Highlighted Articles
Survey Findings on Young Women and Bleeding Disorders
Information about bleeding disorders among women is important for early diagnosis and treatment.
(Published October 1, 2014)
Do you have heavy menstrual bleeding?
Heavy blood flow during menstrual periods can be a sign of a bleeding disorders.
(Published: December 12, 2016)
Bleeding Disorders (General) & Menorrhagia
Females with FVIII and FIX deficiency have reduced joint range of motion.
American Journal of Hematology. August 2014; Volume 89, Number 8, pp831-6.
Sidonio RF, Mili FD, Li T, Miller CH, Hooper WC, DeBaun MR, Soucie M; Hemophilia Treatment Centers Network.
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Evaluation of bleeding disorders in women with menorrhagia: a survey of obstetrician-gynecologists.
American Journal of Obstetric Gynecology. October 2012; Volume 207, Issue 4, pp. 269.e1-269.e5
Byams VR, Anderson BL, Grant AM, Atrash H, Schulkin J.
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Surveillance of female patients with inherited bleeding disorders in United States Haemophilia Treatment Centres.
Haemophilia. July 2011; Volume 17, Supplement 1, pp. 6-13.
Byams VR, Kouides PA, Kulkarni R, Baker JR, Brown DL, Gill JC, Grant AM, James AH, Konkle BA, Maahs J, Dumas MM, McAlister S, Nance D, Nugent D, Philipp CS, Soucie JM, Stang E; Haemophilia Treatment Centres Network Investigators.
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Evaluation of a screening tool for bleeding disorders in a US multisite cohort of women with menorrhagia.
American Journal of Obstetric Gynecology. March 2011; Volume 204, Issue 3; pp.209e.1-7
Philipp CS, Faiz A, Heit JA, Kouides PA, Lukes A, Stein SF, Byams V, Miller CH, Kulkarni R.
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The spectrum of haemostatic characteristics of women with unexplained menorrhagia.
Haemophilia. January 2011. Volume 17, Supplement 1, pp.e223-9.
Miller CH, Philipp CS, Stein SF, Kouides PA, Lukes AS, Heit JA, Byams VR, Dowling NF, Kulkarni R.
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Developing a public health research agenda for women with blood disorders.
Journal of Women’s Health. July 2010; Volume 19, Issue 7, pp. 1231-4.
Byams VR, Beckman MG, Grant AM, Parker CS.
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Complications associated with carrier status among people with blood disorders: a commentary.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. April 2010; Volume 38, Issue 4 Supplement, pp. S456-8.
Hooper WC, Miller CH, Key NS.
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Blood Disorders among Women: Implications for Preconception Care
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. April 2010; Volume 38, Issue 4 Supplement, pp. 459-67.
Ebrahim SH, Kulkarni R, Parker C, Atrash HK.
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Multisite Management Study of Menorrhagia with Abnormal Laboratory Haemostasis: A Prospective Crossover Study of Intranasal Desmopressin and Oral Tranexamic Acid
British Journal of Hematology. April 2009; Volume 145, Number 2, pp 212-20
Kouides PA, Byams VR, Philipp CS, Stein SF, Heit JA, Lukes AS, Skerrette NI, Dowling NF, Evatt BL, Miller CH, Owens S, Kulkarni R.
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Development of a Screening Tool for Identifying Women with Menorrhagia for Hemostatic Evaluation
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. February 2008; Volume 198, Issue 2, pp. 163.e1-163.e8.
Philipp CS, Faiz A, Dowling NF, Beckman MG, Owens S, Ayers C, Bachmann G.
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Women with Bleeding Disorders
Journal of Women’s Health (CDC Report). 2007; Volume 16, Number 9, pp. 1249-1251.
Byams VR.
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Age and the Prevalence of Bleeding Disorders in Women with Menorrhagia
Obstetrics and Gynecology. January 2005; Volume 105, pp. 61-6.
Philipp CS, Faiz A, Dowling NF, Dilley A, Michaels LA, Ayers C, Miller CH, Bachmann G, Evatt B, Saidi P.
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Screening Women with Menorrhagia for Underlying Bleeding Disorders: The Utility of the Platelet Function Analyser and Bleeding Time
Haemophilia. 2005; Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 497-503.
Philipp CS, Miller CH, Faiz A, Dilley A, Michaels LA, Ayers C, Bachmann G, Dowling N, Saidi P.
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A Survey of Gynecologists Concerning Menorrhagia: Perceptions of Bleeding Disorders as a Possible Cause
Journal of Women’s Health and Gender-Based Medicine. 2002; Volume 11, Number 1, pp. 39-44.
Dilley A, Drews C, Lally C, Austin H, Barnhart E, Evatt B.
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Maternal Serum Human Chorionic Gonadotropin as a Marker for Delivery of Low-Birth-Weight Infants in Women with Unexplained Elevations in Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein
Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine. 1996; Volume 5, Number 6, pp. 340-344.
