Harmful Algal Blooms: Publications
Backer LC. Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms: Developing a public health response . Lake and Reservoir Management 2002;18(1):20-31. [abstract]
Bienfang PK, DeFelice SV, Laws EA, Brand LE, Bidigare RR, Christensen S, Trapido-Rosenthal H, Hemscheidt TK, McGillicuddy DJ, Anderson DM, Solo-Gabriele HM, Boehn AB, Backer LC. Prominent human health impacts from several marine microbes: history, ecology, and public health implications. International Journal of Microbiology, 2011, ID 152815, doi:10.1155/2011/152815, 15 pp.
Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Walsh CJ, Nierenberg K, Clark J, Reich A, Hollenbeck J, Benson J, Cheng YS, Naar J, Pierce R, Bourdelais AJ, Abraham WM, Kirkpatrick G, Zaias J, Wanner A, Mendes E, Shalat S, Hoagland P, Stephan W, Bean J, Watkins S, Clarke T , Byrne M, Baden DG. 2011. Review of Florida red tide and human health effects. Harmful Algae 10:224-233.
Bean, J.A., Fleming, L.E., Kirkpatrick, B., Backer, L.C., Nierenberg, K., Reich, A., Cheng, Y.S., Wanner, A., Benson, J., Naar, J., Pierce, R., Abraham, W.M., Kirkpatrick, G., Hollenbeck, J., Zaias, J., Mendes, E., Baden, D.G., Florida Red Tide Toxins (Brevetoxins) and Longitudinal Respiratory Effects in Asthmatics, Harmful Algae (2011), doi:10.1016/j.hal.2011.06.008
Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Bean JA, Nierenberg K, Backer LC, Cheng YS, Pierce R , Reich A, Naar J, Wanner A, Abraham WM, Zhou Yue, Hollenbeck J, Baden DG. 2010. Aerosolized Red Tide Toxins (Brevetoxins) and Asthma: Continued health effects after 1 hour beach exposure. 2011. Harmful Algae 10:138-143.
Hoagland P, Jin D, Polansky LY, Kirkpatrick B, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming LE, Reich A, Watkins SM, Ullmann SG, Backer LC. The costs of respiratory illnesses arising from Florida gulf coast Karenia brevis blooms. Env. Health Perspect. 2010,117:1239-1243.
Nierenberg K, Hollenbeck J, Fleming LE, Stephan W, Reich A, Backer LC, Currier R, Kirkpatrick B. Frontiers in outreach and education: the Florida red tide experience. Harmful Algae. 2011, 10:374-380.
Backer LB, McNeel SV, Barber T, Kirkpatrick B, Williams C, Irvin M, Zhou Y, Johnson TB, Nierenberg K, Aubel M, LePrell R, Chapman A, Foss A, Corum S, Hill VR, Kieszak SM, Cheng Y-S. 2010 Recreational Exposure to Microcystins During Algal Blooms in Two California Lakes. Toxicon 55:909-921.
Kirkpatrick B, Pierce R, Cheng YS, Henry MS, Blum P, Osborn S, Nierenberg K, Pederson BA, Fleming LE, Reich A, Naar J, Kirkpatrick G, Backer LC, Baden D. 2010 Inland transport of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins. Harmful Algae 9:186-189.
Fleming LE, Bean JA, Kirkpatrick B, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Naar J, Nierenberg K, Backer LC, Wanner A, Reich A, Zhou Y, Watkins S, Henry M, Zaias J, Abraham WM, Benson J, Cassedy A, Hollenbeck J, Kirkpatrick G, Clarke T, Baden DG. 2009. Exposure and Effect Assessment of Aerosolized Red Tide Toxins (Brevetoxins) and Asthma, Environ Health Perspect 117:1095–1100.
Hoagland P, Jin D, Polansky L, Kirkpatrick B, Kirkpatrick G, Fleming L, Reich A, Watkins S, Ullmann S, Backer L. 2009. The Costs of Respiratory Illnesses Arising from Florida Gulf Coast Karenia brevis Blooms, Environmental Health Perspectives, 117:1239-1243. Backer LC. 2009. Impacts of Florida red tides on coastal communities. Harmful Algae 8:618-622.
Kite-Powell HL, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Faustman E, Hoagland P, Tsuchiya A, Younglove L, Wilcox BA, Gast R. Linking the oceans to public health: Where is the "human health" in "oceans and human health?" Mini-Monograph: Research in Oceans and Human Health. Environmental Health. 2008, 7 (Suppl 2):S6. (PMC 2586713)
Moore SK, Trainer VL, Mantau NJ, Parker MS, Laws EA, Backer LC, Fleming LE. Center for Oceans and Human Health: Climate variability, climate change and harmful algal blooms. Mini-Monograph: Research in Oceans and Human Health. Environmental Health. 2008, 7 (Suppl 2):S4. (PMC 2586717).
Kirkpatrick B, Currier R, Nierenberg K, Reich A, Backer LC, Stumpf R, Fleming L, Kirkpatrick G. Florida red tide and human health: a pilot beach conditions reporting system to minimize human exposure. 2008 Science of the Total Environ. 402:1-8.
Backer LC, Carmichael W, Kirkpatrick B, Williams C, Irvin M, Zhou Y, Johnson TB, Nierenberg K, Hill VR, Kieszak SM, Cheng Y-S. Recreational exposure to microcystins during a Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in a small lake. In Mayer AMS (ed). Marine Drugs 2008, 6(2):389-406.
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