Table 3.2 - Cost Components and Subcomponents, by Intervention and Type of Cost

Cost Component and Unit Type of Cost Red-Light Camera Speed Camera Alcohol Interlock Sobriety Checkpoint Saturation Patrol Bicycle Helmet Motorcycle Helmet Primary Enforcement of Seat Belt Laws Seat Belt Enforcement Campaign License Plate Impoundment Limit on Diversion Vehicle Impound In-Person License Renewal Higher Seat Belt Fines
Publicity cost                              
Print advertising, $/1,000 drivers Cost to state 18 18 18 18 18 18
Outdoor advertising, $/1,000 drivers Cost to state 10 10 10 10 10 10
Radio advertising, $/1,000 drivers Cost to state 42 42 42 42 42 42
Television advertising, $/1,000 drivers Cost to state 119 119 119 119 119 119
CIOT media campaign Cost to state a
Police or highway patrol time                              
Police costs, full-scale sobriety checkpoint, hours/wave Cost to state 40
Police costs, full-scale saturation patrol, hours/patrol Cost to state 40
Police costs, camera enforcement, $/citation Cost to state 7 7
Police costs, motorcycle helmets, $/citation Cost to state 928
Police costs, seat belt enforcement, hours/citation Cost to state 1.7 1.7
Court system                              
Prosecution costs, sobriety checkpoint, $/offender Cost to state 2,279
Prosecution costs, $/offender Cost to state 2,279 2,279
Lawyer for DWI, $/offenderb Offender cost 2,571 2,571 2,571
DMV staff                              
License reinstatement, hours/occurrence Cost to state 0.5 0.5 0.5
License plate reinstatement, hours/occurrence Cost to state 0.5
In-person licensing, $/additional driver Cost to state 12
Equipment acquisition, replacement, and maintenance                              
Camera lease costs, $/camera/month Cost to state 5,868 5,868
Alcohol interlock, $/interlock Offender cost 402
Police equipment, saturation patrols, $/patrol based on road network Cost to state 100
Police equipment, sobriety checkpoints, $/checkpoint Cost to state 5,448
Passive alcohol sensors, $/patrol Cost to state 1,182
Children’s bicycle helmets, $/helmet Compliance cost 20
Motorcycle helmets, $/helmet Compliance cost 100
Infant car seat, $/seat Compliance cost 125
Children’s booster seat, $/seat Compliance cost 60
Fines, fees, and charges                              
Motorcycle helmet fine, $/citation State revenue 147
Seat belt fine, $/citation State revenue 34 34
Child or booster seat fine, $/citation State revenue 65
Driver’s license reinstatement fee, DWI, $/offender State revenue 204 204 204
Driver license plate fee, DWI, $/offender State revenue 204
Moving violations for speed cameras, $/citation State revenue 145
Moving violations for red-light cameras, $/citation State revenue 120
Court fines related to DWI, $/offender State revenue 2,000 2,000 2,000
Vehicle impoundment fees, $/impounded vehicle State revenue 520
Higher seat belt fine, $/citation State revenue 75
Probation cost                              
Probation, $/probationer Cost to state 6,322 6,322 6,322
Education program                              
Alcohol education program, $/attendee paid by attendee State revenue 294 294 294
Alcohol education program, $/attendee paid by state Cost to state 254 254 254
Impoundment cost                              
Tow staffing costs, $/impounded vehicle Cost to state 637
Program management                              
Program management, FTE/program Cost to state 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Total subcomponents included in cost   8 8 1 16 16 5 7 3 5 3 10 3 1 1

a Assumes $39 million (in 2012 dollars) across all states, allocated based on population.
b The cost to the offender is not included in the base model. It is provided as information to the state on the potential burden on offenders. This assumes that all offenders will use lawyers. In reality, some offenders will not use lawyers, while others will spend significantly more on representation. So this is just to provide a rough-order-of-magnitude estimate of expenditures by offenders.
NOTE: — = not applicable. FTE = full-time equivalent. All costs are annual and in 2012 dollars unless otherwise noted.
