Issue 44, November 3, 2015

CDC Science Clips: Volume 7, Issue 44, November 3, 2015
Each Tuesday, to enhance awareness of emerging scientific knowledge, selected science clips will be posted here for the public health community. The focus is applied public health research and prevention science that has the capacity to improve health now.
The report consists of these components:
- Key scientific articles in featured topic areas (this week featuring articles on Food Safety in conjunction with the November CDC Vital Signs)
- CDC-authored publications
CDC Vital Signs
Food Safety
- *Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1998-2008
Gould LH, Walsh KA, Vieira AR, Herman K, Williams IT, Hall AJ, Cole D.
MMWR Surveill Summ. 2013 Jun 28;62(2):1-34.
- 2008 outbreak of Salmonella Saintpaul infections associated with raw produce
Barton Behravesh C, Mody RK, Jungk J, Gaul L, Redd JT, Chen S, Cosgrove S, et al .
N Engl J Med. 2011 Mar 10;364(10):918-27.
- Deaths associated with bacterial pathogens transmitted commonly through food: Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet), 1996-2005
Barton Behravesh C, Jones TF, Vugia DJ, Long C, Marcus R, Smith K, Thomas S, et al .
J Infect Dis. 2011 Jul 15;204(2):263-7.
- Salmonella typhimurium infections associated with peanut products
Cavallaro E, Date K, Medus C, Meyer S, Miller B, Kim C, Nowicki S, et al .
N Engl J Med. 2011 Aug 18;365(7):601-10.
- Nationwide outbreak of Salmonella Montevideo infections associated with contaminated imported black and red pepper: warehouse membership cards provide critical clues to identify the source
Gieraltowski L, Julian E, Pringle J, Macdonald K, Quilliam D, Marsden-Haug N, Saathoff-Huber L, et al .
Epidemiol Infect. 2013 Jun;141(6):1244-52.
- Vital Signs: foodborne norovirus outbreaks - United States, 2009-2012
Hall AJ, Wikswo ME, Pringle K, Gould LH, Parashar UD.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014 Jun 6;63(22):491-5.
- A novel vehicle for transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to humans: multistate outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections associated with consumption of ready-to-bake commercial prepackaged cookie dough - United States, 2009
Neil KP, Biggerstaff G, MacDonald JK, Trees E, Medus C, Musser KA, Stroika SG, Zink D, Sotir MJ.
Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Feb 15;54(4):511-8.
- Increase in multistate foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1973-2010
Nguyen VD, Bennett SD, Mungai E, Gieraltowski L, Hise K, Gould LH.
Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2015 Aug 18.
- Attribution of foodborne illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths to food commodities by using outbreak data, United States, 1998-2008
Painter JA, Hoekstra RM, Ayers T, Tauxe RV, Braden CR, Angulo FJ, Griffin PM.
Emerg Infect Dis. 2013 Mar;19(3):407-15.
- Foodborne illness acquired in the United States - major pathogens
Scallan E, Hoekstra RM, Angulo FJ, Tauxe RV, Widdowson MA, Roy SL, Jones JL, Griffin PM.
Emerg Infect Dis. 2011 Jan;17(1):7-15.
- Multistate outbreak of multidrug-resistant Salmonella newport infections associated with ground beef, October to December 2007
Schneider JL, White PL, Weiss J, Norton D, Lidgard J, Gould LH, Yee B, Vugia DJ, Mohle-Boetani J.
J Food Prot. 2011 Aug;74(8):1315-9.
- *Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1998-2008
CDC Authored Publications
The names of CDC authors are indicated in bold text.
Articles published in the past 6-8 weeks authored by CDC or ATSDR staff.-
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Clinical decision support systems recommended to prevent cardiovascular disease
Hopkins DP.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov;49(5):796-9.
- Clinical decision support systems and prevention: a Community Guide Cardiovascular Disease Systematic Review
Njie GJ, Proia KK, Thota AB, Finnie RK, Hopkins DP, Banks SM, Callahan DB, Pronk NP, Rask KJ, Lackland DT, Kottke TE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov;49(5):784-95.
- The role of clinical decision support systems in preventing cardiovascular disease
Wall HK, Wright JS.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov;49(5):e83-4.
