Issue 47, December 1, 2015

CDC Science Clips: Volume 7, Issue 47, December 1, 2015
Each Tuesday, to enhance awareness of emerging scientific knowledge, selected science clips will be posted here for the public health community. The focus is applied public health research and prevention science that has the capacity to improve health now.
The report consists of these components:
- Key scientific articles in featured topic areas (this week featuring articles on HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in conjunction with the December CDC Vital Signs)
- CDC-authored publications
CDC Vital Signs
Communicable Diseases - HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
- *Pre-exposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus: the past, present, and future
Castel AD, Magnus M, Greenberg AE.
Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2014 Dec;28(4):563-83.
- *Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for prevention of HIV in serodiscordant heterosexual couples in the United States: opportunities and challenges
McMahon JM, Myers JE, Kurth AE, Cohen SE, Mannheimer SB, Simmons J, Pouget ER, Trabold N, Haberer JE.
AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2014 Sep;28(9):462-74.
- Modeling dynamic interactions between pre-exposure prophylaxis interventions & treatment programs: predicting HIV transmission & resistance
Supervie V, Barrett M, Kahn JS, Musuka G, Moeti TL, Busang L, Blower S.
Sci Rep. 2011 ;1:185.
- Increased Medicaid prescriptions for preexposure prophylaxis against HIV infection - New York, 2012 ? 2015
Laufer FN, O'Connell DA, Feldman I, Zucker HA.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(46):1296-1301.
- Preexposure prophylaxis for HIV infection integrated with municipal- and community-based sexual health services
Liu AY, Cohen SE, Vittinghoff E, Anderson PL, Doblecki-Lewis S, Bacon O, Chege W, Postle BS, Matheson T, Amico KR, Liegler T, Rawlings MK, Trainor N, Blue RW, Estrada Y, Coleman ME, Cardenas G, Feaster DJ, Grant R, Philip SS, Elion R, Buchbinder S, Kolber MA.
JAMA Intern Med. 2015 Nov 16:1-11.
- No new HIV infections with increasing use of HIV preexposure prophylaxis in a clinical practice setting
Volk JE, Marcus JL, Phengrasamy T, Blechinger D, Nguyen DP, Follansbee S, Hare CB.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61(10):1601-3.
- Preexposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV infection in the United States-2014: a clinical practice guideline (PDF - 67 pages)
U. S. Public Health Service.
. 2014 .
- National HIV/AIDS strategy for the United States updated to 2020
Office of National AIDS Policy. (PDF - 74 pages)
. 2015 .
- Significant uptake of Truvada for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) utilization in the US in late 2014-1Q 2015 (PDF - 18 pages)
Bush S, Ng L, Magnuson D, Piontkowsky D, Mera Giler R.
Presented at IAPAC Treatment, Prevention, and Adherence Conference; Miami, Florida; June 28–30, 2015.
. .
- Near elimination of HIV transmission in a demonstration project of PrEP and ART(audio/visual media)
Baeten JM, Heffron R, Kidoguchi L, Mugo N, Katabira E, Bukusi E, Asiimwe S, Haberer J, Donnell D, Celum C.
: Presented at Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections; Seattle, Washington; February 23-26, 2015
- *Pre-exposure prophylaxis for human immunodeficiency virus: the past, present, and future
CDC Authored Publications
The names of CDC authors are indicated in bold text.
Articles published in the past 6-8 weeks authored by CDC or ATSDR staff.-
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Hearing in older adults with exfoliation syndrome/exfoliation glaucoma or primary open-angle glaucoma
Tryggvason G, Jonasson F, Cotch MF, Li CM, Hoffman HJ, Themann CL, Eiriksdottir G, Sverrisdottir JE, Harris TB, Launer LJ, Gudnason V, Petersen H.
Acta Ophthalmol. 2015 Nov 7.
- Beyond body mass index: Advantages of abdominal measurements for recognizing cardiometabolic disorders
Kahn HS, McKeever Bullard K.
Am J Med. 2015 Aug 21.
- Obstetrician-gynecologists' beliefs about performing less cervical cancer screening: the pendulum swings
Schneider A, Henderson JT, Harper CC, Hsu A, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Nov;213(5):744-5.
- Economic evaluation of combined diet and physical activity promotion programs to prevent type 2 diabetes among persons at increased risk: A systematic review for the Community Preventive Services Task Force
Li R, Qu S, Zhang P, Chattopadhyay S, Gregg EW, Albright A, Hopkins D, Pronk NP.
Ann Intern Med. 2015 Sep 15;163(6):452-60.
- Development and demonstration of a state model for the estimation of incidence of partly undetected chronic diseases
Brinks R, Bardenheier BH, Hoyer A, Lin J, Landwehr S, Gregg EW.
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2015 ;15:98.
- Potential environmental factors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Oskarsson B, Horton DK, Mitsumoto H.
Neurol Clin. 2015 Nov;33(4):877-88.
- Selected diagnosed chronic conditions by sexual orientation: A national study of US Adults, 2013
Ward BW, Joestl SS, Galinsky AM, Dahlhamer JM.
Prev Chronic Dis. 2015 ;12:E192.
- Providers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to colorectal cancer control in Brazil
Perin DM, Saraiya M, Thompson TD, de Moura L, Simoes EJ, Parra DC, Brownson RC.
Prev Med. 2015 Oct 9;81:373-379.
- Chronic liver disease-associated hospitalizations among adults with diabetes, national inpatient sample, 2001-2012
Byrd KK, Mehal JM, Schillie SF, Holman RC, Haberling D, Murphy T.
Public Health Rep. 2015 Nov-Dec;130(6):693-703.
- Preventive aspirin and other antiplatelet medication use among U.S. adults aged >/=40 years: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012
Gu Q, Dillon CF, Eberhardt MS, Wright JD, Burt VL.
Public Health Rep. 2015 Nov-Dec;130(6):643-54.
- Policy, systems, and environmental approaches to obesity prevention: translating and disseminating evidence from practice
Leeman J, Aycock N, Paxton-Aiken A, Lowe-Wilson A, Sommers J, Farris R, Thompson D, Ammerman A.
Public Health Rep. 2015 Nov-Dec;130(6):616-22.
- Hearing in older adults with exfoliation syndrome/exfoliation glaucoma or primary open-angle glaucoma
Communicable Diseases
- Obesity is associated with greater inflammation and monocyte activation among HIV-infected adults receiving antiretroviral therapy
Conley LJ, Bush TJ, Rupert AW, Sereti I, Patel P, Brooks JT, Baker JV.
AIDS. 2015 Oct 23;29(16):2201-7.
- Effectiveness of hormonal contraception in HIV-infected women using antiretroviral therapy
Pyra M, Heffron R, Mugo NR, Nanda K, Thomas KK, Celum C, Kourtis AP, Were E, Rees H, Bukusi E, Baeten JM.
AIDS. 2015 Nov;29(17):2353-9.
- Molecular analysis allows inference into HIV transmission among young men who have sex with men in the United States
Whiteside YO, Song R, Wertheim JO, Oster AM.
AIDS. 2015 Nov 28;29(18):2517-22.
- Late diagnosis of HIV infection in metropolitan areas of the United States and Puerto Rico
Hall HI, Tang T, Espinoza L.
AIDS Behav. 2015 Nov 5.
- A field-validated approach using surveillance and genotyping data to estimate tuberculosis attributable to recent transmission in the United States
France AM, Grant J, Kammerer JS, Navin TR.
Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Nov 1;182(9):799-807.
- Patterns and trends of newly diagnosed HIV infections among adults and adolescents in correctional and noncorrectional facilities, United States, 2008-2011
Barskey AE, Surendera Babu A, Hernandez A, Espinoza L.
Am J Public Health. 2015 Nov 12:e1-e7.
- Continuing need for sexually transmitted disease clinics after the Affordable Care Act
Hoover KW, Parsell BW, Leichliter JS, Habel MA, Tao G, Pearson WS, Gift TL.
Am J Public Health. 2015 Nov;105 Suppl 5:S690-5.
- Delivery of an Ebola virus-positive stillborn infant in a rural community health center, Sierra Leone, January 2015
Bower H, Grass JE, Veltus E, Brault A, Campbell S, Basile AJ, Wang D, Paddock CD, Erickson BR, Salzer JS, Belser J, Chege E, Seneca D, Saffa G, Stroeher U, Decroo T, Caleo GM.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Nov 10.
- Adverse drug reactions reported to a National HIV & Tuberculosis Health Care Worker Hotline in South Africa: description and prospective follow-up of reports
Njuguna C, Stewart A, Mouton JP, Blockman M, Maartens G, Swart A, Chisholm B, Jones J, Dheda M, Igumbor EU, Cohen K.
