Table 5.10. Annual Cost for Each Intervention for the Case in Which Fines Are Excluded: Red-Light Cameras, Speed Cameras, Alcohol Interlocks, Sobriety Checkpoints, Saturation Patrols, Bicycle Helmets, and Motorcycle Helmets

Table 5.10. Annual Cost for Each Intervention for the Case in Which Fines Are Excluded: Red-Light Cameras, Speed Cameras, Alcohol Interlocks, Sobriety Checkpoints, Saturation Patrols, Bicycle Helmets, and Motorcycle Helmets ($)
State Red-Light Cameras Speed Cameras Alcohol Interlocks Sobriety Checkpoints Saturation Patrols Bicycle Helmets Motorcycle Helmets
Ala. 17,407,943 21,642,142 115,577 3,314,000 6,606,000 257,910 1,200,310
Alaska 2,855,699 3,522,555 148,835 719,000 1,560,000 94,926 382,836
Ariz. 11,253,813 13,883,258 128,236 4,824,000 4,046,000 357,764 1,538,322
Ark. 17,501,811 21,844,208 109,209 1,862,000 6,173,000 177,046 689,708
Calif. 33,993,153 41,498,420 144,275 19,527,000 15,327,000 951,240 8,895,027
Colo. 15,869,463 19,709,543 134,997 4,021,000 5,926,000 286,265 1,361,518
Conn. 4,338,868 5,268,369 149,936 3,240,000 2,586,000 211,722 999,129
Del. 1,335,235 1,608,494 133,425 801,000 741,000 91,985 374,161
D.C. 501,375 566,851 174,152 645,000 1,240,000 89,566 250,456
Fla. 23,435,291 28,716,281 118,486 13,066,000 9,429,000 797,606 5,515,482
Ga. 22,075,270 27,377,535 123,597 6,066,000 8,146,000 519,013 1,858,440
Hawaii 1,044,375 1,234,147 133,661 1,125,000 2,056,000 110,691 485,328
Idaho 8,453,379 10,532,433 113,611 1,119,000 3,017,000 126,050 527,347
Ill. 25,457,917 31,526,623 130,987 10,385,000 20,187,000 634,145 3,298,733
Ind. 17,452,401 21,612,118 118,643 4,502,000 9,831,000 348,189 1,839,859
Iowa 19,981,650 24,951,140 118,408 2,396,000 9,699,000 183,486 1,174,153
Kan. 24,455,151 30,572,453 116,206 1,932,000 12,319,000 182,224 767,672
Ky. 14,084,094 17,510,129 115,027 2,783,000 5,335,000 239,412 860,308
La. 11,101,997 13,759,895 113,140 3,032,000 4,345,000 256,368 890,803
Maine 4,199,169 5,192,362 119,194 971,000 2,706,000 98,461 473,154
Md. 6,221,029 7,586,457 138,928 4,369,000 2,885,000 309,157 1,204,371
Mass. 7,170,767 8,741,499 148,206 4,828,000 3,835,000 323,568 1,647,122
Mich. 22,185,459 27,478,631 124,776 7,401,000 13,780,000 481,477 2,501,251
Minn. 24,294,178 30,308,371 132,953 4,158,000 18,366,000 293,786 1,765,735
Miss. 13,229,073 16,487,046 108,108 1,769,000 4,466,000 184,618 536,072
Mo. 23,012,435 28,655,872 119,823 3,911,000 10,083,000 313,979 1,221,835
Mont. 12,887,662 16,114,528 113,140 754,000 3,948,000 87,371 629,499
Neb. 16,317,346 20,390,138 115,263 1,310,000 7,285,000 132,872 518,685
Nev. 6,222,523 7,697,673 127,842 2,271,000 2,103,000 175,783 762,955
N.H. 3,049,862 3,746,215 128,314 1,090,000 1,922,000 103,962 613,208
N.J. 7,856,709 9,542,687 139,164 7,947,000 5,714,000 441,130 2,239,327
N.M. 12,025,738 15,000,837 116,521 1,436,000 3,736,000 143,871 528,770
N.Y. 21,777,409 26,757,644 142,231 15,036,000 14,239,000 863,482 3,843,912
N.C. 19,253,062 23,825,648 122,968 6,156,000 7,570,000 482,062 1,715,507
N.D. 14,998,590 18,776,717 114,712 568,000 9,307,000 74,483 309,576
Ohio 22,567,287 27,917,321 122,968 8,217,000 14,630,000 555,850 3,088,211
Okla. 19,855,817 24,786,107 112,982 2,364,000 7,153,000 221,585 877,521
Ore. 10,758,027 13,335,744 129,100 2,982,000 4,232,000 214,267 1,108,565
Pa. 22,509,795 27,807,578 128,864 9,144,000 15,885,000 572,380 3,397,518
R.I. 1,369,388 1,647,999 137,906 889,000 699,000 96,349 403,034
S.C. 12,020,298 14,902,729 117,857 3,196,000 4,577,000 250,733 1,026,571
S.D. 14,211,755 17,785,710 103,705 625,000 7,254,000 79,511 393,728
Tenn. 16,664,018 20,674,074 118,565 4,142,000 6,028,000 327,238 1,424,456
Texas 55,218,094 68,548,434 124,383 16,276,000 20,067,000 1,360,279 4,651,605
Utah 8,055,733 10,000,658 115,970 1,897,000 3,139,000 212,476 633,524
Vt. 2,678,579 3,306,062 126,034 557,000 1,804,000 74,012 313,520
Va. 13,727,095 16,942,302 129,965 5,726,000 5,255,000 401,215 1,447,690
Wash. 15,316,405 18,950,311 140,265 5,117,000 5,828,000 353,276 2,229,138
W.Va. 6,908,117 8,581,000 107,243 1,373,000 2,933,000 115,586 486,599
Wis. 20,460,218 25,456,550 122,732 3,721,000 10,200,000 297,608 2,085,038
Wyo. 4,985,312 6,208,042 120,059 520,000 1,825,000 73,493 309,189

NOTE: Because no fines or fees are associated with alcohol interlocks, these data are the same as in Table 5.8.