- Opportunistic screening for diabetes and pre-diabetes using hemoglobin A1c in an urban primary care setting
Sohler N, Matti-Orozco B, Young E, Li X, Gregg EW, Ali MK, Bullard KM, Albu JB.
Endocr Pract. 2015 Oct 20.
- Development of the Diabetes Technology Society Blood Glucose Monitor System Surveillance protocol
Klonoff DC, Lias C, Beck S, Parkes JL, Kovatchev B, Vigersky RA, Arreaza-Rubin G, Burk RD, Kowalski A, Little R, Nichols J, Petersen M, Rawlings K, Sacks DB, Sampson E, Scott S, Seley JJ, Slingerland R, Vesper HW.
J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2015 Oct 18.
- Assessing the intersection of cardiovascular disease, venous thromboembolism, and polycystic ovary syndrome
Okoroh EM, Boulet SL, George MG, Hooper WC.
Thromb Res. 2015 Oct 17.
- Clinical decision support systems recommended to prevent cardiovascular disease
Communicable Diseases
- Time of HIV diagnosis in infants after weaning from breast milk
Kourtis AP, King CC, Nelson J, Jamieson DJ, van der Horst C.
AIDS. 2015 Sep 10;29(14):1897-8.
- Cascade of HIV care and population viral suppression in a high-burden region of Kenya
Maman D, Zeh C, Mukui I, Kirubi B, Masson S, Opolo V, Szumilin E, Riche B, Etard JF.
AIDS. 2015 Jul 31;29(12):1557-65.
- Congenital syphilis: trends in mortality and morbidity in the United States, 1999-2013
Su JR, Brooks LC, Davis DW, Torrone EA, Weinstock HS, Kamb ML.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Oct 12.
- Institutional tuberculosis transmission. Controlled trial of upper room ultraviolet air disinfection: a basis for new dosing guidelines
Mphaphlele M, Dharmadhikari AS, Jensen PA, Rudnick SN, van Reenen TH, Pagano MA, Leuschner W, Sears TA, Milonova SP, van der Walt M, Stoltz AC, Weyer K, Nardell EA.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Aug 15;192(4):477-84.
- Mortality associated with seasonal and pandemic influenza among pregnant and nonpregnant women of childbearing age in a high-HIV-prevalence setting-South Africa, 1999-2009
Tempia S, Walaza S, Cohen AL, von Mollendorf C, Moyes J, McAnerney JM, Cohen C.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Oct 1;61(7):1063-70.
- A 29-year-old pregnant woman with worsening left hemiparesis, encephalopathy, and hemodynamic instability: a case report of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Reis GF, Ritter JM, Bellini WJ, Rota PA, Bollen AW.
Clin Neuropathol. 2015 Sep-Oct;34(5):258-66.
- Investments in blood safety improve the availability of blood to underserved areas in a sub-Saharan African country
Pitman JP, Wilkinson R, Basavaraju SV, von Finckenstein B, Sibinga CS, Marfin AA, Postma MJ, Mataranyika M, Tobias J, Lowrance DW.
ISBT Sci Ser. 2014 Nov;9(2):325-333.
- Age-specific race and ethnicity disparities in HIV infection and awareness among men who have sex with men - 20 U.S. cities, 2008 to 2014
Wejnert C, Hess KL, Rose CE, Balaji A, Smith JC, Paz-Bailey G.
J Infect Dis. 2015 Oct 20.
- Evaluation of the dissemination, implementation, and sustainability of the "Partnership for Health" intervention
August EM, Hayek S, Casillas D, Wortley P, Collins CB.
J Public Health Manag Pract. 2015 Oct 19.
- An outbreak of hepatitis E in an urban area of Bangladesh
Haque F, Banu SS, Ara K, Chowdhury IA, Chowdhury SA, Kamili S, Rahman M, Luby SP.
J Viral Hepat. 2015 Nov;22(11):948-56.
- Severe respiratory illness associated with a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the USA (2014): a descriptive epidemiological investigation
Midgley CM, Watson JT, Nix WA, Curns AT, Rogers SL, Brown BA, Conover C, Dominguez SR, Feikin DR, Gray S, Hassan F, Hoferka S, Jackson MA, Johnson D, Leshem E, Miller L, Nichols JB, Nyquist AC, Obringer E, Patel A, Patel M, Rha B, Schneider E, Schuster JE, Selvarangan R, Seward JF, Turabelidze G, Oberste MS, Pallansch MA, Gerber SI.