Drug Saf. 2015 Nov 7.
- Chronic infection with camelid hepatitis E virus in a liver-transplant recipient who regularly consumes camel meat and milk
Lee GH, Tan BH, Teo EC, Lim SG, Dan YY, Wee A, Aw PP, Zhu Y, Hibberd ML, Tan CK, Purdy MA, Teo CG.
Gastroenterology. 2015 Nov 6.
- Completeness of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection reporting from outpatient hemodialysis facilities to the National Healthcare Safety Network, 2013
Nguyen DB, See I, Gualandi N, Shugart A, Lines C, Bamberg W, Dumyati G, Harrison LH, Lesher L, Nadle J, Petit S, Ray SM, Schaffner W, Townes J, Njord L, Sievert D, Thompson ND, Patel PR.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Nov 11:1-3.
- Addressing contact tracing challenges - critical to halting Ebola virus disease transmission
Greiner AL, Angelo KM, McCollum AM, Mirkovic K, Arthur R, Angulo FJ.
Int J Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 4.
- Implementation and operational research: Strengthening HIV Test Access and Treatment Uptake Study (Project STATUS): A randomized trial of HIV testing and counseling interventions
McNaghten AD, Schilsky Mneimneh A, Farirai T, Wamai N, Ntiro M, Sabatier J, Makhunga-Ramfolo N, Mwanasalli S, Awor A, Moore J.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Dec 1;70(4):e140-6.
- Using molecular HIV surveillance data to understand transmission between subpopulations in the United States
Oster AM, Wertheim JO, Hernandez AL, Ocfemia MC, Saduvala N, Hall HI.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Dec 1;70(4):444-51.
- Race and the public health impact potential of pre-exposure prophylaxis in the United States
Schneider JA, Bouris A, Smith DK.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Sep 1;70(1):e30-2.
- Rotavirus G and P types in children with acute diarrhea in Cairo, Egypt, 2011-2012
Shoeib AR, Hull JJ, Jiang B.
J Egypt Public Health Assoc. 2015 Sep;90(3):121-4.
- Using high-impact HIV prevention to achieve the national HIV/AIDS strategic goals in Miami-Dade County, Florida: a case study
Carey J, LaLota M, Villamizar K, McElroy T, Wilson MM, Garcia J, Sandrock R, Taveras J, Candio D, Flores SA.
J Public Health Manag Pract. 2015 ;21:584-593 10p.
- Meningococcal disease among men who have sex with men - United States, January 2012-June 2015
Kamiya H, MacNeil J, Blain A, Patel M, Martin S, Weiss D, Ngai S, Ezeoke I, Mascola L, Civen R, Ngo V, Black S, Kemble S, Chugh R, Murphy E, Petit C, Harriman K, Winter K, Beron A, Clegg W, Conover C, Misegades L.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(44):1256-1257.
- Progress toward regional measles elimination - worldwide, 2000-2014
Perry RT, Murray JS, Gacic-Dobo M, Dabbagh A, Mulders MN, Strebel PM, Okwo-Bele JM, Rota PA, Goodson JL.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(44):1246-1251.
- Prevalence of anal human papillomavirus vaccine types in the Bangkok men who have sex with men cohort study
Cranston RD, Althouse AD, van Griensven F, Janocko L, Curlin ME, Chaikummao S, Chonwattana W, Siegel A, Holtz TH, McGowan I.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 Dec;42(12):671-676.
- Effects of brief messaging about undiagnosed infections detected through HIV testing among black and Latino men who have sex with men in the United States
Mansergh G, Miller P, Herbst JH, Mimiaga MJ, Holman J.
Sex Transm Dis. 2015 Dec;42(12):691-693.
- Progress towards poliomyelitis eradication: Afghanistan, January 2014-August 2015
Chukwuma M, Saatcioglu A, Tangermann RH, Hadler S, Ehrhardt D.
Wkly Epidemiol Rec. 2015 Oct 23;90(43):581-8.
- Obesity is associated with greater inflammation and monocyte activation among HIV-infected adults receiving antiretroviral therapy
Disease Reservoirs and Vectors
- Government response to the discovery of a rabies virus reservoir species on a previously designated rabies-free island, Taiwan, 1999-2014
Chang SS, Tsai HJ, Chang FY, Lee TS, Huang KC, Fang KY, Wallace RM, Inoue S, Fei CY.
