolated from an Aedes aegypti mosquito during an outbreak in Yemen, 2011
Fahmy NT, Klena JD, Mohamed AS, Zayed A, Villinski JT.
Genome Announc. 2015 ;3(4).
- Development of a multi-locus sequence typing system for medically relevant bipolaris species
Pham CD, Purfield AE, Fader R, Pascoe N, Lockhart SR.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Jul 22.
- Genomic analysis of the emergence and rapid global dissemination of the clonal group 258 Klebsiella pneumoniae pandemic
Bowers JR, Kitchel B, Driebe EM, MacCannell DR, Roe C, Lemmer D, de Man T, Rasheed JK, Engelthaler DM, Keim P, Limbago BM.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(7):e0133727.
- The mitochondrial genome of the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum)
Williams-Newkirk AJ, Burroughs M, Changayil SS, Dasch GA.
Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2015 Jul 8.
- Complete genome sequence of chikungunya virus isolated from an Aedes aegypti mosquito during an outbreak in Yemen, 2011
Health Disparities
- The contribution of smoking to educational gradients in U.S. life expectancy
Ho JY, Fenelon A.
J Health Soc Behav. 2015 Jul 21.
- The contribution of smoking to educational gradients in U.S. life expectancy
Healthcare Associated Infections
- Laboratory replication of filtration procedures associated with Serratia marcescens bloodstream infections in patients receiving compounded amino acid solutions
Moulton-Meissner H, Noble-Wang J, Gupta N, Hocevar S, Kallen A, Arduino M.
Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2015 Aug 1;72(15):1285-91.
- Promoting prevention through meaningful measures: improving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Healthcare Safety Network urinary tract infection surveillance definitions
Allen-Bridson K, Pollock D, Gould CV.
Am J Infect Control. 2015 Jul 16.
- A large-scale community-based outbreak of paratyphoid fever caused by hospital-derived transmission in southern China
Yan M, Yang B, Wang Z, Wang S, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Pang B, Diao B, Yang R, Wu S, Klena JD, Kan B.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Jul;9(7):e0003859.
- Laboratory replication of filtration procedures associated with Serratia marcescens bloodstream infections in patients receiving compounded amino acid solutions
Healthcare Economics
- Economic impact of tobacco price increases through taxation: a Community Guide systematic review
Contreary KA, Chattopadhyay SK, Hopkins DP, Chaloupka FJ, Forster JL, Grimshaw V, Holmes CB, Goetzel RZ, Fielding JE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Jul 15.
- Social security income and the utilization of home care: evidence from the Social Security notch
Tsai Y.
J Health Econ. 2015 Jun 30;43:45-55.
- High school completion programs: a Community Guide systematic economic review
Qu S, Chattopadhyay SK, Hahn RA.
J Public Health Manag Pract. 2015 Jul 22.
- Economic impact of tobacco price increases through taxation: a Community Guide systematic review
Immunity and Immunization
- Pilot to evaluate the feasibility of measuring seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness using surveillance platforms in Central-America, 2012
El Omeiri N, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Clara W, Guzman-Saborio G, Elas M, Mejia H, Molina IB, De Molto Y, Mirza S, Widdowson MA, Ropero-Alvarez AM.
BMC Public Health. 2015 ;15(1):673.
- A potent broad-spectrum protective human monoclonal antibody crosslinking two haemagglutinin monomers of influenza A virus
Wu Y, Cho M, Shore D, Song M, Choi J, Jiang T, Deng YQ, Bourgeois M, Almli L, Yang H, Chen LM, Shi Y, Qi J, Li A, Yi KS, Chang M, Bae JS, Lee H, Shin J, Stevens J, Hong S, Qin CF, Gao GF, Chang SJ, Donis RO.
Nat Commun. 2015 ;6:7708.
- Impact of the United States two-dose varicella vaccination program on the epidemiology of varicella outbreaks: data from 9 States, 2005-2012
Leung J, Lopez AS, Blostein J, Thayer N, Zipprich J, Clayton A, Buttery V, Andersen J, Thomas CA, Del Rosario M, Seetoo K, Woodall T, Wiseman R, Bialek SR.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015 Jul 16.
- Pilot to evaluate the feasibility of measuring seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness using surveillance platforms in Central-America, 2012
Injury and Violence
- Changes in J-SOAP-II and SAVRY scores over the course of residential, cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescent sexual offending
Viljoen JL, Gray AL, Shaffer C, Latzman NE, Scalora MJ, Ullman D.
Sex Abuse. 2015 Jul 21.
- Changes in J-SOAP-II and SAVRY scores over the course of residential, cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescent sexual offending
Laboratory Sciences
- Simultaneous identification and susceptibility determination to multiple antibiotics of Staphylococcus aureus by bacteriophage amplification detection combined with mass spectrometry
Rees JC, Pierce CL, Schieltz DM, Barr JR.