Lancet Respir Med. 2015 Oct 5.
- Summary of Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions - United States, 2013
Adams D, Fullerton K, Jajosky R, Sharp P, Onweh D, Schley A, Anderson W, Faulkner A, Kugeler K.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;62(53):1-122.
- Influenza illness among case-patients hospitalized for suspected dengue, El Salvador, 2012
Chacon R, Clara AW, Jara J, Armero J, Lozano C, El Omeiri N, Widdowson MA, Azziz-Baumgartner E.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(10):e0140890.
- Incidence of hospitalized pneumococcal pneumonia among adults in Guatemala, 2008-2012
Contreras CL, Verani JR, Lopez MR, Paredes A, Bernart C, Moscoso F, Roldan A, Arvelo W, Lindblade KA, McCracken JP.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(10):e0140939.
- Bacterial sexually transmitted disease screening outside the clinic - implications for the modern sexually transmitted disease program
Bernstein KT, Chow JM, Pathela P, Gift TL.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- The role of behavioral counseling in sexually transmitted disease prevention program settings
Brookmeyer KA, Hogben M, Kinsey J.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Program evaluation for sexually transmitted disease programs: in support of effective interventions
Carter MW.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Health communication and social marketing campaigns for sexually transmitted disease prevention and control: what is the evidence of their effectiveness?
Friedman AL, Kachur RE, Noar SM, McFarlane M.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Predicting the marginal impact of interventions - issues and challenges
Gift TL, Aral SO.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Partner services in sexually transmitted disease prevention programs: a review
Hogben M, Collins D, Hoots B, O'Connor K.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Assessment: a core function for implementing effective interventions in sexually transmitted disease control programs
Kroeger K, Torrone E, Nelson R.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Sexually transmitted disease prevention policies in the United States: evidence and opportunities
Leichliter JS, Seiler N, Wohlfeiler D.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 .
- Differences in risk behaviours and HIV/STI prevalence between low-fee and medium-fee female sex workers in three provinces in China
Han L, Zhou C, Li Z, Poon AN, Rou K, Fuller S, Li Y, Shen L, Kang D, Huang L, Liao M, Fu X, Shepard C, Wu Z, Bulterys M.
Sex Transm Infect. 2015 Oct 16.
- Evaluation of community-based treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis in Bangladesh
Cavanaugh JS, Kurbatova E, Alami NN, Mangan J, Sultana Z, Ahmed S, Begum V, Sultana S, Daru P, Ershova J, Golubkov A, Banu S, Heffelfinger JD.
Trop Med Int Health. 2015 Oct 22.
- Variation in attrition at sub-national level: review of the Botswana National HIV/AIDS Treatment (Masa) Program data (2002-2013)
Farahani M, Price N, El-Halabi S, Mlaudzi N, Keapoletswe K, Lebelonyane R, Fetogang EB, Chebani T, Kebaabetswe P, Masupe T, Gabaake K, Auld A, Nkomazana O, Marlink R.
Trop Med Int Health. 2015 Oct 20.
- Decreasing immunity to hepatitis A virus infection among US adults: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1999-2012
Klevens RM, Denniston MM, Jiles-Chapman RB, Murphy TV.
Vaccine. 2015 Oct 14.
- Time of HIV diagnosis in infants after weaning from breast milk
Disaster Control and Emergency Services
- Assessing the capacity of the US health care system to use additional mechanical ventilators during a large-scale public health emergency
Ajao A, Nystrom SV, Koonin LM, Patel A, Howell DR, Baccam P, Lant T, Malatino E, Chamberlin M, Meltzer MI.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2015 Oct 9:1-8.
- Assessing the capacity of the US health care system to use additional mechanical ventilators during a large-scale public health emergency
Disease Reservoirs and Vectors
- Genetic variability and population structure of Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations from different malaria ecological regions of Kenya
Ingasia LA, Cheruiyot J, Okoth SA, Andagalu B, Kamau E.
Infect Genet Evol. 2015 Oct 12.
- Flea-associated bacterial communities across an environmental transect in a plague-endemic region of Uganda
Jones RT, Borchert J, Eisen R, MacMillan K, Boegler K, Gage KL.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(10):e0141057.
- The distribution and diversity of Bartonella species in rodents and their ectoparasites across Thailand
Klangthong K, Promsthaporn S, Leepitakrat S, Schuster AL, McCardle PW, Kosoy M, Takhampunya R.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(10):e0140856.
- Genetic variability and population structure of Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations from different malaria ecological regions of Kenya
Environmental Health
- Sociodemographic and perinatal predictors of early pregnancy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) concentrations
Sagiv SK, Rifas-Shiman SL, Webster TF, Mora AM, Harris MH, Calafat AM, Ye X, Gillman MW, Oken E.
Environ Sci Technol. 2015 Oct 6;49(19):11849-58.
- Prenatal mercury concentration is associated with changes in DNA methylation at TCEANC2 in newborns
Bakulski KM, Lee H, Feinberg JI, Wells EM, Brown S, Herbstman JB, Witter FR, Halden RU, Caldwell K, Mortensen ME, Jaffe AE, Moye J, Caulfield LE, Pan Y, Goldman LR, Feinberg AP, Fallin MD.
Int J Epidemiol. 2015 Aug;44(4):1249-62.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of state specific lead-based paint hazard risk reduction laws in preventing recurring incidences of lead poisoning in children
Kennedy C, Lordo R, Sucosky MS, Boehm R, Brown MJ.
Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2015 Oct 9.
- Sociodemographic and perinatal predictors of early pregnancy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) concentrations
Food Safety
- Development of dose-response models to predict the relationship for human toxoplasma gondii infection associated with meat consumption
Guo M, Mishra A, Buchanan RL, Dubey JP, E. Hill D, Gamble HR, Jones JL, Du X, Pradhan AK.
Risk Anal. 2015 Oct 19.
- Development of dose-response models to predict the relationship for human toxoplasma gondii infection associated with meat consumption
Genetics and Genomics
- Rv3351c, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene that affects bacterial growth and alveolar epithelial cell viability
Pavlicek RL, Fine-Coulson K, Gupta T, Quinn FD, Posey JE, Willby M, Castro-Garza J, Karls RK.
Can J Microbiol. 2015 Oct 22:1-10.
- Pharmacogenetic allele nomenclature: international workgroup recommendations for test result reporting
Kalman LV, Agundez JA, Appell ML, Black JL, Bell GC, Boukouvala S, et al .
Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Oct 19.
- Genome sequence of a urease-positive Campylobacter lari strain
Meinersmann RJ, Bono JL, Lindsey RL, Genzlinger LL, Loparev VN, Oakley BB.
Genome Announc. 2015 ;3(5).
- Human gene expression in uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria
Colborn JM, Ylostalo JH, Koita OA, Cisse OH, Krogstad DJ.
J Immunol Res. 2015 ;2015:162639.
- What is peromyscus? Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences suggests the need for a new classification
Platt RN, Amman BR, Keith MS, Thompson CW, Bradley RD.
J Mammal. 2015 ;96(4):708-719.
- Molecular systematics of South American marsh rats of the genus Holochilus (muroidea, cricetidae, sigmodontinae)
D'Elia G, Hanson JD, Mauldin MR, Teta P, Pardi?as UF.
Journal of Mammalogy. 2015 ;96(5):1081-1094.
- Rv3351c, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene that affects bacterial growth and alveolar epithelial cell viability
Global Health
- Pre-travel medical preparation of business and occupational travelers: an analysis of the Global TravEpiNet consortium, 2009 to 2012
Khan NM, Jentes ES, Brown C, Han P, Rao SR, Kozarsky P, Hagmann SH, LaRocque RC, Ryan ET.
J Occup Environ Med. 2015 Oct 15.
- Pre-travel medical preparation of business and occupational travelers: an analysis of the Global TravEpiNet consortium, 2009 to 2012
Health Communication and Education
- Striving for excellence in health promotion pedagogy
Auld ME, Bishop K.
Pedagogy Health Promot. 2015 Mar;1(1):5-7.
- Striving for excellence in health promotion pedagogy
Health Economics
- 2010 national and state costs of excessive alcohol consumption
Sacks JJ, Gonzales KR, Bouchery EE, Tomedi LE, Brewer RD.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov;49(5):e73-9.
- Cost-utility analysis of cancer prevention, treatment, and control: a systematic review
Winn AN, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP, Neumann PJ.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Oct 12.
- Economics of team-based care in controlling blood pressure: a Community Guide systematic review
Jacob V, Chattopadhyay SK, Thota AB, Proia KK, Njie G, Hopkins DP, Finnie RK, Pronk NP, Kottke TE.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov;49(5):772-83.
- When is genomic testing cost-effective? Testing for Lynch Syndrome in patients with newly-diagnosed colorectal cancer and their relatives
Grosse SD.
Healthcare (Basel). 2015 ;3(4):860-878.
- A cost-effectiveness analysis of a pilot neonatal screening program for sickle cell anemia in the Republic of Angola
McGann PT, Grosse SD, Santos B, de Oliveira V, Bernardino L, Kassebaum NJ, Ware RE, Airewele GE.
J Pediatr. 2015 Oct 15.
- 2010 national and state costs of excessive alcohol consumption
Healthcare Associated Infections
- Evaluating the use of the case mix index for risk adjustment of healthcare-associated infection data: an illustration using Clostridium difficile infection data from the National Healthcare Safety Network
Thompson ND, Edwards JR, Dudeck MA, Fridkin SK, Magill SS.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Oct 21:1-7.
- Mycobacterium chelonae eye infections associated with humidifier use in an outpatient LASIK clinic - Ohio, 2015
Edens C, Liebich L, Halpin AL, Moulton-Meissner H, Eitniear S, Zgodzinski E, Vasko L, Grossman D, Perz JF, Mohr MC.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(41):1177.
- Evaluating the use of the case mix index for risk adjustment of healthcare-associated infection data: an illustration using Clostridium difficile infection data from the National Healthcare Safety Network
Immunity and Immunization
- Randomized controlled trial to compare immunogenicity of standard dose intramuscular versus intradermal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Bangkok, Thailand
Garg S, Thongcharoen P, Prapasiri P, Chitwarakorn A, Sathirapanya P, Fernandez S, Rungrojcharoenkit K, Chonwattana W, Mock PA, Sukwicha W, Katz JM, Widdowson MA, Curlin ME, Gibbons RV, Holtz T, Dawood FS, Olsen SJ.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Oct 20.
- Use of serogroup B meningococcal vaccines in adolescents and young adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices, 2015
MacNeil JR, Rubin L, Folaranmi T, Ortega-Sanchez IR, Patel M, Martin SW.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(41):1171-1176.
- Progress toward poliomyelitis eradication - Afghanistan, January 2014 - August 2015
Mbaeyi C, Saatcioglu A, Tangermann RH, Hadler S, Ehrhardt D.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(41):1166-1170.
- Genetic diversity and protective efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine
Neafsey DE, Juraska M, Bedford T, Benkeser D, Valim C, Griggs A, Lievens M, Abdulla S, Adjei S, Agbenyega T, Agnandji ST, Aide P, Anderson S, Ansong D, Aponte JJ, Asante KP, Bejon P, Birkett AJ, Bruls M, Connolly KM, D'Alessandro U, Dobano C, Gesase S, Greenwood B, Grimsby J, Tinto H, Hamel MJ, Hoffman I, Kamthunzi P, Kariuki S, Kremsner PG, Leach A, Lell B, Lennon NJ, Lusingu J, Marsh K, Martinson F, Molel JT, Moss EL, Njuguna P, Ockenhouse CF, Ragama Ogutu B, Otieno W, Otieno L, Otieno K, et al .
N Engl J Med. 2015 Oct 21.
- Safety of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis and influenza vaccinations in pregnancy
Sukumaran L, McCarthy NL, Kharbanda EO, Weintraub ES, Vazquez-Benitez G, McNeil MM, Li R, Klein NP, Hambidge SJ, Naleway AL, Lugg MM, Jackson ML, King JP, DeStefano F, Omer SB, Orenstein WA.
Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Nov;126(5):1069-1074.
- Impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and antibiotic use on nasopharyngeal colonization by antibiotic nonsusceptible streptococcus pneumoniae, Alaska, 2000 - 2010
Gounder PP, Brewster M, Bruce MG, Bruden DJ, Rudolph K, Hurlburt DA, Hennessy TW.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015 Nov;34(11):1223-9.