Zoonoses Public Health. 2015 Nov 6.
- Government response to the discovery of a rabies virus reservoir species on a previously designated rabies-free island, Taiwan, 1999-2014
Environmental Health
- Threat of secondary chemical contamination of emergency departments and personnel: an uncommon but recurrent problem
Larson TC, Orr MF, Auf der Heide E, Wu J, Mukhopadhyay S, Kevin Horton D.
Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2015 Nov 10:1-4.
- Prenatal perfluoroalkyl substance exposure and child adiposity at 8 years of age: The HOME study
Braun JM, Chen A, Romano ME, Calafat AM, Webster GM, Yolton K, Lanphear BP.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Nov 11.
- Perceptions of health communication, water treatment and sanitation in Artibonite Department, Haiti, March-April 2012
Williams HA, Gaines J, Patrick M, Berendes D, Fitter D, Handzel T.
PLoS One. 2015 ;10(11):e0142778.
- Threat of secondary chemical contamination of emergency departments and personnel: an uncommon but recurrent problem
Epidemiology and Surveillance
- Epidemiology of invasive group A streptococcal disease in Alaska, 2001 - 2013
Rudolph K, Bruce MG, Bruden D, Zulz T, Reasonover A, Hurlburt D, Hennessy T.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Nov 11.
- Epidemiology of invasive group A streptococcal disease in Alaska, 2001 - 2013
Food Safety
- Predominance and distribution of a persistent Listeria monocytogenes clone in a commercial fresh mushroom processing environment
Murugesan L, Kucerova Z, Knabel SJ, LaBorde LF.
J Food Prot. 2015 Nov;78(11):1988-98.
- Predominance and distribution of a persistent Listeria monocytogenes clone in a commercial fresh mushroom processing environment
Genetics and Genomics
- Precision public health for the era of precision medicine
Khoury MJ, Iademarco MF, Riley WT.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov 4.
- Representativeness of tuberculosis genotyping surveillance in the United States, 2009-2010
Shak EB, France AM, Cowan L, Starks AM, Grant J.
Public Health Rep. 2015 Nov-Dec;130(6):596-601.
- Precision public health for the era of precision medicine
Health Behavior and Risk
- Efficacy of a brief intervention to reduce substance use and human immunodeficiency virus infection risk among Latino youth
Estrada Y, Rosen A, Huang S, Tapia M, Sutton M, Willis L, Quevedo A, Condo C, Vidot DC, Pantin H, Prado G.
J Adolesc Health. 2015 Sep 19.
- Efficacy of a brief intervention to reduce substance use and human immunodeficiency virus infection risk among Latino youth
Health Disparities
- Out-of-school-time academic programs to improve school achievement: a Community Guide health equity systematic review
Knopf JA, Hahn RA , Proia KK, Truman BI, Johnson RL, Muntaner C , Fielding JE, Jones CP, Fullilove MT, Hunt PC, Qu S, Chattopadhyay SK, Milstein B.
J Public Health Manag Pract. 2015 ;21:594-608.
- Travel by public transit to mammography facilities in 6 US urban areas
Graham S, Lewis B, Flanagan B, Watson M, Peipins L.
Journal of Transport and Health. 2015 .
- Out-of-school-time academic programs to improve school achievement: a Community Guide health equity systematic review
Health Economics
- A population-based estimate of the economic burden of influenza in Peru, 2009-2010
Tinoco YO, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Razuri H, Kasper MR, Romero C, Ortiz E, Gomez J, Widdowson MA, Uyeki TM, Gilman RH, Bausch DG, Montgomery JM.
Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2015 Nov 7.
- Mental health services utilization and expenditures associated with cancer survivorship in the United States
Li C, Li C, Forsythe L, Lerro C, Soni A.
J Cancer Surviv. 2015 Mar;9(1):50-8.
- Big differences in state tobacco-control spending
Juang G, Walton K, Gerzoff RB, King BA, Chalupka FJ.
. 2015 ;37:58-60 3p.
- Estimating the size and cost of the STD prevention services safety net
Gift TL, Haderxhanaj LT, Torrone EA, Behl AS, Romaguera RA, Leichliter JS.
Public Health Rep. 2015 Nov-Dec;130(6):602-9.
