Technical and Software Requirements
How to Obtain SAS and SUDAAN
Many tutorial modules include sample code. You must have a software license to run SAS and/or SUDAAN on your personal computer. If you do not wish to run the code in the tutorial on your own, you may view the demonstration of the code provided in the tutorial, instead. Program code used in this tutorial follows procedures available in SAS 9.1 or SAS 8.0 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) and SUDAAN 9.0 or SUDAAN 8.0 (Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC).
The all of the programming examples in this tutorial are provided using SAS and SAS-callable SUDAAN code. The sample datasets provided are SAS datasets for Windows. If you are using a Macintosh or Unix computer, you should download the SAS data files, which are in SAS transport format (.XPT), from the NHANES website. These files can be extracted and used on Windows, Macintosh, or Unix computers.
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- National Center for Health Statistics
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