Anal Chem. 2015 Jul 7;87(13):6769-77.
- Re-evaluation of an Acanthamoeba molecular diagnostic algorithm following an atypical case of amoebic keratitis
Lau R, Cunanan M, Jackson J, Ali IK, Chong-Kit A, Gasgas J, Tian J, Ralevski F, Boggild AK.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Jul 22.
- Evaluation of the biotyper MALDI-TOF MS system for identification of Staphylococcus species
Zhu W, Sieradzki K, Albrecht V, McAllister S, Lin W, Stuchlik O, Limbago B, Pohl J, Kamile Rasheed J.
J Microbiol Methods. 2015 Jul 13;117:14-17.
- Development of a cobinamide-based end-of-service-life indicator for detection of hydrogen cyanide gas
Greenawald LA, Snyder JL, Fry NL, Sailor MJ, Boss GR, Finklea HO, Bell S.
Sens Actuators B Chem. 2015 ;221:379-385.
- Ethanol attenuates histiotrophic nutrition pathways and alters the intracellular redox environment and thiol proteome during rat organogenesis
Jilek JL, Sant KE, Cho KH, Reed MS, Pohl J, Hansen JM, Harris C.
Toxicol Sci. 2015 Jul 15.
- Effect of jet injection on infectivity of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine in a bench model
Coughlin MM, Collins M, Saxon G, Jarrahian C, Zehrung D, Cappello C, Dhere R, Royals M, Papania M, Rota PA.
Vaccine. 2015 Jul 17.
- Simultaneous identification and susceptibility determination to multiple antibiotics of Staphylococcus aureus by bacteriophage amplification detection combined with mass spectrometry
Maternal and Child Health
- Predictors of health worker performance after Integrated Management of Childhood Illness training in Benin: a cohort study
Steinhardt LC, Onikpo F, Kouame J, Piercefield E, Lama M, Deming MS, Rowe AK.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2015 ;15:276.
- In the smallest patients, hearing loss screening takes big strides
Williams T.
Hear J. 2015 ;68(7):6.
- Predictors of health worker performance after Integrated Management of Childhood Illness training in Benin: a cohort study
- Medium frequency propagation characteristics of different transmission lines in an underground coal mine
Li J, Waynert JA, Whisner BG.
Int J Commun Antenna Propag. 2015 ;5(1):7-15.
- Medium frequency propagation characteristics of different transmission lines in an underground coal mine
Occupational Safety and Health
- Law enforcement officers' risk perceptions toward on-duty motor-vehicle events
Tiesman HM, Heick RJ, Konda S, Hendricks S.
Policing. 2015 ;38(3).
- Characteristics of officer-involved vehicle collisions in California
Wolfe S, Rojek JJ, Alpert GP, Tiesman HM, James S.
Policing. 2015 ;38(3).
- Law enforcement officers' risk perceptions toward on-duty motor-vehicle events
Occupational Safety and Health - Mining
- Particle size and surface area effects on explosibility using a 20-L chamber
Harris ML, Sapko MJ, Zlochower IA, Perera IE, Weiss ES.
J Loss Prev Process Ind. 2015 ;37:33-38.
- Particle size and surface area effects on explosibility using a 20-L chamber
Parasitic Diseases
- Review of mass drug administration for malaria and its operational challenges
Newby G, Hwang J, Koita K, Chen I, Greenwood B, von Seidlein L, Shanks GD, Slutsker L, Kachur SP, Wegbreit J, Ippolito MM, Poirot E, Gosling R.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Jul 8;93(1):125-34.
- Robust algorithm for systematic classification of malaria late treatment failures as recrudescence or reinfection using microsatellite genotyping
Plucinski MM, Morton L, Bushman M, Dimbu PR, Udhayakumar V.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Jul 20.
- Design of a study to determine the impact of insecticide resistance on malaria vector control: a multi-country investigation
Kleinschmidt I, Mnzava AP, Kafy HT, Mbogo C, Bashir AI, Bigoga J, Adechoubou A, Raghavendra K, Knox TB, Malik EM, Nkuni ZJ, Bayoh N, Ochomo E, et al .
Malar J. 2015 ;14:282.
- Review of mass drug administration for malaria and its operational challenges
Reproductive Health
- Confidentiality in family planning services for young people: a systematic review
Brittain AW, Williams JR, Zapata LB, Moskosky SB, Weik TS.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S85-92.
- Youth-friendly family planning services for young people: a systematic review
Brittain AW, Williams JR, Zapata LB, Pazol K, Romero LM, Weik TS.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S73-84.