- A population-based estimate of the economic burden of influenza in Peru, 2009-2010
Immunity and Immunization
- Uptake of influenza vaccination and missed opportunities among adults with high-risk conditions, United States, 2013
Lu PJ, O'Halloran A, Ding H, Srivastav A, Williams WW.
Am J Med. 2015 Nov 6.
- HPV type attribution in high-grade cervical lesions: assessing the potential benefits of vaccines in a population-based evaluation in the United States
Hariri S, Unger ER, Schafer S, Niccolai LM, Park IU, Bloch KC, Bennett NM, Steinau M, Johnson ML, Markowitz LE.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Feb;24(2):393-9.
- Antibody persistence at 1 and 4 years following a single dose of MenAfriVac or quadrivalent polysaccharide vaccine in healthy subjects aged 2-29 years
Diallo A, Sow SO, Idoko OT, Hirve S, Findlow H, Preziosi MP, Elie C, Kulkarni PS, Parulekar V, Diarra B, Cheick Haidara F, Diallo F, Tapia M, Akinsola AK, Adegbola RA, Bavdekar A, Juvekar S, Chaumont J, Martellet L, Marchetti E, LaForce MF, Plikaytis BD, Enwere GC, Tang Y, Borrow R, Carlone G, Viviani S.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S521-30.
- Lessons learned from enhancing vaccine pharmacovigilance activities during PsA-TT introduction in African countries, 2010-2013
Diomande FV, Yameogo TM, Vannice KS, Preziosi MP, Viviani S, Ouandaogo CR, Keita M, Djingarey MH, Mbakuliyemo N, Akanmori BD, Sow SO, Zuber PL.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S459-66.
- Public health impact after the introduction of PsA-TT: the first 4 years
Diomande FV, Djingarey MH, Daugla DM, Novak RT, Kristiansen PA, Collard JM, Gamougam K, Kandolo D, Mbakuliyemo N, Mayer L, Stuart J, Clark T, Tevi-Benissan C, Perea WA, Preziosi MP, Marc LaForce F, Caugant D, Messonnier N, Walker O, Greenwood B.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S467-72.
- Introduction and rollout of a new group a meningococcal conjugate vaccine (PsA-TT) in African meningitis belt countries, 2010-2014
Djingarey MH, Diomande FV, Barry R, Kandolo D, Shirehwa F, Lingani C, Novak RT, Tevi-Benissan C, Perea W, Preziosi MP, LaForce FM.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S434-41.
- Neisseria meningitidis Group A IgG1 and IgG2 subclass immune response in African children aged 12-23 months following meningococcal vaccination
Holme D, Findlow H, Sow SO, Idoko OT, Preziosi MP, Carlone G, Plikaytis BD, Borrow R.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S563-9.
- Human complement bactericidal responses to a group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine in Africans and comparison to responses measured by 2 other group A immunoassays
Price GA, Hollander AM, Plikaytis BD, Mocca BT, Carlone G, Findlow H, Borrow R, Sow SO, Diallo A, Idoko OT, Enwere GC, Elie C, Preziosi MP, Kulkarni PS, Bash MC.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S554-62.
- Immunogenicity of yellow fever vaccine coadministered with MenAfriVac in healthy infants in Ghana and Mali
Roy Chowdhury P, Meier C, Laraway H, Tang Y, Hodgson A, Sow SO, Enwere GC, Plikaytis BD, Kulkarni PS, Preziosi MP, Niedrig M.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S586-93.
- Influence of age on antibody response and persistence following immunization with MenAfriVac
Tang Y, Plikaytis BD, Preziosi MP, Borrow R.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S531-9.
- Antibody persistence 1-5 years following vaccination with MenAfriVac in African children vaccinated at 12-23 months of age
Tapia MD, Findlow H, Idoko OT, Preziosi MP, Kulkarni PS, Enwere GC, Elie C, Parulekar V, Sow SO, Haidara FC, Diallo F, Doumbia M, Akinsola AK, Adegbola RA, Kampmann B, Chaumont J, Martellet L, Marchetti E, Viviani S, Tang Y, Plikaytis BD, Marc LaForce F, Carlone G, Borrow R.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S514-20.
- A phase 3, double-blind, randomized, active controlled study to evaluate the safety of MenAfriVac in healthy Malians
Tapia MD, Sow SO, Haidara FC, Diallo F, Doumbia M, Enwere GC, Paranjape G, Herve J, Bouma E, Parulekar V, Martellet L, Chaumont J, Plikaytis BD, Tang Y, Kulkarni PS, Hartmann K, Preziosi MP.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S507-13.