Hurley TJ, Miller C, O’Brien TJ, Blacklaw M, Quirk JG.
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Sickle Cell Disease
Obstetrician-gynecologists’ knowledge of sickle cell disease screening and management.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. October 2014; Volume 14, p. 356.
Azonobi IC, Anderson BL, Byams VR, Grant AM, Schulkin J.
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Sickle cell disease in pregnancy: maternal complications in a Medicaid-enrolled population.
Maternal and Child Health Journal. February 2013; Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 200-7.
Boulet SL, Okoroh EM, Azonobi I, Grant A, Hooper CW.
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Hormonal Contraception, Sickle Cell Trait, and Risk for Venous Thromboembolism among African American Women
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. June 2009; Volume 200, Issue 6, pp. 620.e1-3.
Austin H, Lally C, Benson JM, Whitsett C, Hooper WC, Key NS.
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Sickle Cell Disease and Pregnancy Outcomes: Women of African Descent
American Journal of Preventive Medicine; April 2010; Volume 38, Issue 4 Supplement; pp. S542-S549.
Barfield WD, Barradas DT, Manning SE, Kotelchuck M, Sharpiro-Mendoza CK.
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Platelet Function Disorders
Gender, race and diet affect platelet function tests in normal subjects, contributing to a high rate of abnormal results.
British Journal of Haemotology. June 2014; Volume 165; Issue 6, pp. 842-853.
Miller CH, Rice AS, Garrett K, Stein SF.
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Platelet Functional Defects in Women with Unexplained Menorrhagia
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis; February 2003; Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 477-484.
Philipp CS, Dilley A, Miller CH, Evatt B, Baranwal A, Schwartz R, Bachmann G, Saidi P.
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Differences in thrombotic risk factors in black and white women with adverse pregnancy outcome.
Thrombosis Research. January 2014; Volume 133; Issue 1; pp. 108-11.
Philipp CS, Faiz AS, Beckman MG, Grant A, Bockenstedt PL, Heit JA, James AH, Kulkarni R, Manco-Johnson MJ, Moll S, Ortel TL.
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Prevention of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy: a review of guidelines, 2000-2011.
Journal of Women’s Health. June 2012 Jun;21(6):611-5. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2012.3600. Epub 2012 May 3. Review
Okoroh EM, Azonobi IC, Grosse SD, Grant AM, Atrash HK, James AH.
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Is polycystic ovary syndrome another risk factor for venous thromboembolism? United States, 2003-2008.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Nov;207(5):377.e1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2012.08.007. Epub 2012 Aug 10.
Okoroh EM, Hooper WC, Atrash HK, Yusuf HR, Boulet SL.
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Hormonal Contraception, Sickle Cell Trait, and Risk for Venous Thromboembolism among African American Women
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; June 2009; Volume 200, Number 6, pp. 620.e1-3.
Austin H, Lally C, Benson JM, Whitsett C, Hooper WC, Key NS.
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Elevated Factor VII as a Risk Factor for Recurrent Fetal Loss. Relationship to Factor VII Gene Polymorphisms
Thrombosis and Haemostasis; June 2005; Volume 93, Issue 6, pp. 1089-94
Miller CH, De Staercke C, Benson J, Hooper WC, Dilley A, Evatt BL, Benito C, Patterson-Barnett A, Eller D, Philipp CS.
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Mutations in the Factor V, Prothrombin and MTHFR Genes Are Not Risk Factors for Recurrent Fetal Loss
Journal of Maternal and Fetal Neonatal Medicine; March. 2002, Volume 11, Number 3, pp. 176-82
Dilley A, Benito C, Hooper WC, Austin H, Miller C, El-Jamil M, Cottrell S, Benson J, Evatt BL, Patterson-Bamett A, Eller D, Philipp C.
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The Relationship of the Factor V Leiden Mutation and Pregnancy: Outcomes for Mother and Fetus
Obstetrics and Gynecology; February 2006; Volume 61, Issue 2, pp. 78-79.
Dizon-Townson D, Miller C, Sibai B, Spong CY, Thom E, Wendel G, Wenstrom K, Samuels P,
Cotroneo MA, Moawad A, Sorokin Y, Meis P, Miodovnik M, O’Sullivan MJ, Conway D,
Wapner RJ, Gabbe SG.
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Genetic Factors Associated with Thrombosis in Pregnancy in a United States Population
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; November 2000; Volume 183, Issue 5, pp. 1271-7.
Dilley A, Austin H, El-Jamil M, Hooper WC, Barnhart E, Evatt BL, Sullivan PS, Ellingsen D, Patterson-Barnett A, Eller D, Randall H, Philipp C.
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Laboratory Tests for the Diagnosis of Thrombotic Disorders
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology; December 2006; Volume 49, Issue 4, pp. 844-9.
Miller CH
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