- Community education for family planning in the U.S.: a systematic review
Carter MW, Tregear ML, Moskosky SB.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S107-15.
- Community engagement in family planning in the U.S.: a systematic review
Carter MW, Tregear ML, Lachance CR.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S116-23.
- Introduction to the supplement: development of federal recommendations for family planning services
Gavin LE, Moskosky SB, Barfield WD.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S1-5.
- Programs to strengthen parent-adolescent communication about reproductive health: a systematic review
Gavin LE, Williams JR, Rivera MI, Lachance CR.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S65-72.
- Developing federal clinical care recommendations for women
Godfrey EM, Tepper NK, Curtis KM, Moskosky SB, Gavin LE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S6-S13.
- Impact of contraceptive education on contraceptive knowledge and decision making: a systematic review
Pazol K, Zapata LB, Tregear SJ, Mautone-Smith N, Gavin LE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S46-56.
- Client and provider perspectives on quality of care: a systematic review
Williams JR, Gavin LE, Carter MW, Glass E.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S93-S106.
- Impact of contraceptive counseling in clinical settings: a systematic review
Zapata LB, Tregear SJ, Curtis KM, Tiller M, Pazol K, Mautone-Smith N, Gavin LE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S31-45.
- Impact of reminder systems in clinical settings to improve family planning outcomes: a systematic review
Zapata LB, Tregear SJ, Tiller M, Pazol K, Mautone-Smith N, Gavin LE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Aug;49(2 Suppl 1):S57-64.
- Confidentiality in family planning services for young people: a systematic review
Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Estimating the prevalence of any impairing childhood mental disorder in the National Health Interview Survey
Ringeisen H, Aldworth J, Colpe LJ, Pringle B, Simile C.
Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2015 Jul 23.
- Estimating the prevalence of any impairing childhood mental disorder in the National Health Interview Survey
Statistics as Topic
- Best (but oft-forgotten) practices: checking assumptions concerning regression residuals
Barker LE, Shaw KM.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jul 22.
- Validation of multilevel regression and poststratification methodology for small area estimation of health indicators from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Zhang X, Holt JB, Yun S, Lu H, Greenlund KJ, Croft JB.
Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Jul 15;182(2):127-37.
- Approximation of the ruin probability using the scaled Laplace transform inversion
Mnatsakanov RM, Sarkisian K, Hakobyan A.
Appl Math Comput. 2015 10/1/;268:717-727.
- Best (but oft-forgotten) practices: checking assumptions concerning regression residuals
Substance Use and Abuse
- Qualitatively assessing the experiences of college students completing AlcoholEdu: do participants report altering behavior after intervention?
Barry AE, Hobbs LA, Haas EJ, Gibson G.
J Health Commun. 2015 Jul 2:1-9.
- Notes from the field: death following ingestion of an edible marijuana product - Colorado, March 2014
Hancock-Allen JB, Barker L, VanDyke M, Holmes DB.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 Jul 24;64(28):771-2.
- Nicotine replacement therapy and other interventions for pregnant smokers: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2009-2010
Kapaya M, Tong V, Ding H.
Prev Med. 2015 Jul 16.
- Qualitatively assessing the experiences of college students completing AlcoholEdu: do participants report altering behavior after intervention?
Veterinary Medicine
- Effect of the inoculation site of bovine purified protein derivative (PPD) on the skin fold thickness increase in cattle from officially tuberculosis free and tuberculosis-infected herds
Casal C, Alvarez J, Bezos J, Quick H, Diez-Guerrier A, Romero B, Saez JL, Liandris E, Navarro A, Perez A, Dominguez L, Juan L.
Prev Vet Med. 2015 Jul 6.
- Effect of the inoculation site of bovine purified protein derivative (PPD) on the skin fold thickness increase in cattle from officially tuberculosis free and tuberculosis-infected herds
CDC Science Clips Production Staff
- John Iskander, MD MPH, Editor
- Jane Gidudu, MD, MPH, Acting Editor
- Gail Bang, MLIS, Librarian
- William (Bill) Thomas, MLIS, Librarian
- Victoria Burchfield, MLIS, Librarian
- Kathleen Connick, MSLS, Librarian
- Jarvis Sims, MIT, MLIS, Librarian
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DISCLAIMER: Articles listed in the CDC Science Clips are selected by the Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library to provide current awareness of the public health literature. An article's inclusion does not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor does it imply endorsement of the article's methods or findings. CDC and DHHS assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC or DHHS. Opinion, findings and conclusions expressed by the original authors of items included in the Clips, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of CDC or DHHS. References to publications, news sources, and non-CDC Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by CDC or DHHS.
- Page last reviewed: August 4, 2015
- Page last updated: August 4, 2015
- Content source: