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Healthy People 2000 Progress Review

Family Planning

Date: March 3, 1999
Time: 2-4:30 p.m.

This will not be a live broadcast. This web page displays the data and graphs that will be used at the progress review. A summary of the discussion will be presented in the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion's (ODPHP) Progress Report on this Healthy People priority area. A link to ODPHP's Web site is listed below.

Dr. David Satcher, Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General, will be joined by a panel of experts representing the public and private health sectors. Dr. Edward Sondik, Director of the National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, and Dr. Denese Shervington, Director of the Office of Population Affairs, will review the progress towards the targets for the objectives in Family Planning priority area of Healthy People 2000. The participants will then engage in a discussion that focuses on three main topics.

  • Assure a healthy start for every child;
  • Promote personal responsibility for healthy lifestyles and behaviors; and
  • Eliminate racial disparities in health status, health care access, and quality.

Briefing Book Materials

Objective Charts (black and white) [PDF - 530 KB]

1fps.gif (18573 bytes) 2fps.gif (15463 bytes) 3fps.gif (18409 bytes)

4fps.gif (19279 bytes) 5fps.gif (15348 bytes) 6fps.gif (23392 bytes)

Room Charts (black and white) [PDF - 16 KB]

FPvChart1.GIF (19611 bytes) FPvChart2.GIF (19105 bytes)

Data Section