- Active surveillance for adverse events after a mass vaccination campaign with a group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine (PsA-TT) in Mali
Vannice KS, Keita M, Sow SO, Durbin AP, Omer SB, Moulton LH, Yameogo TM, Zuber PL, Onwuchekwa U, Sacko M, Diomande FV, Halsey NA.
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61 Suppl 5:S493-500.
- Environmental enteropathy, oral vaccine failure and growth faltering in infants in Bangladesh
Naylor C, Lu M, Haque R, Mondal D, Buonomo E, Nayak U, Mychaleckyj JC, Kirkpatrick B, Colgate R, Carmolli M, Dickson D, van der Klis F, Weldon W, Oberste SM, Ma JZ, Petri WA.
EBioMedicine. 2015 .
- Monitoring Effect of Human Papillomavirus Vaccines in US Population, Emerging Infections Program, 2008-2012
Hariri S, Markowitz LE, Bennett NM, Niccolai LM, Schafer S, Bloch K, Park IU, Scahill MW, Julian P, Abdullah N, Levine D, Whitney E, Unger ER, Steinau M, Bauer HM, Meek J, Hadler J, Sosa L, Powell SE, Johnson ML.
Emerg Infect Dis. 2015 Sep;21(9):1557-61.
- Comparing Israeli and Palestinian polio vaccination policies and the challenges of silent entry of wild poliovirus in 2013-14: a 'natural experiment'
Flahault A, Orenstein W, Garon J, Kew O, Bickford J, Tulchinsky T.
Int J Public Health. 2015 Nov;60(7):765-6.
- Association of older sister's HPV vaccination status on HPV vaccine receipt by adolescents
Clark SJ, Cowan AE, Filipp SL, Fisher AM, Stokley S.
J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Nov-Dec;28(6):816-8.
- Global routine vaccination coverage, 2014
Subaiya S, Dumolard L, Lydon P, Gacic-Dobo M, Eggers R, Conklin L.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 ;64(44):1252-1255.
- Absence of venous thromboembolism risk following quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination, Vaccine Safety Datalink, 2008-2011
Naleway AL, Crane B, Smith N, Daley MF, Donahue J, Gee J, Greene SK, Harrington T, Jackson LA, Klein NP, Tseng HF, Vellozzi C, Weintraub ES.
Vaccine. 2015 Nov 5.
- Mass vaccination with a two-dose oral cholera vaccine in a long-standing refugee camp, Thailand
Phares CR, Date K, Travers P, Deglise C, Wongjindanon N, Ortega L, Bhuket PR.
Vaccine. 2015 Nov 5.
- Uptake of influenza vaccination and missed opportunities among adults with high-risk conditions, United States, 2013
Injury and Violence
- Multi-college bystander intervention evaluation for violence prevention
Coker AL, Bush HM, Fisher BS, Swan SC, Williams CM, Clear ER, DeGue S.
Am J Prev Med. 2015 Nov 2.
- Acute and chronic risk preceding suicidal crises among middle-aged men without known mental health and/or substance abuse problems
Schiff LB, Holland KM, Stone DM, Logan J, Marshall KJ, Martell B, Bartholow B.
Crisis. 2015 Sep;36(5):304-15.
- Multi-college bystander intervention evaluation for violence prevention
Laboratory Sciences
- Multicenter study of epidemiological cutoff values and detection of resistance in Candida spp. to anidulafungin, caspofungin, and micafungin using the Sensititre Yeast One colorimetric method
Espinel-Ingroff A, Alvarez-Fernandez M, Canton E, Carver PL, Chen SC, Eschenauer G, Getsinger DL, Gonzalez GM, Govender NP, Grancini A, Hanson KE, Kidd SE, Klinker K, Kubin CJ, Kus JV, Lockhart SR, Meletiadis J, Morris AJ, Pelaez T, Quindos G, Rodriguez-Iglesias M, Sanchez-Reus F, Shoham S, Wengenack NL, Borrell Sole N, Echeverria J, Esperalba J, Gomez Gd, Garcia Garcia I, Linares MJ, Marco F, Merino P, Peman J, Perez Del Molino L, Rosello Mayans E, Rubio Calvo C, Ruiz Perez de Pipaon M, Yague G, Garcia-Effron G, Guinea J, Perlin DS, Sanguinetti M, Shields R, Turnidge J.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Nov;59(11):6725-32.
