National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

SAS Viewer

Why is data released in SAS transport files?

SAS software is not required to view or use NHANES data. NHANES practice is to release data as SAS transport files, which can be read directly by a number of applications. However, for any application that cannot read transports directly, SAS offers a free data viewer. Datasets can be opened with the SAS viewer and saved as a CSV file that can be opened by other software applications.

What is the free SAS Viewer?

The SAS Universal Viewer is a freely distributed application for viewing and printing files that were created by SAS. The Viewer provides a quick and convenient way to view SAS datasets, catalogs, transports, JMP files, HTML files, and all text-based files without invoking SAS, or even having SAS installed on your computer.

How do I get the free SAS Viewer?

Exit the NHANES Website and download the free SAS viewer.

For guidance on performing common operations, such as filtering data , saving, and copying and pasting to other applications, with the SAS Universal Viewer please see the Performing Common Tasks with SAS Universal Viewerin the SAS Universal Viewer Documentation.

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