Synopsis for November 22, 2006
The MMWR is embargoed until Thursday, 12 PM EST.
- Toxicology Testing and Results for Suicide Victims 13 States, 2004
- Improvement in Lipid and Glycated Hemoglobin Control among Blacks with Type 2 Diabetes in Two Communities North Carolina, 1997-2004
- Disparities in Diabetes-Related Amputations Along the Texas-Mexico Border United States, 2003
There will be no MMWR telebriefing
scheduled for November 24, 2006 |
Toxicology Testing and Results for Suicide Victims 13 States, 2004
No Summary Available
Improvement in Lipid and Glycated Hemoglobin Control among Blacks with Type 2 Diabetes in Two Communities North Carolina, 1997-2004
No Summary Available
Disparities in Diabetes-Related Amputations Along the Texas-Mexico Border United States, 2003
PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Division of Media Relations (404) 639-3286 |
Controlling blood-glucose levels, performing daily foot care, having regular foot examinations and doctor visits, and using appropriate footwear can prevent diabetes-related amputations. Rates of diabetes-related amputations are higher along the Texas-Mexico border, especially among men, and greater community outreach to improve access to diabetes education and care along the border is needed to help reduce the disparity. People along the Texas-Mexico border experience many barriers to health care, which might be contributing to higher rates of diabetes-related amputations compared to the rest of Texas. This study looked at hospital discharges for diabetes-related amputations in Texas and compared rates in border and non-border counties. The results demonstrated that rates in the population along the border were almost double the rate in non-border counties. Among persons with diabetes, the disparity was primarily among men aged 45 years and older. Greater community outreach to improve access to care and diabetes education along the border is needed to decrease the burden.
Department of Health and Human Services
Page last modified: October 10, 2006