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Teacher Workshops

Using Online Role-Play Games to Teach about Experimental Design Methods and STEM Careers

Date/Time: June 6-7, 2016, 8:30AM – 3:30PM

CDC Headquarters, 1600 Clifton Rd., NE, Atlanta, GA  30329-4027

Audience: 7th-12th grade Life Science/Biology/Anatomy and Physiology/Biomedical Science Teachers

Teacher Commitment:
Participants are expected to arrive on time each day, actively participate, complete workshop assignments, and attend the ENTIRE the workshop. Lunch will be provided each day.

Required Equipment:
Teachers need to bring a laptop computer with the most up to date version of Adobe Flash (free download) and the most updated version of Google Chrome or Firefox browsers. Chromebooks are OK to bring, but tablets are not compatible with the online-games used in the workshop. If you do not have a laptop to bring, please indicate that you will need one in your application.

Join us for a two-day workshop that will involve innovative ways to teach Practices of Science through online scenarios. Two websites will be explored that allow students to role-play a variety of STEM careers, while they learn experimental processes and science content. Both web sites have been student-tested and proven effective in teaching science content and the experimental design process. Both web sites and accompanying hands-on activities are free and aligned with science standards.

The workshop will include a tour of CDC Museum.

Websites: and

Kristi Bowling
, Ph.D. is Science Specialist in the Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning at Rice University. She has developed innovative science materials and worked as a bench scientist. Her recent research focuses on the impact of games on learning. Her articles have appeared in PLoS Pathogens, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, Journal of Drug Education, and Learning & Leading with Technology.

Lynn Lauterbach has taught both high-school and middle-school students and served as a curriculum coordinator and teacher trainer. These experiences allow her to present classroom options that will engage students with hands-on activities and technology-based resources that she herself has successfully used in her classes.

Application process & deadlines:
The application process for this workshop closed on May 17, 2016. All applicants were notified of their application status by May 20, 2016. Additional information regarding security will be emailed to applicants who are offered a slot in the workshop

Please email Trudi Ellerman at with any additional questions.

  • Page last reviewed: March 4, 2016
  • Page last updated: May 19, 2016
  • Content source: