Free Materials

All materials are available in English and Spanish unless otherwise indicated. Certain materials are available in other languages as well. These materials are not a substitute for standardized, validated developmental screening tools.
Customize materials with your contact information
You can put your organization’s contact information on any of these materials by following these simple steps. Note: This requires the use of the Adobe program InDesign.
- Email us at to let us know you would like to customize the materials and how you will be using them.
- We will give you access to our GroupSpaces site.
- The Milestone Checklists can be customized using Microsoft Word. The Milestones Brochure can be customized using Microsoft Power Point. InDesign is needed to add your contact information to all other products.
- Print and distribute.
Samples of customized materials
Translate Materials into Other Languages
Most “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials are available in Spanish, the second most common language used in the United States. Partners have translated some materials into Arabic, Korean, and Portuguese.
Many other languages are spoken in the United States. We are happy to work with anyone interested in translating “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials into other languages and to link to the translated products on this website.
To translate “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials, please email us at with the following information:
- The language you will use.
- The product(s) you will translate.
- Whether you need original “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” electronic files.
- Whether you will make the translated materials available online.
Please note that:
- Your translated materials must reference the original “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials.
- Your translated materials must not include the CDC or HHS logos.
Literal translations of materials are often not culturally appropriate. Materials should be adapted so they are easily understood by and relevant to the population you wish to reach. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has very helpful information on culturally appropriate translations in Section 5, Part 11 of the Toolkit for Making Written Material Clear and Effective.
- Page last reviewed: October 17, 2016
- Page last updated: October 17, 2016
- Content source: