* Age-adjusted rates for drug-induced deaths per 100,000 U.S. standard population (based on International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision [ICD-10] codes D52.1, D59.0, D59.2, D61.1, D64.2, E06.4, E16.0, E23.1, E24.2, E27.3, E66.1, F11.0--F11.5, F11.7--F11.9, F12.0--F12.5, F12.7--F12.9, F13.0--F13.5, F13.7--F13.9, F14.0--F14.5, F14.7--F14.9, F15.0--F15.5, F15.7--F15.9, F16.0--F16.5, F16.7--F16.9, F17.0, F17.3--F17.5, F17.7--F17.9, F18.0--F18.5, F18.7--F18.9, F19.0--F19.5, F19.7--F19.9, G21.1, G24.0, G25.1, G25.4, G25.6, G44.4, G62.0, G72.0, I95.2, J70.2--J70.4, K85.3, L10.5, L27.0--L27.1, M10.2, M32.0, M80.4, M81.4, M83.5, M87.1, R50.2, R78.1--R78.5, X40--X44, X60--X64, X85, and Y10--Y14). Drug-induced deaths include deaths from poisoning, drug dependence, and conditions resulting from acute or chronic exposure to drugs. Drug-induced deaths exclude deaths from adverse events caused by drugs in therapeutic use (ICD-10 codes Y40--59), deaths indirectly related to drug use (e.g., motor vehicle crashes), and newborn deaths associated with the mother's drug use.
† Race and Hispanic ethnicity are reported separately on the death certificate. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity might be of any race. Hispanic decedents also are counted among the races shown.