Synopsis for December 21, 2006
The MMWR is embargoed until Thursday, 12 PM EST.
- Pedal Cycle Injuries in Children Aged Less Than 6 Years Old
- Measles United States, 2005
- Use of Smoking Cessation Methods among Smokers Aged 16-24 Years, United, 2003
- Update: Influenza Activity United States, October 1-December 9, 2006
MMWR will not be published next week. The next issue of MMWR will be January 4, 2007 |
Pedal Cycle Injuries in Children Aged Less Than 6 Years Old
PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Arthur Wendel - Office of Workforce and Career Development (608) 267-9242 |
In Wisconsin, head and neck injuries are the most frequently seen type of injury in pedal cyclists under six years old. In Wisconsin during 2002-2004, nearly two-thirds of emergency department (ED) visits for pedal cycle injuries to children less than six years old are due to head and neck injuries. Most of these injuries did not involve motor vehicles. Pedal cycles include tricycles, bicycles, and passengers on these devices. In children less than six years of age, the emergency room charges associated with the 1035 pedal cycle head and neck injuries totaled over $650,000. Boys are more likely to be seen in the ED than girls, and in Wisconsin, ED visits for pedal cyclist injuries for these young children occur more frequently in April through September. Previous studies have documented the benefits of wearing helmets. If youve purchased a childs first bicycle, tricycle or bicycle trailer for this holiday season, your shopping isnt complete until a well fitting helmet is also wrapped in a bow.
Measles United States, 2005
PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Division of Media Relations (404) 639-3286 |
Even though endemic measles has been eliminated in the U.S., imported measles, while uncommon, continues to occur, and in communities which choose not to vaccinate children can cause outbreaks such as the one in Indiana. Physicians should remain alert for the possibility of measles and conduct appropriate laboratory testing. Every opportunity should be used to ensure adequate immunity, especially in high risk populations (e.g. international travelers, especially to measles endemic countries, school age children, and healthcare workers). During 2005, 66 confirmed measles cases were reported to the CDC (incidence of fewer than 1 case per million), of which, 34 (52 percent) were from a single outbreak in Indiana associated with infection in an unvaccinated traveler to a country with endemic measles, returning her community, where many of the children were unvaccinated. Of the 66 cases, 62 (94 percent) had an international origin, either acquired overseas by U.S. travelers or international visitors, or linked to them. International travelers, health-care workers, and school age children are all at higher risk of acquiring measles, and should be a focus for ensuring adequate immunity before exposure.
Use of Smoking Cessation Methods among Smokers Aged 16-24 Years, United, 2003
PRESS CONTACT: CDC - National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (770) 488-5131 |
The most effective way to reduce tobacco use is through sustained, and fully implemented comprehensive tobacco control programs that address both initiation and cessation at the state and community level. Many young smokers try to quit, but most are unsuccessful. Data from the National Youth Smoking Cessation Survey indicate that persons aged 16-24 are not using Public Health Service-recommended methods to quit. Of the six recommended quitting methods for adults, only onetalking with a health professionalwas used by at least 20 percent of young people in the United States. Adolescents and young adults looking to quit smoking should call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or seek assistance from a health care professional to determine the most appropriate form of treatment for them.
Update: Influenza Activity United States, October 1-December 9, 2006
PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Division of Media Relations (404) 639-3286 |
During October 1-December 9, 2006, the United States experienced a low level of influenza activity. During October 1 December 9, 2006, influenza activity remained low in the United States overall, but increased in southeastern states. To date, influenza A (H1) viruses have been most frequently reported and the majority of influenza A (H1) viruses characterized are well matched by the vaccine. Patient visits for influenza-like illness and pneumonia and influenza mortality have not exceeded national baseline levels. In addition, no influenza-associated hospitalizations from the Emerging Infections Program or New Vaccine Surveillance Network surveillance systems or influenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported to CDC.
Department of Health and Human Services
Page last modified: December 20, 2006