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Press Release
For Immediate Release
July 18, 2005 |
Contact: CDC Press Office
(404) 639-3286 |
CDC and Fort Dodge Animal Health Achieve
First Licensed DNA Vaccine
Collaboration Uses Breakthrough Technology to Protect
Horses from
West Nile Virus
Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in
collaboration with Fort Dodge Animal Health, an animal biologics and
pharmaceutical company, have developed the worlds first licensed DNA
vaccine. The vaccine, which protects horses from West Nile virus, was
licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this week
*. The technology could serve as a basis for future
development of human vaccines.
This is truly an exciting innovation, and an incredible scientific
breakthrough that has potential benefits far beyond preventing West Nile
virus in horses, said CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding. This science will
allow for the development of safer and more effective human and animal
vaccines more quickly.
The scientific approach used in DNA vaccines differs in a number of
important ways from traditional vaccine development. Traditional vaccines,
such as those used to protect people from yellow fever, polio, measles or
hepatitis, involve using a disease-producing virus that has been weakened or
killed. The weakened or killed virus contained in the vaccine is not able to
cause the illness, but it is able to cause the body to develop immunity, or
protection, against the disease. In contrast, DNA vaccines use carefully
selected small pieces of the viruss genetic material that stimulate the
vaccine recipients body to develop protective immunity.
DNA vaccines present several advantages over traditional vaccine
approaches. DNA vaccines offer a quick turnaround time during emerging
epidemicsonce a vaccine model is developed, it can be adapted relatively
easily for similar organisms. Unlike traditional vaccines, which must be
transported and stored with a small temperature range, DNA vaccines are less
vulnerable to changes in temperature -- a major asset to vaccination in the
developing world. In addition, DNA vaccines allow for multiple vaccine
candidates to be combined in a single DNA vaccination, potentially allowing
vaccination against multiple viruses at the same time. Finally, horses
vaccinated with a DNA vaccine can be differentiated from those that have been
naturally infected, an important factor for public health disease monitoring
Work on the newly licensed horse vaccine began about five years ago as
part of CDCs West Nile virus research efforts in Fort Collins, Colo. CDC
scientists used DNA vaccine technology originally developed for other
mosquito-borne viruses (e.g., dengue and Japanese encephalitis) to develop an
experimental vaccine. CDC and Fort Dodge Animal Health conducted clinical
studies to determine the safety and effectiveness of the new vaccine. These
studies showed the vaccine protected the horses from becoming ill with West
Nile virus, with no adverse or major side effects. West Nile virus causes
similar disease in horses and humans. Thus, the successful development of
this DNA vaccine for horse should enhance the development of human vaccine.
This new vaccine is a perfect example of how CDC works to bring science
into action, said Gerberding. Protecting peoples health involves work on
many fronts, including finding ways to reduce or prevent the spread of
harmful viruses. Were pleased that CDC could provide scientific leadership,
and we look forward to seeing additional applications of this technology in
coming years.
In granting full licensure, USDA's Center for Veterinary Biologics
determined that the vaccine's safety and efficacy have been satisfactorily
demonstrated. Once licensed by USDA, a product of this nature can be marketed
to the public. It is expected the new vaccine will be commercially available
to veterinarians through Fort Dodge Animal Health in early 2006. In addition,
the DNA technology used to develop the vaccine is serving as the foundation
for a small human West Nile virus vaccine trial currently being conducted
through the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
West Nile virus is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito to
humans, horses, and other animals by virus-carrying mosquitoes. Introduction
of West Nile virus into the United States in 1999 created major human and
animal health concerns. Since 1999, there have been more than 16,000 reported
cases of West Nile virus in humans and more than 650 deaths. In addition,
more than 21,000 West Nile cases in horses have been reported since 1999.
Currently, the only available strategies to combat WNV in humans are
nationwide active surveillance, in conjunction with mosquito control efforts
and individual protection with insect repellents.
CDC and Fort Dodge Animal Health established the research and development
agreement in 2001 to test the vaccine and make it commercially available.
Fort Dodge Animal Health is a manufacturer and distributor of prescription
and over-the-counter animal health care products for the livestock, companion
animal, equine, swine and poultry industries in North America and
international markets.
* USDA licensed the vaccine on July 8, 2005.