- Capacity building in national influenza laboratories - use of laboratory assessments to drive progress
Johnson LE, Muir-Paulik SA, Kennedy P, Lindstrom S, Balish A, Aden T, Moen AC.
BMC Infect Dis. 2015 ;15(1):501.
- Evaluation of selected Borrelia burgdorferi lp54 plasmid-encoded gene products expressed during mammalian infection as antigens to improve serodiagnostic testing for early Lyme disease
Weiner ZP, Crew RM, Brandt KS, Ullmann AJ, Schriefer ME, Molins CR, Gilmore RD.
Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2015 Nov;22(11):1176-86.
- Acrylamide and glycidamide hemoglobin adduct levels and endometrial cancer risk: A nested case-control study in nonsmoking postmenopausal women from the EPIC cohort
Obon-Santacana M, Freisling H, Peeters PH, Lujan-Barroso L, Ferrari P, Boutron-Ruault MC, Mesrine S, Baglietto L, Turzanski-Fortner R, Katzke VA, Boeing H, Quiros JR, Molina-Portillo E, Larranaga N, Chirlaque MD, Barricarte A, Khaw KT, Wareham N, Travis RC, Merritt MA, Gunter MJ, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, Naska A, Palli D, Sieri S, Tumino R, Fiano V, Galassom R, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Onland-Moret NC, Idahl A, Lundin E, Weiderpass E, Vesper H, Riboli E, Duell EJ.
Int J Cancer. 2015 Sep 16.
- Multi-center evaluation of the Xpert Norovirus Assay for detection of norovirus GI and GII in fecal specimens
Gonzalez MD, Langley LC, Buchan BW, Faron ML, Maier M, Templeton K, Walker K, Popowitch EB, Miller MB, Rao A, Liebert UG, Ledeboer NA, Vinje J, Burnham CD.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Nov 11.
- Simultaneous detection of major drug resistance mutations of HIV-1 subtype B viruses from dried blood spot specimens by multiplex allele-specific assay
Zhang G, Cai F, de Rivera IL, Zhou Z, Zhang J, Nkengasong J, Gao F, Yang C.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Nov 11.
- Detecting burrowing owl bloodmeals in Pulex irritans (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
Graham CB, Eisen RJ, Belthoff JR.
J Med Entomol. 2015 Nov 6.
- Study of contact characteristics between a respirator and a headform
Cai M, Shen S, Li H, Zhang X, Ma Y, Lei Z.
J Occup Environ Hyg. 2015 Nov 11.
- Capture of 0.1-mum aerosol particles containing viable H1N1 influenza virus by N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Harnish DA, Heimbuch BK, Balzli C, Choe M, Lumley AE, Shaffer RE, Wander JD.
J Occup Environ Hyg. 2015 Nov 10:1-10.
- Molecular genotyping and quantitation assay for rotavirus surveillance
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- Multicenter study of epidemiological cutoff values and detection of resistance in Candida spp. to anidulafungin, caspofungin, and micafungin using the Sensititre Yeast One colorimetric method
Maternal and Child Health
- Predictors of treatment attrition and treatment length in parent-child interaction therapy in Taiwanese families
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- Lower respiratory tract infection hospitalizations among American Indian/Alaska Native children and the general United States child population
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- Predictors of treatment attrition and treatment length in parent-child interaction therapy in Taiwanese families
Occupational Safety and Health
- Effect of wearing an N95 respirator on infrared tympanic membrane temperature measurements
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- Advances in inhalation dosimetry models and methods for occupational risk assessment and exposure limit derivation
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- Working safely with robot workers: recommendations for the new workplace
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- Face shields for infection control: a review
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- Predictors of adherence to safe handling practices for antineoplastic drugs: a survey of hospital nurses
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Occupational Safety and Health - Mining
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Reproductive Health
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- What is new in prevention of perinatal human immunodeficiency virus transmission? Best articles from the past year
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Substance Use and Abuse
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- An outbreak of acute delirium from exposure to the synthetic cannabinoid AB-CHMINACA
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- Openness to using non-cigarette tobacco products among U.S. young adults
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- Page last reviewed: December 3, 2015
- Page last updated: December 3, 2015
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