Medical Toxicology Training

Dr Carl Skinner on a field deployment to Bangladesh while investigating a suspected outbreak of poisoning from a cholinesterase inhibitor in children.
The Emory/CDC Medical Toxicology Fellowship affords its Fellows unparalleled training and experience in public health practice in addition to an exemplary clinical education. Fellows in this program have been deployed to the Republic of Panama to investigate a mass diethylene glycol (a potent renal and neurological toxicant) poisoning from contaminated cough syrup (2006), to rural Bangladesh for an outbreak of cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning in children (2008), to Kenya for various projects studying hepatotoxicity due to aflatoxicosis from contaminated maize consumption (2006-2008) and other countries for various environmental health concerns across the world. Dr Michael Schwartz, who graduated the Fellowship in 2004 deployed to Florida in 2002 as part of a CDC/ATSDR multi-disciplinary team in response to a public health threat from anthrax. He now works at CDC’s Office of Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response in the National Center for Environmental Health and feels that the fellowship, ”provided not only exceptional training in clinical toxicology, but also a singularly unique experience in public and environmental health”.
As an Emory/CDC Medical Toxicology Fellow you will:

Members of the ETT have been involved in multiple field deployments including one in Malawi for an outbreak of unknown illness. The etiology was ultimately determined to be typhoid fever, but during the investigation the field team discovered a local practice of directly consuming pesticide-treated seeds meant for planting during times of food scarcity. Work on this issue is ongoing.
Participate in international and domestic chemical-associated outbreak and public health investigations, both in the field as well as on a consultative basis while in Atlanta
Receive training in epidemiology, statistics, scientific writing, medical management of both biological and chemical casualties, public health risk assessment, radiation and more...
Participate in the toxicological evaluation, management and bedside care of patients at five Atlanta-area metropolitan hospitals
Provide expert toxicological guidance and consultation for the Georgia Poison Center
See a wide variety of environmental and occupational cases of illness in the Grady Toxicology Clinic
Learn from a diverse faculty that includes more than 10 board-certified medical toxicologists
Have protected time to moonlight and maintain your primary clinical skills within and/or outside of the Emory system if you wish
Have the opportunity to obtain a Masters of Public Health (MPH) degree in Epidemiology at Emory in a single year (this adds one additional year to the 2-year fellowship)
Eligibility Requirements
Open to all US citizens as well as foreign medical graduates who have or are able to obtain a medical license to practice in the US. An Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certification is required for all non-citizens. All official transcripts must be translated into English and credentialed through a credentialing evaluation company. The cost associated for this credentialing is the responsibility of the fellow
- Must meet Office of Personnel Management (OPM) qualification requirements for Medical Officer, GS-0602
- Must meet CDC/ATSDR requirements for general employment suitability
- Must possess a medical degree and have completed an ACGME certified primary residency
Non-citizens must be eligible for J1 exchange visitor status. They must have valid work authorizations in ample time before the proposed entry-on-duty-date and appointments may not exceed these work authorization dates
How To Apply

Dr Richard Kleiman, a medical toxicologist who graduated from the Emory/CDC Medical Toxicology Fellowship, on site in Ethiopia while investigating an outbreak of unknown liver disease.
There is a rolling admissions process, however, it is best to have your application in no later than by the September prior to July 1st of your desired starting year. Please contact the Fellowship Director (below) to apply.
Program Dates
This is a 2-year program that accepts up to 3 fellows per year starting every July 1st.
For More Information and To Apply, please contact
Brent W. Morgan, MD
Fellowship Director
Georgia Poison Center
50 Hurt Plaza, Suite 600
Atlanta, GA 30303
- Page last reviewed: January 13, 2012
- Page last updated: January 13, 2012
- Content source: