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Synopsis for July 5, 2002

The MMWR is embargoed until 12 Noon, ET, Wednesday.

  1. Heat-Related Deaths ― Four States, July–August 2001, and United States, 1979–1999
  2. Injuries and Deaths Among Children When Left Unattended In or Around Motor Vehicles ― United States, July 2000–June 2001
  3. Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication ― European Region, June 2002
  4. Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus auerus ― Michigan, June 2002

Notice to Readers

Food and Drug Administration Approval of a Fifth Acellular Pertussis Vaccine for Use Among Infants and Young Children ― United States, 2002
On May 14, 2002, the FDA approved the use of an additional combined diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP). DAPTACEL™ is the fifth acellular pertussis vaccine to be licensed for use among infants and young children in the United States. Of these five vaccines, three are distributed in the United States. DTaP is a safe and effective vaccine to protect infants and children from diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough).

Contact: Greg Wallace, MD, MPH
CDC, National Immunization Program
(404) 639–8715

Telebriefing, July 3, 2002
WHO: Dr. Michael McGeehen, CDC environmental health expert, and Infectious disease speakers to be determined
WHAT: To discuss the MMWR articles on heat-related deaths and resistant Staphylococcus auerus. Brief remarks followed by Q/A.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 3, 2002; NOON ET
WHERE: At your desk, by toll-free conference line: Dial 866-254-5942
Teleconference name: CDC
A full transcript will be available today following the teleconference at

This teleconference will also be audio webcast. Listen LIVE online at

Synopsis for July 5, 2002

Heat-Related Deaths ― Four States, July–August 2001, and United States, 1979–1999

Heat-related illness can be prevented.


Michael McGeehin, PhD

CDC, National Center for Environmental Health
(404) 498–1300

Each year in the US, approximately 400 persons die from heat-related illnesses. Risk factors include young and old age, certain chronic and mental illnesses, use of certain medications, strenuous exercise, social isolation, and being bed-ridden. Two important prevention measures are spending some time in an air-conditioned environment and staying well hydrated with nonalcoholic beverages. Local public announcements and response plans can help prevent heat-related illnesses. Young children and the elderly are at greatest risk for heat-related illness and death. Heatstroke can occur in young healthy persons who are exercising or participating in strenuous activities in hot/humid weather conditions. Spending time in an air-conditioned environment is the strongest factor in preventing heat-related illness.


Injuries and Deaths Among Children When Left Unattended In or Around Motor Vehicles ― United States, July 2000–June 2001

Children who are left unattended in and around motor vehicles may be in harm's way.


Office of Communications

CDC, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
(770) 488–4902

From July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2001, an estimated 9,160 non-fatal injuries and at least 78 fatal injuries occurred to children aged 14 years and younger who were left unattended in or near motor vehicles not in traffic. Many of these children suffered an injury or were killed when they were backed over or run over by a motor vehicle; others died when they were left in a closed, hot vehicle. Drivers need to be alert when pulling out or backing out of a driveway or parking lot because young children may be playing or standing in front of or behind the motor vehicle. To ensure their safety, children should not be left unattended inside or near a motor vehicle even for a few seconds.


Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication ― European Region, June 2002

On June 21, 2002, the European Region (EUR) became the third of six World Health Organization regions to be certified as polio-free.


Hamid Jafari, MD

CDC, National Immunization Program
(404) 639–82526

The last known case of polio in EUR (comprised of 51 countries and a population of 873 million persons) caused by indigenous wild poliovirus transmission occurred in southeast Turkey in November 1998. Since the initiation of the global polio eradication initiative in 1988 through 2001, the estimated annual incidence of polio globally decreased over 99% from 350,000 to less than 500. Until polio is eradicated globally, all polio-free countries are at risk for wild poliovirus importation. Therefore, polio-free countries should maintain high levels of polio vaccination coverage and surveillance for the prompt detection of any circulating poliovirus.


Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus auerus ― Michigan, June 2002

Proper infection control and judicious use of antibiotics can go a long way to address the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance.


Division of Media Relations

CDC, Office of Communication
(404) 639–3286

This report describes the first clinical isolate of a vancomycin-resistant S. aureus. Although resistant to vancomycin, a drug commonly used to treat certain S. aureus infections, this isolate is susceptible to several available antimicrobial drugs including linezolid and quinopristindalopristin. Continued, aggressive efforts are necessary to detect the emergence of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms and contain their spread. Such efforts include active case-finding through public health surveillance, the use of recommended infection control practices, and the optimal use of antimicrobials in all healthcare settings. CDC is working with state and local health departments, professional societies, and healthcare organizations on national initiatives to prevent antimicrobial resistance in healthcare settings.

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This page last reviewed July 3, 2002

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Office of Communication