- Early priming with inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) and intradermal fractional dose IPV administered by a microneedle device: a randomized controlled trial
Anand A, Zaman K, Estivariz CF, Yunus M, Gary HE, Weldon WC, Bari TI, Oberste MS, Wassilak SG, Luby SP, Heffelfinger JD, Pallansch MA.
Vaccine. 2015 Oct 14.
- Individual level determinants for not receiving immunization, receiving immunization with delay, and being severely underimmunized among rural western Kenyan children
Gibson DG, Ochieng B, Kagucia EW, Obor D, Odhiambo F, O'Brien KL, Feikin DR.
Vaccine. 2015 Oct 16.
- Randomized controlled trial to compare immunogenicity of standard dose intramuscular versus intradermal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Bangkok, Thailand
Injury and Violence
- HIV and childhood sexual violence: implications for sexual risk behaviors and HIV testing in Tanzania
Chiang LF, Chen J, Gladden MR, Mercy JA, Kwesigabo G, Mrisho F, Dahlberg LL, Vagi K, Brookmeyer KA.
AIDS Educ Prev. 2015 Oct;27(5):474-87.
- Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence against men with disabilities
Mitra M, Mouradian VE, Fox MH, Pratt C.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Oct 13.
- HIV and childhood sexual violence: implications for sexual risk behaviors and HIV testing in Tanzania
Laboratory Sciences
- Physiologic and fit factor profiles of N95 and P100 filtering facepiece respirators for use in hot, humid environments
Kim JH, Wu T, Powell JB, Roberge RJ.
Am J Infect Control. 2015 Oct 14.
- Identification of TGF-beta receptor-1 as a key regulator of carbon nanotube-induced fibrogenesis
Mishra A, Stueckle TA, Mercer RR, Derk R, Rojanasakul Y, Castranova V, Wang L.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015 Oct 15;309(8):L821-33.
- Detection and quantification of 2H and 3R phases in commercial graphene-based materials
Seehra MS, Geddam UK, Schwegler-Berry D, Stefaniak AB.
Carbon. 2015 ;95:818-823.
- Stringent HIV viral load threshold for virological failure using dried blood spots: is the perfect the enemy of the good?
Inzaule SC, Hamers RL, Zeh CE, Rinke de Wit TF.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Aug 22.
- Pulmonary toxicity of indium-tin oxide production facility particles in rats
Badding MA, Fix NR, Orandle MS, Barger MW, Dunnick KM, Cummings KJ, Leonard SS.
J Appl Toxicol. 2015 Oct 15.
- Development of a TaqMan array card for acute febrile illness outbreak investigation and surveillance of emerging pathogens including Ebola virus
Liu J, Ochieng C, Wiersma S, Stroher U, Towner JS, Whitmer S, Nichol ST, Moore CC, Kersh GJ, Kato C, Sexton C, Petersen J, Massung R, Hercik C, Crump JA, Kibiki G, Maro A, Mujaga B, Gratz J, Jacob ST, Banura P, Scheld WM, Juma B, Onyango CO, Montgomery JM, Houpt E, Fields B.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Oct 21.
- Are post-Ebola reconstruction efforts neglecting public health laboratory systems?
Nkengasong JN, Skaggs BA.
Lancet Glob Health. 2015 Nov;3(11):e678.
- The salt-sensitive structure and zinc inhibition of Borrelia burgdorferi protease BbHtrA
Russell TM, Tang X, Goldstein JM, Bagarozzi D, Johnson BJ.
Mol Microbiol. 2015 Oct 19.
- Development of a Luminex bead based assay for diagnosis of toxocariasis using recombinant antigens Tc-CTL-1 and Tc-TES-26
Anderson JP, Rascoe LN, Levert K, Chastain HM, Reed MS, Rivera HN, McAuliffe I, Zhan B, Wiegand RE, Hotez PJ, Wilkins PP, Pohl J, Handali S.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Oct;9(10):e0004168.
- Physiologic and fit factor profiles of N95 and P100 filtering facepiece respirators for use in hot, humid environments
Maternal and Child Health
- Diagnosis lost: differences between children who had and who currently have an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
Blumberg SJ, Zablotsky B, Avila RM, Colpe LJ, Pringle BA, Kogan MD.
Autism. 2015 Oct 20.
- Prepregnancy obesity and primary cesareans among otherwise low-risk mothers in 38 U.S. states in 2012
Declercq E, MacDorman M, Osterman M, Belanoff C, Iverson R.
Birth. 2015 Oct 21.
- Factors associated with parental ratings of condition severity for children with autism spectrum disorder
Zablotsky B, Bramlett M, Blumberg SJ.
Disabil Health J. 2015 Oct;8(4):626-34.
- Factors associated with travel time and distance to access hospital care among infants with spina bifida
Radcliff E, Delmelle E, Kirby RS, Laditka SB, Correia J, Cassell CH.
Matern Child Health J. 2015 Oct 20.
- Diagnosis lost: differences between children who had and who currently have an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
Nutritional Sciences
- Sodium content of foods contributing to sodium intake: comparison between selected foods from the CDC Packaged Food Database and the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Maalouf J, Cogswell ME, Yuan K, Martin C, Gillespie C, Ahuja JK, Pehrsson P, Merritt R.
Procedia Food Sci. 2015 ;4:114-124.
- Sodium content of foods contributing to sodium intake: comparison between selected foods from the CDC Packaged Food Database and the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Occupational Safety and Health
- Risk of cancer from occupational exposure to ionising radiation: retrospective cohort study of workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States (INWORKS)
Richardson DB, Cardis E, Daniels RD, Gillies M, O'Hagan JA, Hamra GB, Haylock R, Laurier D, Leuraud K, Moissonnier M, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Thierry-Chef I, Kesminiene A.
BMJ. 2015 ;351:h5359.
- Risk of cancer from occupational exposure to ionising radiation: retrospective cohort study of workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States (INWORKS)
Occupational Safety and Health - Mining
- Underground mine refuge alternatives
Mayton AG, Heberger JR.
Coal Age. 2015 ;120(9):40-43.
- Underground mine refuge alternatives
Parasitic Diseases
- Molecular investigation into a malaria outbreak in Cusco, Peru: Plasmodium falciparum BV1 lineage is linked to a second outbreak in recent times
Okoth SA, Chenet SM, Arrospide N, Gutierrez S, Cabezas C, Matta JA, Udhayakumar V.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Oct 19.
- Malaria prevention strategies: adherence among Boston area travelers visiting malaria-endemic countries
Stoney RJ, Chen LH, Jentes ES, Wilson ME, Han PV, Benoit CM, MacLeod WB, Hamer DH, Barnett ED.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Oct 19.
- Impact of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance on effectiveness of intermittent preventive therapy for malaria in pregnancy at clearing infections and preventing low birth weight
Desai M, Gutman J, Taylor SM, Wiegand RE, Khairallah C, Kayentao K, Ouma P, Coulibaly SO, Kalilani L, Mace KE, Arinaitwe E, Mathanga DP, Doumbo O, Otieno K, Edgar D, Chaluluka E, Kamuliwo M, Ades V, Skarbinski J, Shi YP, Magnussen P, Meshnick S, Ter Kuile FO.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Oct 20.
- A historical perspective on malaria control in Brazil
Griffing SM, Tauil PL, Udhayakumar V, Silva-Flannery L.
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 2015 ;110(6):701-718.
- Progress toward global eradication of Dracunculiasis, January 2014-June 2015
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- Changes in antibody levels during and following an episode of acute adenolymphangitis (ADL) among lymphedema patients in Leogane, Haiti
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PLoS One. 2015 ;10(10):e0141047.
- Molecular investigation into a malaria outbreak in Cusco, Peru: Plasmodium falciparum BV1 lineage is linked to a second outbreak in recent times
Public Health Leadership and Management
- Integrative medicine in preventive medicine education: competency and curriculum development for preventive medicine and other specialty residency programs
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Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov;49(5 Suppl 3):S222-9.
- Integrative medicine in preventive medicine education: competency and curriculum development for preventive medicine and other specialty residency programs
Substance Use and Abuse
- Heroin shortage in Coastal Kenya: a rapid assessment and qualitative analysis of heroin users' experiences
Mital S, Miles G, McLellan-Lemal E, Muthui M, Needle R.
Int J Drug Policy. 2015 Aug 22.
- Heroin shortage in Coastal Kenya: a rapid assessment and qualitative analysis of heroin users' experiences
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- Page last reviewed: November 3, 2015
- Page last updated: November 4, 2015
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