Training of Cruise Ship Supervisory Employees

What type of training courses does VSP offer?

We offer a 2.5-day training course to teach cruise ship supervisors the public health practices specified in the current VSP Operations Manual[PDF - 4.88 MB]. During the course, attendees have the opportunity to ask specific questions about our requirements and how they relate to their work.

What do cruise ship personnel learn during the course?

Training is based on public health practices specified in the current VSP Operations Manual[PDF - 4.88 MB]. These practices include the following:

  • GI illness surveillance and outbreak investigations.
  • Causes and prevention of foodborne illnesses.
  • Equipment and facilities for food and other areas.
  • Food protection.
  • What hazard analysis critical control points are and how to apply them.
  • General environmental health maintenance for child activity centers and ventilation systems.
  • Potable water protection and handling.
  • Maintenance of recreational water facilities.
  • Integrated pest management.
  • Housekeeping and infection control.
  • Waterborne illnesses (both potable and recreational).
  • Cross-connection controls.

Where can I find more information?

The training sessions schedule is posted on VSP Training.

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